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What Is snake breeding + Purchase Price of snake breeding

Snake venom has many therapeutic uses Ingredients of snake venom Do you know what snake venom compounds are and how it works!? What is snake's poison? Cytotoxins Snake Snakes play an important role in any ecosystem. They maintain control of rat populations, including house rats and farm rats. As the population of snakes decreases, the number of rats increases. Many other animals that eat snakes also damage agricultural crops, including birds, frogs, and insects such as worms and spiders. Some snake species also feed on other snake species. Even in some cases, venomous snakes eat non-venomous snakes. Some types of snakes have a protein in their blood that protects them from the venom of cobras. advancement of science Snakes help scientists and researchers have a better understanding of the world around us. Snakes are used in a lot of medical research. For example, the bite of a snake is often used to treat the bite of the same snake. The process of extracting venom from the snake is called “milking”. Snakes must be milked frequently to get enough venom to make an effective snake remedy In addition, according to researchers, snake venom plays an important role in making tools to stop bleeding. Depending on the species of snake, the ingredients in snake venom include coagulants that help clot blood and other substances that prevent blood platelets from clogging the wound. Snake venom has many therapeutic uses Science has helped develop treatments for diseases such as hemophilia, a disease that causes wounds to not heal properly. Snake But snake venom is not the only part of this animal used in medicine. Despite their many differences, snake skin and human skin have similar permeability. For this reason, if scientists want to conduct research related to human skin, for example, the rate of drug absorption through the skin or the possibility of skin grafts, they can use snakeskin. instead of human skin. For this purpose, skins that have been shed by snakes are used, which are better than human skin samples in every way, because they are cheaper and less dangerous to obtain, and easier to obtain. it will store and maintain. Snakes also help advance the science of robotics, the science by which robots are designed and built. Snakes do not have legs, but they do not need them to move their bodies. While crawling, these animals twist their bodies in such a way that they can move straight without constantly moving from side to side. By studying the spiral motion of snakes, scientists have succeeded in simulating it in a robot. They have built a snake -like robot that can move straight without using its legs. This feature allows the robot to penetrate tight and small areas, such as snakes inserted into small holes. Such robots can be used to search and rescue people during natural disasters. In addition to easily entering small spaces that are narrower than a human can enter, those robots have no legs stuck in where or what, and therefore they can easily move on difficult or uneven paths. Such robots can also be used on vertical surfaces, and they can reach higher heights. Ingredients of snake venom

Snake venom has many therapeutic uses

The snake is one of the most useful animals in this world for making various medicines, serums, and vaccines, and it is interesting that these medicines are prepared from the saliva of snakes. However, an estimated 5 million snake bites occur worldwide each year, responsible for 125,000 deaths annually. Snake bites are especially common in tropical areas and areas that are agricultural centers, because in these areas a large number of snakes are among humans. But they just aren’t dangerous for humans, because some of the non-venomous snakes kill themselves by wrapping around the animal’s chest and applying pressure and shrinking and destroying the animal’s chest, preventing the animal from breathing or causing cardiac arrest. Do you know what snake venom compounds are and how it works!?

Ingredients of snake venom

bringIn fact, snake venom is a modified form of snake saliva, produced by modified salivary glands for this purpose, and injected into the living body through the hollow teeth in front of the snake’s mouth. The researchers also succeeded in developing a telerobotic system to perform throat surgery by modeling the spinal movements of snakes, with great flexibility. Snakes There are many chemicals in snake venom, each of which is harmful to a part of the living body: Snake venom is a slippery liquid, depending on the type of snake, it is white to bright yellow, clear or cloudy and slightly acidic. Snake venom is a mixture of complex protein components with toxic and enzymatic properties and non-protein components such as lipids, carbohydrates, various metals and semi-metal salts, riboflavin. and water. Poison is a substance rich in enzymes. What is poison? There are approximately 26 types of enzymes in snake venom. Approximately 90 to 92% of the dry weight of the toxin consists of protein components, some affecting the nervous system, some altering the permeability of the cell membrane, and some causing the breakdown of cells. muscle fibers. In other words, these chemicals are divided into 4 categories. Cell toxins that cause damage to local tissue at the bite site. Blood toxins that cause internal bleeding. Neurotoxins that affect the nervous system and cardiac toxins that directly affect the heart. A snake bite can cause a small and simple piercing wound in a deadly disease. It should always be kept in mind that the first symptoms after a bite can be deceptive, and sometimes the victim suddenly goes into shock and breathing problems while there are no significant first symptoms. Cytotoxins   Scientists have discovered that using the venom of a deadly snake can save the lives of thousands of patients. Taipan snake venom contains a miraculous protein that instantly coagulates blood. This protein, called Riks factor, can be used to stop bleeding during heart surgery and surgery in those injured in accidents. This protein is probably the strongest blood coagulation factor discovered to date. A very deadly snake venom can be effective in treating cardiac arrest due to muscle weakness. According to researchers in Australia, tapian snake venom is effective in preventing cardiac arrest in laboratory rabbits, and it is expected that its effect will be investigated in humans in the coming years. In general, there are two different ways to distinguish “venomous” snake from a “non -venomous” snake. The first method is to determine the size and type of movement of the snakes. Venomous snakes have short and thick tails and slow movements (with expansion and contraction). As non-venomous snakes become narrower from the middle diameter of the body to the tip of the tail, and their movement is both straight and spiral. But the second way to diagnose snake bites is from their tooth marks. Neurotoxins Because of the difference in shape and position of the teeth in venomous and non -venomous snakes, it is possible to determine whether the bite is venomous or non -venomous. Seyyid Mouzenzadeh, who has spent 27 years of his life on snakes, hunting and keeping them, referring to the types of snake venom, said: Snake venoms can be divided into two general categories: Blood flow is disrupted by toxins: These types of toxins damage the blood, arteries, and other tissues of the body. One of the most obvious symptoms of this type of poison is the lack of blood coagulation and nerve poisons, which unlike the first type of nerve poisons, have a paralyzing effect on the muscular system, respiratory system, and heart. Topic: snake, snake breeding, making snake venom, price of snake venom, price of snake venom, breeding of venomous snake, venomous snake, sale of information plan for snake poisoning, snake poisoning method, snake poisoning, snake poisoning, snake venom snake, snake venom value, snake types, snake venom price, black snake, rattlesnake, parsley snake, cobra snake, snakehead, snake | Tags: snake, venomous snake, snake breeding, price of venomous snake. venomous snake  

Do you know what snake venom compounds are and how it works!?

Snakes carefully use their venom, which is injected into their bodies to disable their prey or defend themselves against predators. Snake venom can cause paralysis, internal bleeding and even death by destroying and disintegrating the living cells and tissues of the victim’s body. For snake venom to work, it must be injected into certain tissues or enter the bloodstream. While snake venom is highly toxic and deadly, researchers use its compounds to develop drugs to treat human diseases.

What is poison?

Snake venom is a liquid secretion produced by the special salivary glands of venomous snakes. Snakes use this venom to incapacitate their prey and aid in the digestive process. The main composition of snake venom consists of protein. Also, this toxic substance contains enzymes that speed up chemical reactions that in turn break chemical bonds between large molecules. These enzymes are effective in digesting carbohydrates, proteins, phospholipids, and nucleotides of the victim’s body. Toxic enzymes are also very powerful in lowering blood pressure, destroying red blood cells, and inhibiting muscle control. Another component of snake venom is polypeptide venom. Polypeptides are chains of amino acids composed of 50 or fewer amino acids. Polypeptides disrupt the function of cells, leading to cell death. Some of the venom compounds found in venom are found in all venomous snakes, while other compounds are found only in venom. There are some snakes. 3 main types of venom in snakes: cytotoxins, neurotoxins and hemotoxins: Although snake venom is made of a complex combination of poisons, enzymes, and non -toxic compounds, snake venom can generally be classified into three groups: cytotoxins, neurotoxins, and hemotoxins. Other types of snake venom affect certain types of cells, such as cardiotoxin, mycotoxin, and nephrotoxin.


Cytotoxins are toxic substances that destroy body cells. These toxic compounds cause the death of all or part of the cells of a tissue or organ, a process called “tissue death” or “necrosis”. Some tissues may undergo blue necrosis as a result of venom, in which the tissues are completely or partially dissolved. In this way, the cytotoxins actually start the process of digestion and decomposition even before the snake swallows the victim. Cytotoxins often affect specific types of cells. Cardiotoxins are actually cytotoxins that damage heart cells. Myotoxins also target and destroy muscle tissue cells. Nephrotoxins also destroy kidney cells. Many types of venomous snakes have a combination of cytotoxins in their venom, and some can also produce neurotoxins or hemotoxins. By damaging the cell membrane, cytotoxins cause the destruction of cells and accelerate the process of destruction and death of cells. Some other cytotoxins can also cause programmed cell death, called “apoptosis”. Most of the visible tissue damage caused by cytotoxins is in the bite site.


venomous snake Neurotoxins are chemical compounds that are toxic to the nervous system and cause severe damage to the victim’s body by interfering with chemical signals (neurotransmitters) that are exchanged between neurons. These toxic compounds can reduce the production of neurotransmitters or disable the reception centers of important parts of the nervous system. Some other neurotoxins exert their effect on the victim’s nervous system by closing calcium and potassium channels with a voltage gate. These channels are important for the transmission of signals between nerve cells (neurons). Neurotoxins cause muscle paralysis, which can lead to difficulty breathing and eventually death. Snakes of the family Elapidae in particular produce neurotoxin venom. These snakes have small and very sharp fangs and include cobras, mamba, sea snakes, vipers and coral snakes. Examples of snake neurotoxin include:

venomous snake

Calciseptine: This neurotoxin disrupts the transmission of nerve messages by closing calcium channels with voltage. The black mamba uses this type of venom. Cobrotoxin: This poisonous compound is produced by cobra snakes and blocks nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, leading to paralysis of the victim’s body. Calcicludine: Like calciseptin, this neurotoxin also blocks calcium channels with voltage and interferes with the transmission of nerve messages. This type of venom is found in the eastern green mamba.

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Comments (31 Comments)


The snake is a dangerous reptile and has poisonous venom. The venom of this reptile is used in the production of important medicines for the treatment of diseases




The venom of some snakes can easily kill up to 40 people




Scientists have discovered that the chemical used to treat snakebites can also have catastrophic side effects, including death.




This content is so important that I am willing to read many books about it



Mona hajimirzakhani

Many other animals that eat snakes also damage agricultural crops, including birds, frogs, and insects such as worms and spiders.




Snake breeding can be very beneficial for the breeders and they can earn a lot of money in this way




Hello good day.Catching snake venom requires skill and experience




It is a very intelligent reptile that has a very dangerous poison



Parsa hatam

In the medical industry, snake bites are used in some medicines




Snake breeding, possession is an excellent product that comes with the best quality and a very good and reasonable price




I love to eat foods that have chocolate and milk in them and thank you and have a good day




However, an estimated 5 million snake bites occur worldwide each year, responsible for 125,000 deaths annually.However, an estimated 5 million snake bites occur worldwide each year, responsible for 125,000 deaths annually.However, an estimated 5 million snake bites occur worldwide each year, responsible for 125,000 deaths annually.




snake venom is an excellent and high quality product that is made of the best materials and I recommend its use




Your requirements are suitable and interesting for me




Raising a snake is a very difficult and difficult task and should be taken care of




Hello, good time, using the poison of a deadly snake can save the lives of thousands of patients.




Scientists have found that the same poison that causes terrible complications and even death in snakebites can be used as medicine.




Snakes are used in a lot of medical research.

For example, the bite of a snake is often used to treat the bite of the same snakeSnakes are used in a lot of medical research.

For example, the bite of a snake is often used to treat the bite of the same snakeSnakes are used in a lot of medical research.

For example, the bite of a snake is often used to treat the bite of the same snake



reza ghasempour

The venom extracted from snakes is used in the serum and vaccine industry. Zahrmar is considered one of the most expensive liquids in the world, as each gram is worth about 3 million tomans or equivalent to tens of barrels of oil. For this reason, centers have been built all over the world to breed and maintain this profitable animal.




Snakes have valuable benefits, especially in the field of medicine and pharmaceuticals, which has made people more eager to cultivate them .




The snake is one of the most useful animals in this world for making various medicines, serums, and vaccines, and it is interesting that these medicines are prepared from the saliva of snakesThe snake is one of the most useful animals in this world for making various medicines, serums, and vaccines, and it is interesting that these medicines are prepared from the saliva of snakes




Science has helped develop treatments for diseases such as hemophilia, a disease that causes wounds to not heal properly.Cobrotoxin: This poisonous compound is produced by cobra snakes and blocks nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, leading to paralysis of the victim’s body.Blood flow is disrupted by toxins: These types of toxins damage the blood, arteries, and other tissues of the body.




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Hello, the special sales information plan for snake breeding, possession and use of snake venom can be a problem solver for many diseases, especially for cancer, this venom is excellent.




Catching snake venom requires skill and experience




Snakes are used in a lot of medical research.

For example, the bite of a snake is often used to treat the bite of the same snake.

The process of extracting venom from the snake is called “milking”.

Snakes must be milked frequently to get enough venom to make an effective snake remedy




Hi good afternoon.Most of the visible tissue damage caused by cytotoxins is in the bite site.Many types of venomous snakes have a combination of cytotoxins in their venom, and some can also produce neurotoxins or hemotoxins.




One of the heavy jobs that not everyone can do is extracting snake venom from poisonous snakes, and it is valuable because it has medicinal properties.




Snake venom exerts its analgesic effect through central nervous system and peripheral mechanisms




Snake is a dangerous creature and it is very poisonous and it is considered as a reptile



Mahdis alizade

Today, the poison in the body of snakes is used in the preparation of some chemical medicines



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