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Specifications snake reproduction justification + purchase price

The purpose of implementing the snake breeding justification plan is to set up a snake breeding farm with a capacity of 80 snake rings per year. Meters of land and considered a mortgage person. Snake reproduction plan You might think that snakes are the scariest creatures in the world and should always be avoided; Yes, this is because some of them are highly toxic and can cause death if bitten. However, snakes have important benefits, especially in the field of medicine and pharmacy, which has made people more eager to work in this field. Familiar with venomous and non venomous snakes In the following, we tried to publish a post based on the rationale plan for snake breeding; Deliver useful information to specific animal breeders; We hope the information in this project will help pave the way for start-ups and step-ups. Snake identification These creatures are cold-blooded reptiles whose bodies are covered with scales. In fact, snakes are long, bodyless vertebrates that are usually cylindrical in shape capable of expanding and flexing. There are more than 3,000 known species of snakes in the world, distributed in most parts of the world except the cold polar regions. One of the most important characteristics of a snake is the production of venom or venom, which is divided into three categories based on the presence or absence of this characteristic: venomous snake, semi-venomous snake and non-venomous snake. The venomous teeth of venomous snakes are larger than other teeth and their bite is highly recognizable, while in non -venomous snakes the fangs are parallel to other teeth. The pupil of a venomous snake is elliptical (vertical) and round to non-venomous. The body skin of venomous snakes is mottled and colorful, while venomous snakes usually have simple skin. Venomous snakes have a triangular head with a short and thick tail, while non-venomous snakes have a round head and a tail that is narrow from the middle to the tip of the body. The most venomous snake in the world The movement of venomous snakes is straight, spiral and fast in non-venomous snakes. Semi-venomous snakes have all the characteristics of non-venomous snakes, except that their tails are slightly shorter and thicker. Snakes are also divided into categories based on the type of environment in which they live, including sea and land terrestrial snakes. Sea snakes live in the waters of seas and rivers and their lives depend on wet and humid environments; But land snakes are often found in plains, deserts, mountains, over bushes, in trees, rocks and in holes. Snakes are active in spring and summer, and go into hibernation in winter, especially in temperate regions, due to body cold. Another, one of the factors that helps keep snakes alive is the peeling process. It promotes the growth, health and vitality of snakes and prolongs the life of snakes. The average lifespan of snakes is estimated to be between 12 and 40 years. Reproduction in snakes, which occurs in the summer, often lays eggs.

Familiar with venomous and non venomous snakes

A - Venomous snakes: The most important venomous snakes are:

  •  parsley snake
  • Horned snake
  • Cobra rattlesnake snake
  • Types of snakeheads Alborzi, Taabi, Damavandi, Zanjani, Khuzestani, Caucasian, Urumia-e and Khoi with horns.
  • Types of sea snakes Cortis, Graclis, Cyanosynctosis, Ornatus, Spiralis.

Python breeding Snakes, cockroaches and snake bites are also members of the venomous snake family. B- Non-venomous snakes: From this group of snakes, the following can be mentioned: Fire snake Diamond snake Leopard snake Full of snakes Dwarf snake Son of a serpent Arab snake blind Ordinary blind snake

The most venomous snake in the world

The most venomous snake identified is the Australian-born terrestrial snake, which is one of the strongest venomous. The amount of venom in one bite is said to be able to kill 400 people. Snake reproduction training In the process of breeding and maintaining snakes, conditions similar to nature must be provided for them to continue to grow so that they can be venomous; Conditions such as humidity, temperature, ventilation, proper feed and other factors. The cost of marshmallow breeding Snakes are carnivorous organisms whose main food is rats. Rats bred for such purposes can be used to prepare it. It is said that eating a live rat can keep a snake full for up to 21 days. Snakes also need adequate clean water, where a water container should be placed. The environment in which snakes are kept should be clean and free of dirt.

Python breeding

Many people enjoy having snakes at home for a variety of reasons, including hobbies, interests, etc., and keep and care for them as pets. One of the most common snakes used for this purpose are the snakes that pose the least danger to housewives, Like all kinds of pythons. These snakes have a wide variety of animals, but not all of them are harmless, the most commonly used in the care of pets: Burmese, trees, nets, balls, and pythons. Carpet. Snake Breeding Center The venom extracted from snakes is used in the cryogenic and vaccine industries. Poison is one of the most expensive liquids in the world, so each gram is worth about 3 million tomans or the equivalent of tens of barrels of oil. For this reason, centers around the world have established centers for the breeding and maintenance of this profitable animal. European countries are the leaders in this industry in the world. They have established a snake breeding and processing center for recovered venom in the pharmaceutical industry to treat a wide range of diseases including hypertension, heart disease, prevention of bleeding during surgery, and treatment of various cancers. why can snake venom be so beneficial To use. For example, a snake farm operates alongside a pharmaceutical company in Hamburg, Germany, where more than 200 snakes are bred. Snake breeding in Iran Given the unique nature of snake venom in the pharmaceutical industry and also because of the penalties inflicting on the country, it seems that the development of this industry is one of the country’s needs in the medical sector, although there are measures that produced in this field for several years. Our country has acquired a combination of snake venom that prevents the growth of cancer cells by up to 20%; However, due to the climatic situation of Iran and the presence of snakes such as cobras and parsley, there is the capacity and potential to make broader plans in this field to watch the development in the field of pharmacy and export. Its products elsewhere. of the world and busy with many people in this context. The Razi Institute is one of the centers in the country that breeds and maintains snakes by providing a natural breeding farm; It is said that when a snake is caught, the nature of its venom changes. In connection with this, they create the conditions in such a way that their breeding environment is completely natural. Also, one of the main programs of this institution is to use venom produced by farmed snakes to treat wildlife diseases and to produce vaccines against these diseases by creating an environment for reproduction and reproduction. Apart from snake venom, which is the main reason for its reproduction, snakeskin is also used in making all kinds of bags, shoes, etc. Snake breeding problems

The cost of marshmallow breeding

Setting up a snake farm requires costs to be fixed in both fixed and variable parts. The most important costs invested in the fixed sector include the cost of construction of buildings, facilities and machinery, and current costs include raw materials, salaries and other items. People who want to enter the radar industry can meet part of their capital needs through facilities provided by banks to breeders if they have a breeding license. Concluding remarks As mentioned, snake venom is one of the most important liquids sold in the world market at very high prices. This industry is currently developing and unsaturated and has high potential for investment, focused on which can bring lucrative benefits such as currency exchange, economic development, job creation, etc for the country. Breeding snakes How to maintain, required capital, problems, licenses etc... The snake or in English pronunciation as Snake is a type of reptile that eats only meat and It has a very long body, long and without legs. The skin of a snake is made up of many scales and its body has very high flexibility. Various high-profit product lines Snakes are made up of many different species, most of which are venomous and dangerous. Of course, it is better to mention that in most snake breeds, there is a skull on their head to prey on. Hunt bigger with the help of your jaws. Snake breeding has become one of the professions that attracts many people today Many of these people are not even aware of the problems and obstacles they face in this way. Invest in a snake breeding business without a plan. But the only purpose of breeding venomous snakes is to get their venom, it is to sell snake venom in the market. It has a very high price and that is why many people are tempted to tread this path.

why can snake venom be so beneficial

First of all, it should be noted that there are different types of snakes that do not have venom and give their prey to They hunt live. But in some of these species, venomous snakes use their venom to kill their prey. They swallow it easier. Snake venom for medical use But the use of snake venom is very useful in medical applications, such as: treatment of various cancers, vaccines and serum Snake venom is an oil that is yellow or white in color and both clear and opaque. Snake venom contains 26 types of enzymes that help treat many diseases. Snake venom contains 90 to 92% protein after drying. The same protein found in snake venom quickly clots in the blood and is therefore broken down. Bleeding People injured for various reasons or bleeding during surgery are used. Snake types such as: cobra, parsley, snakes and horned snakes are among the most dangerous venomous snakes. And it is deadly to the whole world that the poison is so important and valuable. Each gram of snake venom costs 60 barrels of oil.

Snake breeding problems

For the snake breeding business, it is best to know the relevant organization and the Department of Environmental Protection You need to have a lot of running to get a running license. Because the snake is one of the most dangerous animals and it cannot be licensed to anyone. Having a large farm caring for and breeding snakes, usually snakes when laying eggs of many babies It gave birth to many. Even with subsequent deliveries of each snake, the number of its offspring is higher and possible It can even reach 80 babies. Snake breeding farm in Iran For this reason, the field to be considered should be larger than the snakes in the open. And easier to grow. Having very safeguards to maintain the space of snakes is one of the most important things in snake breeding because Because snakes are creepy, they can easily find their way out and become dangerous to others. Also, for snake venom, the conditions must be completely sensitive and hygienic, and it must be well -equipped laboratory With the help of two or more technicians, poisoning with snakes can be done in a completely principled manner. After snake venom, it is time to dry the snake venom, which must be used according to special conditions and principles. Done from private devices. For more complete information, you can start this business by using the snake breeding justification plan.

Various high-profit product lines

Snake breeding is one of those professions that at first glance you are much tempted, and you think You can earn huge profits by selling snake venom. But in reality, this is not the case because each job has its own difficulty but in raising your snake You will also face many dangers and if security and protection issues when bitten by a snake Do not observe. You may see irreparable damage to yourself But at what price to earn high profits Are you one of those people who does everything to make money and take risks?! It’s a good idea to do a little research about the way you invest. Getting information about the types of production lines will help you easily make decisions and choose the best production line for you. Introducing our Snake Venom Company Snake Venom Company is a very professional and large group in the field of providing profitable and profitable production lines. With the help of its free advice, it helps you achieve very high income in a short period of time. Our Company’s profitable product lines are quite diverse, depending on your investment and interest. It helps you choose the most suitable and start your own business.

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Comments (31 Comments)


The snakes that offer the least threat to housewives, such as all types of pythons, are among the most commonly utilized for this purpose.



Kimia davodi

Your product is a very special and strange product and it can definitely be used in different places




You can purchase this high-quality product using the numbers on the site




Hello good day.They use the venom of some snakes to prepare some medicines




Hello good day.I think Even with further snake deliveries, the quantity of its progeny is larger and still conceivable.




I have been in love with snakes since I was a child, and I did not know that there was a company that breeds snakes, so I became interested in entering this snake breeding industry.




You wrote an interesting article about snakes, my general information went up, thank you



hosein soltani

Hello good morning
Venomous snakebite and its effects are a source of fear for people living in southern Nepal. As a result, people have developed a negative attitude towards snakes, which can lead to human-snake conflicts that result in killing of snakes. Attempting to kill snakes increases the risk of snakebite, and actual killing of snakes contributes to loss of biodiversity.




These snakes are very difficult to breed and should be done by skilled people




Hello, venom is extracted from the products produced on the export site. It is used in traditional medicine to get snake antidote




There is an expression which says: " people are afraid of unknown things"; it`s totally true. If people knew the value of snakes they would invest more.




Snake venom has medicinal properties. And it is effective and healing for the treatment of many incurable diseases. It is also used as an antidote in serum production.



Mason Edwards

I think Even with further snake deliveries, the quantity of its progeny is larger and still conceivable.




There are different types of snakes, the poisonous ones are much more than the harmless ones




promote biodiversity conservation and increase species of colubrid snakes, including the common human health in the local tissue to venom for a longer duration and increase the local




anti-snake venom reduces morbidity andchildren getting bitten by copperheads and other venomous snakes has more than doubled in recent year mortality. Although in the last few years production of antivenom has



Reza javadi

Many people in all parts of the world are very afraid of snakes and they are really scary because some snakes have a very small part, but at the same time, with their poison, they can easily kill tens of people.




Breeding poisonous snakes is exhausting and very difficult, but it has a good result and several patients can be saved from disease problems.




implementing snake venom reduces morbidity and mortality. Although in the last few years production of anti-venom has
the snake breeding justification plan is to set up a snake breeding farm with a capacity of snake rings per year




Snake venom is used to treat many diseases




Because snake bites can be useful in the pharmaceutical industry, there are many companies that breed poisonous snakes.




Poisonous snakes are cultivated in many places because they produce good medicines



Mehrdad ghasemi

They use the venom of some snakes to prepare some medicines




The poisonous snake has many benefits. The snake is a dangerous poisonous creature and its bite is fatal




Snake venom is used to produce vaccines and medicines




A snake is a dangerous creature that is crawling and its bite is deadly and poisonous




implementing the snake breeding justification plan is to set up a snake and timely use of anti-snake venom reduces morbidity and mortality. Although in the last few years production




The most terrifying animal in my opinion is the snake




A snake is a deadly animal with a poisonous bite, from which medicines are produced to treat various disease



Mohammad Navid Arabi

Knowing that some people use snakes as pets is both scary and interesting




Poisonous snakes are very scary and we should avoid them and take care of our children



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