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Iranian snake venom 2023 Price List

Currently, countries like Germany and France pay 30,000 dollars for every ounce of cobra venom. This issue has closed the eyes of many producers of this product to preserve such a precious life. According to the Shabana Club of Journalists report, sanctions and international issues have left Iran’s poisons in the hands of producers. However, serums containing snake venom made in Europe cost 2 to 2.5 million Tuman in Iran. Iranian Snakes are very delicate but high income? Research conducted by an Iranian young man shows that Latifi’s cobra is one of the most dangerous cobras in the world, found only in Iran, and faces extinction due to reckless hunting.

Iranian Snakes are very delicate but high income?

Most people in desert areas, which are the main habitat of venomous snakes, spend their lives by collecting snake venom and selling it. The high price paid by foreign countries for each gram of snake venom is also an incentive to face the many dangers of this practice. Seyyed Kazem Mouzenzadeh, one of the snake venom producers in the country, who is on the brink of retirement, said of his business: “Since 1954, accepting the risks of this work, I decided to work for a snake production company Venom." He considered the main reason for his presence in this work was the manufacture of anti -cancer drugs from snake venom and added: “When my mother died of cancer, I decided to play a role in the development of anti -cancer drugs. -Cancer." Self-sufficiency in the manufacture of poison This producer told the Kesabkar newspaper: Because of my interest in this work, I set up an exhibition of venomous snakes for the first time despite many problems in the country. Setting up such exhibitions allows people to get more information about this business. Mouzenzadeh also added about the income of this job: the income earned from this job cannot be compared to its risks and only people who have overcome their fear can be successful in this job. The producer of this snake venom states: To get snake venom, you have to go to the lap of nature, because no snake except the python is capable of producing venom in captivity, and the captured snakes return to nature after being seen several times. is in danger of decay and released after a poisoning. He said: Viper venom is the most popular among pharmaceutical companies, but unfortunately, we are not very successful in producing this type of venom in the country. Snake venom as medicine

Self-sufficiency in the manufacture of poison

Ali Pourazin, a Ph.D. toxicology student at Shahid Beheshti University, by conducting a research conducted for the first time in the country, considered the condition of Latif viper, who is native to Iran, as critical and said: Every gram of snake venom is equivalent to 2 to 2.5 million toman for the preparation of antiserum. Many snake venom producers in the country believe that each gram of venom costs 60 barrels of oil, and we are forced to import it from Brazil due to the lack of this substance. Pourazin considers self-sufficiency in the manufacture of snake venom as the main reason for his research and he said: Because of self-sufficiency in this sector, I started working on the venom of one of the most dangerous snakes in the world, which named Latifi Viper. He spoke about the results obtained in this research: the high quality of the venom of this snake and its rich protein were the main results of this research, and in later stages, steps were taken to isolate such factors and proteins. Snake venom as medicine The danger of destruction of the Latifi snake Pourazin added: the lack of economic appreciation and indiscriminate hunting, found only in Iran, has caused this snake to be placed on the IUCN red list (at risk of extinction). The wildlife expert said about the actions of the government sector to preserve this species and its self -sufficiency in producing the poison: the Environmental Protection Organization is in charge of re -protecting this species, but in quality evaluation and making steps towards self-sufficiency of this product, only Shahid Beheshti University and Mozhgan Bandapour University And Nariman Mosfa, one of the faculty members of this university, helped me.

Snake venom as medicine

On a farm in Germany, snakes were bred for the medicinal use of their venom. People are often afraid of snakes, and in many cultures incredible legends are told about snakes, but the medical use and extraction of medicine from snake venom in an industrial way in the past year is a new story. Snake farm in Germany

Snake venom as medicine

On a farm in Germany, snakes were bred for the medicinal use of their venom. People are often afraid of snakes, and in many cultures incredible legends are told about snakes, but the medical use and extraction of medicine from snake venom in an industrial way in the past year is a new story. Despite the many types of snakes in the world, only 20% of snakes are venomous, often identified by signs such as a thin tail and having two sharp hollow teeth with a hole at the beginning, and the rest more snakes. is not toxic. Also, of the 20% of these venomous snakes, only 75% of them are capable of destroying humans with their venom. In the 1960s, while examining and treating patients in Malaysia, a doctor noticed that people who were bitten by special rattlesnakes that lived in these areas, their blood was thinner than that of normal people, and in case of injury, their blood hardly clots... Twenty years after this observation, doctors tried to use snake venom to treat heart diseases, including to prevent heart attacks. A study on the healing effects of poisons But laboratory researches in this field did not give the desired result and the recovered drugs were not officially approved for use. Today, a pharmaceutical company in Germany has made a new attempt and is engaged in the conservation and reproduction of venomous snakes on a special farm.

Snake farm in Germany

Rolf Kruits manages the snake farm. More than 200 venomous snakes are kept on this farm. This farm is owned by the pharmaceutical company Nordmark near Hamburg. Most venomous snakes are rattlesnakes from Malaysia. The length of these types of snakes ranges from 50 to 70 centimeters and their skin is black and brown in color. The main food of snakes is rats. The live rat was eating the snake for 21 days. Snakes are placed separately in large plastic boxes. These days, snakes curl up in their box with strange peace, but approaching these snakes can have horrible consequences. Kravets said of the effects of snake venom on the human body: “When this venom enters the human body, it destroys tissues and damages arteries, which in some cases leads to loss or paralysis of the bitten foot. "People who have been bitten by a snake for many years suffer from various complications. venomous snake

A study on the healing effects of poisons

In this pharmaceutical company, experts believe that snake venom also has a healing effect. In particular, it can be used as a primary drug in brain and heart attacks. In such attacks, where we are faced with blockage of arteries and blood clots, obviously, the blood does not reach the brain and part of the cells are destroyed forever. Exactly in such cases, the poisonous substance extracted from snakes (called Ankrod) should be used. This substance causes rapid blood thinning. Manfred Corforst, who is responsible for the manufacture of biological drugs, said of the effect of this substance: "Blood coagulation can be eliminated in this way. After a stroke, the blood concentration rises, by of the use of this substance it can be re -dissolved, and the diluted blood will be able to wash away the parts where it was impossible for the blood to enter before that. Identify venomous snakes If this effective substance is used up to six hours after a brain attack, we can hope to prevent possible brain damage. This substance was also used in the 80s, but the results are not clear. Currently, the results of two studies are available, one in America, which has been successful, and the other in Europe, which cannot statistically show the effect of this substance everywhere. This effective substance in Europe has not yet received an official license. The pharmaceutical company Nordmark in Germany has the opinion that in their experiments involved patients whose type of disease is very dangerous and these people have a negative impact on the statistical results. Currently, this pharmaceutical company along with its partner in America is trying to organize a trial on 1700 patients. Stomach to prevent the wife from swallowing More than 118 venomous snakes have been brought from Malaysia to Germany so far, and their maintenance does not require many personnel. The appropriate temperature for snakes is 28 degrees and air humidity is 80%. Snake Farm wants to expand its business. In the future, 1500 snakes should be cared for on this farm. Learn the habit of snakes So far, 100 young snakes have been hatched in Germany. Before mating, female snakes are given to rats as food, because in case they go hungry after mating, there is a possibility that the male snake will be swallowed by the female snake. Once every three weeks, the snakes are poisoned. At the snake farm, they use the term “milking snakes”. Milking snakes is one of the most dangerous parts of the work of farm workers According to experts, laboratory research will be completed next year, and Nordmark expects to sell the drug made from snake venom in the United States in 2009. Fasciculin-I (Fasciculin-I): This neurotoxin is also found in eastern green mamba venom, which causes cessation of the acetylcholinesterase enzyme, resulting in loss of control over muscle movement, convulsions, and inability to breathe. Calliotoxin: This deadly compound is produced by blue coral snakes and targets sodium channels. In this way, Kaliotoxin prevents the closure of these channels and causes paralysis of the whole body. Hemotoxins

venomous snake

Hemotoxins are blood toxins that have cytotoxic effects (cell immune response) and interfere with normal blood coagulation. These compounds cause sudden opening of red blood cells, dysfunction of the blood coagulation factor, or tissue death and damage to internal organs. The destruction of red blood cells, the inability of the blood to coagulate naturally will cause severe internal bleeding. The accumulation and increasing number of damaged red blood cells can affect normal kidney function. While some hemotoxins prevent blood clotting, others cause the adhesion of blood platelets or other blood compounds. As a result, blood clots form that block blood vessel and lead to heart failure as a result of a heart attack. Snakes of the “Viperidae” family, including cobras and peat vipers, produce this type of venom.

Identify venomous snakes

The head of the venomous snake is symmetrical, unlike non-venomous snakes, with a semi-elliptical head. Venomous snakes have oval pupils, while the pupils of non-venomous snakes are round. (Except coral snake). Usually, there is a row of scales at the end of the tail of venomous snakes, while in non-venomous snakes, the number of rows of scales is 2 or more. Venomous snakes have fangs in the mouth area, which are actually special teeth. And they are considered a tool for injecting venom into snakes, so the bite area of venomous snakes is marked by two holes at the site of the bite, in non-venomous snakes, the area of bite is defined as two sets of crescents -shaped holes. A special jar is used to prepare snake venom in the Elapieda group, like cobras. The glass cover is closed with a thin rubber sheet (for example, from a motorcycle tube), and it is restrained by a stick or sticks placed behind the neck of the snake. In this way, they take the cobra by the hand and bring its mouth close to the glass, and this time, the snake bites the rubber cap and pours a few drops of poison into the glass. The resulting poison is dried under special conditions in a drying machine or around P2O5 or chlorocalcium in a desiccator under vacuum or without vacuum, which can be kept away from light, moisture, and heat for a long time. The color of the venom is different in different types of snakes. It can be bright white or cloudy or bright yellow or orange to brown. Sometimes the venom secreted from the left and right glands of the snake differs in terms of quantity and quality, and this difference is also observed in male and female snakes of the same species. The amount of male cobra venom is higher than that of female cobra venom, but this ratio does not apply to snakes. In general, according to the amount of venom secretion and its lethality or LD50, the cobra, parsnip, viper, and horned snake are more dangerous than other types of venomous snakes in Iran, respectively. An adult is enough. Preservation of snakes Do you want a snake as your pet? Large. They make great pets, but before you bring your marten home, read this article and pay attention to its tips. Taking care of the snake will be enjoyable when it is compatible with your living conditions. Choose the right snake If you are new to keeping snakes, experts suggest keeping corn snakes, ball pythons, and kingsnakes. Be responsible You need to know how long the snake you choose will live so you can be prepared to keep and live with it. For example, the corn snake lives 5 to 10 years, and the king snake lives between 12 and 15 years, but the ball python can live up to 30 years. So you need to research about the snake you want to choose so that you can estimate whether you are ready to keep your marten for this period or not. Make sure you know the risks With snake caution, the risk of a snake biting you is not high, but you should keep this risk in mind. In addition, snakes, like other reptiles, transmit salmonellosis. Therefore, if you have a child under 5 years old at home, do not keep a snake or teach him to wash his hands after every time he touches a snake. Of course, you should do the same yourself.

Learn the habit of snakes

Snakes are not social creatures and prefer their solitude, so it is better to have only one snake. They don’t like crowds and loud noise. They don’t like to touch their skin, so take care of them as much as possible. At the same time, you should hold him for 5 minutes a day so that he gets used to you and gets used to interacting with people. They love order, so use a regular routine of changing the water, cleaning the tank, and feeding her. Provide a suitable environment for Martan To keep a snake, you must provide a suitable environment for your snake to live and grow. It is not necessary to bring the soil and vegetation of the dense tropical forest into your home, but the temperature and humidity of the environment in which the snake is present should be suitable for him. Know your marten’s needs so you can adjust the humidity and temperature of his terrarium. You can use a heat lamp to heat the terrarium, but heat half of the terrarium so that if your snake needs a cold environment, it can go to the other side of the terrarium. Using hot stones is also nice, but it can damage the snake’s sensitive skin. Cultivation and production of snake venom cytotoxins, neurotoxin and hemotoxin main types of venom in snakes: cytotoxins, neurotoxins and hemotoxins Although snake venom is made of a complex combination of poisons, enzymes, and non -toxic compounds, snake venom can generally be classified into three groups: cytotoxins, neurotoxins, and hemotoxins. Other types of snake venom affect certain types of cells, such as cardiotoxin, myotoxin, and nephrotoxin.

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Comments (36 Comments)

Zohreh mirsofian

Snake venom is a liquid secretion produced by the salivary gland of a poisonous snake




I feel very good about this post because it is very beautiful




Sour lemons that dehydrate them and are used in making and flavoring all kinds of food and sauces




Snake venom is very deadly and the snake can throw this venom up to 1 meter



Hello, good time, snake venom is very useful and has medical properties

Hello, good time, snake venom is very useful and has medical properties




Viper poison is one of the best poisons and has the most fans, but it is very difficult to prepare this poison and it takes a lot of time, and experts are trying to prepare it.




A reptilian snake has a poisonous and deadly poison, and scientists, through research and experiments, produce drugs for the treatment of diseases from this poisonous poison




snake venom is an excellent and quality product that has a very long life and is reasonably priced




Snake venom can be fatal and many diseasesdiseases are treated with snake venom, and this is very interesting




Hi good morning.snake venom is an excellent and quality product that has a very long life and is reasonably priced




The poisonous venom of the snake is taken during changes in it, and medicines are used to treat some disease



Sahar kamali

Due to the fact that snake venom is used to produce many medicines, so these snakes are bred and used in laboratories.



Shima rad

The poison of Iranian snakes, which is used in medicine to slow down the process of cancer, is traded




HelloMany snake venom producers in the country believe that each gram of venom costs 60 barrels of oil, and we are forced to import it from Brazil due to the lack of this substance.




Today, there are many snakes in Iran, and by catching these snakes and taking their venom, they use it to treat various diseases




Iranian snake venom is used to produce all kinds of medicine and disease treatment and produce antidote




Snake venom is a colorless to amber-yellow and sometimes pale brown liquid, which consists of 18-67% protein.



Sara sareie

It seems that trade is profitable and this issue is important for the progress and financial income of Iran




In addition to using snake venom to obtain antivenom, the study of snake venoms and their biological functions has become increasingly important after the discovery of new ways to combat human diseases through them.




There are 3 main types of toxins, each with a specific role or effect that is different from the others, for example neurotoxins are usually found to paralyze the movement of the prey and lower its blood pressure to facilitate its excretion.




Thank you for your good article, your information was excellent and very appropriate




As snake venom causes death, it is also used in medical science for health, and naturally, it has a high price



Reza javadi

In general, snakes are very dangerous, but their venom is very useful and nutritious for the treatment of some serious diseases, and fortunately, Iran has a large amount of poisonous snakes that are useful for pharmaceutical companies.




Identification of effective molecules in the treatment of diseases from various biological sources such as plants and poisonous animals such as snakes has been considered.




Hello.Many snake venom producers in the country believe that each gram of venom costs 60 barrels of oil, and we are forced to import it from Brazil due to the lack of this substance.Cultivation and production of snake venom cytotoxins, neurotoxin and hemotoxin main types of venom in snakes: cytotoxins, neurotoxins and hemotoxins




If you want to have a lucrative job, go for the hardest job, which is nothing but finding snake venom




HelloMost people in desert areas, which are the main habitat of venomous snakes, spend their lives by collecting snake venom and selling it. The high price paid by foreign countries for each gram of snake venom is also an incentive to face the many dangers of this practice.




Snake venom is used to produce antidote




Snake venom is used to neutralize some deadly chemicals




Snake is a dangerous animal with poisonous and deadly venom, from which scientists produce many therapeutic drug




The pharmacological effects of snake venoms are classified into three main types, hemotoxic, neurotoxic, and cytotoxic




Researchers use snake venom in addition to producing antidote for various drugs. For example, the anti-coagulant properties of hetoxin venom are used to produce drugs to treat high blood pressure, blood disorders and heart attacks. And they use neurotoxins to make drugs to treat brain diseases and strokes.




Iranian snake venom is an excellent and widely used product with a long lifespan, high quality, and a good price



Nima chegini

I heard that if a snake bites you, it must be the poison of the same snake to get well, this is true




Snake venom is a poisonous and deadly substance that is used to produce medicines that are used to treat some diseases



Ehsan rajabali

Hello, Iranian snake venom costs 30 thousand dollars per liter today due to its many properties



💰 Tenfold your income 💎