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Introduction of scorpion breedin types + purchase price of the day

Scorpion breeding, scorpion breeding tube, how to breed scorpion, scorpion breeding income, how to breed scorpion at home, how to breed scorpion, breeding methods of scorpion, permission to breed scorpion, video on scorpion breeding, breeding plan for scorpions, training on scorpion breeding. video on scorpion breeding, conditions Scorpion breeding , how to breed scorpion, scorpion breeding class, scorpion breeding farm, scorpion breeding center, scorpion breeding workshop, scorpion breeding course, method of scorpion breeding. Why is scorpion venom important? Often people don’t like scorpions for reasonable reasons. The shape of scorpions is frightening and on the other hand, their sting is poisonous and deadly; Although it can be said, there are always exaggerations about the danger of scorpion stings, because of the thousands of scorpions, only the venom of 25 species of scorpions is capable of killing a person. Amidst the deep -seated hatred of scorpions, it is difficult to prove that scorpions are not entirely evil. The theoretical and experimental achievements of scientists prove that scorpion venom is an effective medicine in the field of medicine and treatment of diseases. For this reason, the manufacture and sale of scorpion venom has become a suitable way to generate wealth and earn money for some people. Scorpion venom contains proteins that can be used to treat diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis. These diseases, plagued by many people, can be cured somehow with these frightening creatures. According to this fact, each gallon of scorpion venom costs 39 million dollars, and therefore scorpion venom is among the most expensive liquids in the world. Where can you enter this field? In all of these interpretations, some people around the world breed scorpions and breed this useful creature. Scorpion venom has a very good global market, and within a few years, its fever has been created on an international level, which is why British scientists have access to some very new and effective drugs from scorpion venom and more drugs will be discovered. and produced daily. Which requires large numbers of scorpions as well as a legal and standardized market. Currently, scorpion venom is often smuggled by wealthy European traders to India and South Africa, and in the process of making new medicines, it is necessary for our dear country Iran and the youth to pay attention to the issue. it and bring a lot of money to the country. Scorpion Venom has a very good and cash market. According to customs documentation, scorpion venom has a revenue of 300-400%.

Why is scorpion venom important?

Scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid in the world. Of course, it must be said that this liquid is not expensive, but very valuable. The reason for the high value of this material is its medical applications, used in the treatment of the most incurable human diseases. Among the important diseases treated and controlled by this important poison are AIDS, cancer, diabetes, joint rheumatism, inflammation of the intestines, MS disease, etc. The first and most important question is why is scorpion venom so important? The scorpion is a creature that is not abundant in the world, so it is a very strategic creature and considered one of the important natural resources. Also, all species of scorpions have no essential venom, and only 25 species of scorpions have a deadly venom, and of these 25 species, only 10 species are used medicinally, and the others are used only to prepare an antidote. Note: The market for the sale of scorpion venom is an endless market that will never reach saturation. Education is not an expense; it is a long -term investment.

Where can you enter this field?

Like any other job, to start a scorpion breeding farm, you need to go through a training course. Therefore, the first step is to practice all the steps in the job. After learning how to work with scorpions, you can determine your breeding number depending on the space you have. Note: To start, you can start this task in a room or a warehouse in your home. Note: The minimum capital required to start work and economic justification is approximately 10 to 20 million, and naturally, the higher the investment, the higher the income. How to make money by raising scorpions? / A killer who saves! How much profit is there in raising a scorpion? We will breed scorpions for poisoning. Scorpion venom is a very important ingredient. It has a lot of customers. Breeding scorpions and venomous snakes is one of the profitable international businesses and can earn and earn good money for breeders. The rearing and reproduction rate of scorpions is 200% in the worst conditions and 300-400% in normal conditions.

The first and most important question is why is scorpion venom so important?

In traditional Iranian medicine books written by doctors like Mulla Sadra, Abu Ali Sina, etc., many characteristics of scorpion venom and scorpion itself are mentioned. For years, foreign scientists and even Iranian researchers have been researching and studying scorpion venom poisons and proteins. To date, many countries have achieved significant success in this field and have produced and distributed very widely used and effective drugs using scorpion venom, unfortunately, our country is not in the market for the sale of scorpion venom. and in the manufacture and processing of drugs related to scorpion venom. It has developed very slowly and has not yet taken a proper position in this field. Scorpion venom contains proteins that can be used to treat diseases including controlling benign and malignant cancers, type 1 and 2 diabetes, treating and controlling AIDS, rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis. . (MS) to use. Due to the medicinal properties of scorpion venom in the treatment of these diseases that afflict many people, as well as the low and rare nature of its venom, it has a very high price. Does the scorpion itself have any other purpose? Scorpio's body is full of healing. From its tail, called the “telson” to the tip of its claws, all parts of it are very useful and beneficial for humans. Dried scorpion powder as well as scorpion oil are highly emphasized in traditional medicine. Our beloved country, Iran, has a very suitable climate and has some of the most important scorpion species in the world. For this reason, Iran has very high potential in producing scorpion venom, the scorpion itself and its products, and all young people should pay attention to this unique potential and take steps to develop it is important. How do you gain expertise in breeding and poisoning scorpions? One of the easiest ways to gain skills in the field of scorpion breeding is to participate in training courses held. Because joining these courses will help greatly in increasing learning. recognizing scorpions and removing your fear. One of the other benefits of participating in training courses is to get to know other people who have taken the same path and get to know their opinions and information in this field, which is as valuable as all the material taught. To get into the scorpion breeding business, you must attend a training course and get a degree. And just reading information in books and the internet is not enough for this. What are the educational topics in the scorpion breeding course? Knowing the strategic species of scorpion - Geographical distribution - The most important species for breeding - How to breed and reproduce - How to feed correctly in breeding - Stages of moulting and growth - Environmental conditions - Care and maintenance of the farm - Knowing the pathogens - Production rate Toxins - marketing methods and marketing in Iran and the world - market demand situation - applications of liquid and dry poisons - methods and poisoning time - stages of building a farm in Iran and... . Do we need a valid certificate to start a scorpion breeding farm? To start doing so, it is necessary to have a valid document, and at all stages of obtaining a license from the relevant organizations, they will ask you for these documents. Therefore, to work legally in this field, you will need a valid degree. Where can I take scorpion breeding courses and get a valid certificate? Currently, due to various reasons such as: lack of teaching, laboratory facilities, specialist professors, etc., these courses are not held nationwide. For this reason, we tried in the Iranaghrab collection to organize different courses in several Iranian cities. Among the cities where the scorpion breeding course was held Shiraz as the cradle of scorpion breeding education and Tehran for easy access for loved ones from all over the country. Remember that the quality of education, professors, theoretical and practical subjects will play a very effective role in your study and entry into this field. Our group is the first and most reliable organizer nationwide of scorpion breeding classes in Iran, which will issue valid Iranian and foreign certificates to participants at the end of the course, which is beneficial both for in issuing activity licenses and legal procedures in the country as well as for marketing and Sales and verification of international presence is approved. The scorpion breeding course is held in a special way and all laboratory facilities for practical poisoning training are provided for the participants in these courses. - Participation in the scorpion breeding training course does not require any requirements or special educational qualifications. All content from 0 to 100 will be taught in theory and practice. - The training course on scorpion breeding and scorpion poisoning is suitable for all people over 18 years of age. - Many buy scorpion venom in Iran and abroad, and our company will buy it as a guarantee. At the end of the course, those who pass the exam will be given a scorpion breeding license. The most expensive liquid in the world is scorpion venom, the price of one gram of dry venom is equivalent to 80 million Tomans, as stated in theoretical discussions (with 150 thousand scorpion venom, at least 20-25 grams of dry venom can be produced per year, equivalent to 2 billion Tomans This is despite the fact that depending on the method of envenoming and type of scorpion, the quantity and quality of venom is different, according to the report, to the common Iranian type in the country, on average, each scorpion sample contains 100 mg to 2 mg of venom by this method. Electroshock, which means to prepare one gram of dry venom from different species, is obtained from approximately 500 samples to 100 thousand samples of scorpions are required), according to this issue, the reproduction rate of scorpions is more than one hundred percent (400%). Therefore, it is very economical for growers. Scorpion venom contains proteins that are used to treat many diseases, such as: joint rheumatism, inflammation of the intestine, multiple sclerosis (MS), cancer, etc. in another country. that there is a very profitable market. Dried scorpion, scorpion powder and flour can be used in pharmaceutical and health companies, perfumes, and traditional medicine within the country. Some of the benefits of the scorpion are as follows: Applying its oil to cure paralysis, lameness, anxiety, in the joints / Eating its roast for old cough caused by cold / Eating it burnt with spices to dissolve kidney and bladder stones, remove colic/Anointing Its oil is used to remove hemorrhoids. to strengthen the wound/half its life and rubbed on the scorpion bite to absorb its venom/eat its roast to get rid of it its poison/and ... Iran has the best scorpion according to its climate. (In terms of having value), has given place to itself. which could create a good market for Iran. The plan we will give you here will show you how to raise scorpions, dear friends, and you can start this profitable work with enough information, perseverance and of course the grace of God Almighty, remember that to start any business Experience is required, so by maintaining a number of scorpions and observing the life cycle of this extraordinary creature, you can gain experience and prepare yourself to start working on a larger scale..

How to make money by raising scorpions? / A killer who saves!

These days, many knowledge -based companies and innovative academies are helping to save human life by breeding scorpions while earning good profits. Department of Dashjo News Agency University, Mahdieh Hosseini Nesab; The scorpion is a small and dangerous -looking insect, and when the name of this scorpion is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is its dangerousness and toxicity. But the inhabitants of dry deserts and mountains, apart from this dangerous appearance, have many benefits for nature and our people. These creatures have barbed claws, which are actually part of their mouth, and they are able to spray a dangerous poison from the back of their body towards the attackers; But this dangerous poison, while it can be deadly and cause the death of one of us, it can also be a savior of people, and accordingly, in recent years, scorpion venom has become one of the most profitable business in the world. Scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid in the world, each gram of which is equivalent to 80 million Tomans. Because it is very profitable. This job is one of the newest jobs, whose millions of profits have inspired young people to work in this field. There are 60 species of scorpion in Iran, and the venom of 4 of them is very important, and because of the importance of this issue, we tried to teach trainees from different parts of the country how to identify, catch, breed and poison. scorpion in a practical way. Some companies have started conducting scorpion breeding classes with university experts and professors. In the past, these companies were licensed to reproduce and produce snake venom, and with this license, they began training to generate revenue from scorpion venom. In Iran, there are scorpion training centers in cities such as Shiraz, Tehran, Ahvaz, Tabriz, Kerman, Yazd, Mashhad, and Isfahan. Vahid Behrouz, born in the city of Maragheh, has a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from Maragheh Azad University, along with his wife Enisa Wali, are among those who have implemented this knowledge-based project at the growth center of the Maragheh branch of Islamic Azad University in a room with an area of ​​10 square meters. By breeding scorpions, they seek to produce the venom of this arthropod, as the most expensive substance in the world. Behrouz says about scorpion breeding: I was searching on the internet when I found across an article about the most expensive liquid in the world, with the words "scorpion venom is the most expensive liquid". In the research I did, I found out that this is also done in Iran; Therefore, I decided to breed scorpions and to implement this plan, I completed a training course in Shiraz about a year after doing research work. He said: Because of the financial discussion of this job, it caught my attention and I decided to breed a scorpion. I started this project a few months ago with 200 scorpions, and by the end of the poisoning season, this number will reach 20,000. Behrouz believes scorpion venom is deadly; But it is used in the manufacture of anti-cancer drugs, the manufacture of antibiotics and the treatment of joint pain, AIDS and MS, and the manufacture of medicines, and also the researchers have achieved good results with regard to the use of the poison. this in discussing pest control in the fields of agriculture. The spoke of the conditions of keeping this animal: the scorpions were placed in a box and in a fully protected room so that they could not escape, the scorpion body system was asleep during the day and active at night; Because if a scorpion flees during the day, it does not go during the day and hides there and comes out at night. He said: If scorpion venom is left in the open air, it will disappear within 5-6 minutes. Storage conditions for scorpion venom are very important; Of course, I am currently breeding scorpions; But it must freeze at low temperatures while in use and requires special refrigerators. The frozen scorpion venom disappears within 20 to 30 days, and therefore they drain the liquid venom. Behrouz said of the scorpion venom trade: Scorpion venom has very high prices outside the country, and each is in the 150 to 200 million range. But unfortunately, there is still no company or union in Iran, this poison falls into the hands of brokers and middlemen who buy it at very low prices and sell it abroad through other countries in Turkey. This academic researcher continued: In Iran, they buy 80 thousand Tomans from the producer and abroad, they sell almost 200 million Tomans. If a union is formed to collect poisons and buy them from producers at a reasonable price. The situation is getting better. The problem with scorpion breeding is the sale of its venom, which is currently new business and has no union or regulatory body, and it has fallen into the hands of a series of brokers and profiteers. With the experience he has gained so far, he is already an expert in the Scorpion Breeding Course at Maragheh Azad University. In this regard, Vahid Behrouz told us: Maragheh Azad University has organized training courses for scorpion breeding for the first time in the northwest of the country. He said: The classes will be held in collaboration with the Research and Technology Vice-Chancellor of Maragheh Islamic Azad University and the Knowledge Development Center of this university.   Behrouz said: So far, two courses of these workshops have been held at the Maragheh branch with the participation of 36 people interested in scorpion breeding, and a new course will be held on September 25 and 26. After Each course, a valid academic certificate of proficiency acquisition will be issued to participants. He said: Participants in these courses are from all over the country and all those interested can start a scorpion breeding farm by acquiring skills and receiving a certificate of completion of the course and obtaining a license from the relevant authority. According to the student news agency, the scorpion venom trade is one of the most profitable businesses in the world, and the procurement and sale of scorpion venom has many uses in therapeutic and medical activities. and the Islamic Azad University of Maragheh, as one of the initiators of the science-based plan for breeding scorpions and extracting its venom and make it Knowledge of wealth and development in entrepreneurship. It should be noted that scorpions live in warm areas and our country has a large number of these species due to being a dry and semi-arid region, but there are people who live in this species for additional income. 30 thousand dollars for every gram of viper venom Mozenzadeh said about the price of viper venom: Unfortunately, due to the change in the dollar price, the sales market has changed significantly, but at present, every ounce of cobra venom is sold at a cost of 30 thousand dollars, although the sale price in Ukraine is relatively lower due to the method of distribution. And it's almost 20 thousand dollars. This producer states in the market the sale of this product: Germany and France are our main customers, but due to the existing sanctions, the value of purchases has been reduced. Regarding the barriers to this work, he added: We face many problems to start this work and hold exhibitions. Initially, the Environmental Protection Organization was against holding such exhibitions in the country, but with the help of Mrs. Ebtekar, the then head of the Environmental Protection Organization, the problems were resolved. Currently, our company operates under the supervision of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Wildlife Office. Perhaps from a business perspective, the manufacture of snake venom is highly profitable for producers, but no doubt, the continuation of this work is considered a major threat to the lives of Iranian snakes.

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Comments (34 Comments)

Sadaf azimi

Scorpion stings are very dangerous for humans and their habitats are mostly in deserts



Barbod darabi

Scorpion sting is very dangerous, but it is used in the preparation of some chemical medicines




Hello good time,scorpion is a venom is used in the production of medicine to treat some disease



Mona hajimirzakhani

Scorpion is one of the arthropod species that has a sting in its tail and is more active in hot weather.




Hello.Amidst the deep -seated hatred of scorpions, it is difficult to prove that scorpions are not entirely evil.the Islamic Azad University of Maragheh, as one of the initiators of the science-based plan for breeding scorpions and extracting its venom and make it Knowledge of wealth and development in entrepreneurship.




Hello.This producer states in the market the sale of this product: Germany and France are our main customers, but due to the existing sanctions, the value of purchases has been reduced.If scorpion venom is left in the open air, it will disappear within 5-6 minutes.




Scorpion venom is very useful in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with bone cancer .




Scorpion is a poisonous and dangerous creature that lives in the desert and has a poisonous sting




The scorpion is used for its poison for the sick and it is a cruel reptile




Scorpion venom is used to treat many diseases




Breeding and keeping poisonous scorpions is a difficult task that requires active people in this field.




This collection breeds different scorpions because their venom is very useful



Mahdis alizade

Scorpions are one of the most dangerous animals whose venom can kill humans




Although scorpion venom is deadly; But it is used in making anti-cancer drugs and cancer treatment, making antibiotics and treating joint pains, AIDS and MS and making drugs.




The only thing I am afraid of is these hands, I am also afraid of their pictures when I see them




Scorpion is a dangerous animal with poisonous venom, its venom is used in the production of medicine to treat some disease




Although scorpion venom is deadly; But it is used in making anti-cancer drugs and cancer treatment, making antibiotics and treating joint pains




Hello, raising and training scorpions in Mashhad is really one of the most ideal skills. May God bless you with success.




Scorpion is a dangerous and blind animal that must be bred very carefully and carefully, but the breeding of these poisonous animals is very profitable.




Hello, good time, thank you very much, the content was very useful, it was very useful for me




Scorpions can be very dangerous and you should keep your children away from them




Hello good day.Scorpion is a poisonous and dangerous creature that lives in the desert and has a poisonous sting




Scorpion breeding can be very interesting because scorpion venom can be used in the pharmaceutical industry



Reza javadi

In my opinion, scorpions are very scary and very, very dangerous, and they also have different types, such as white scorpions, black scorpions, etc.




they're naturally in touch with their emotional side and as such, are known to be incredibly perceptive.




This information about scorpion breeding is very correct and practical



Sara Sareie

Scorpion venom contains proteins that can be used to treat diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and multiple sclerosis




Scorpion is an excellent and high-quality product that is made of the best materials and it is recommended to use it




Scorpion venom can easily kill a human within minutes




Scorpion has a poison that is used in medicine and is used to make medicine




training courses held. Because joining these coursesvenom is a new scam and the environment is between two scorpion species, Mesobuthus eupeus and M. phillipsii



Kimia davodi

Scorpion is one of the dangerous animals that if it stings you, it may cause your death



Ahmad reza

It is difficult to demonstrate that scorpions are not wholly wicked in the face of widespread scorpion aversion.



Reza javadi

It is true that scorpions are dangerous, but very special medicines are made with their venom, which are suitable for incurable diseases, so this is one of the properties of scorpions.



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