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deadliest snake Price List in November 2023

Like most places that benefit from a warm climate, Bali has its fair share snakes and other creepy-crawlies. In fact, apart from East Timor, Papua Guinea, Australia, New Zealand and offshore of Hawaii, you can find snakes in every country in the world. But if you don’t bother them, they mostly won’t bother you as well. Rest assured, most visitors to Bali have never encountered a snake, and most never will. Therefore, there are five or six Balinese snakes that are venomous. Here’s a brief overview of each one.

The Black and White Krait (aka Malayan Krait)

As you can see, the Blue Krait (Bungarus Candidus) is not actually blue at all. In fact, most common or local names for snakes are quite confusing. This makes identification very difficult, which is why our advice is to steer clear of all snakes, not just those on this list. Blue Kraits can reach a length of 3½ feet (1.1m). They hunt late at night and have been known to crawl into houses after dark. Be very wary of this snake – 50% of bites from the Blue Krait have proved fatal.

The Itam Cobra (aka Jungle Cobra, Hamadryad)

The King Cobra (Ophiophagus Hannah) is the world’s longest venomous snake at an average of 11½ ft (3.5m), with a greatest recorded length of just over 19 feet (5.8m). Although it is typically shy and avoids confrontation, it is highly venomous and one of the few snakes that hunt during the day. The King Cobra is listed as a vulnerable species, due to gradual destruction of the forests of west Bali, its natural habitat. It is one of the five deadliest snakes in the world. Read more: Black Pepper for Weight Loss The Black and White Krait (aka Malayan Krait)

The Kampung Pit Viper (aka White-lipped Pit Viper)

The Island Pit Viper (Trimeresurus Insularis) accounts for more venomous bites than any other snake in Bali, but its venom is not fatal. It’s a small snake, roughly 15 inches (0.4m) long, and is either bright green or an incredibly beautiful blue colour (like the picture at the very top of this page). They hide in trees or bushes during the daytime and come down at night to hunt in short grass, where their colour offers them excellent camouflage.

The Indo Spitting Cobra (aka Indonesian Cobra)

Spitting cobras (Naja Sputatrix) come in a variety of colors and have no obvious markings; this, coupled with the fact that they don’t ‘sit up’ as you’d expect, makes it difficult to identify them. They are a medium-sized snake, with an average length of 4 feet (1.2m). As well as injecting through biting, this cobra can spray venom from its fangs for up to 6 feet (2m). Often venom will be sprayed in the face, and if this happens it’s important not to rub the eyes as this could cause blindness.

The Warna Kuning Sea Krait (aka Yellow-lipped Sea Krait, Colubrine Sea Krait)

The Banded Sea Krait (Laticauda Colubrina) is one of the 15-or-so sea snakes that inhabit the waters of Bali. Most stay far out from the shore, but in contrast the Banded Sea Krait often crawls onto land and hides among the rocks, where it also lays its eggs. They can sometimes be found on beaches and shallow waters, especially around Tanah Lot. In the water they can be quite inquisitive and should be actively avoided. The Banded Sea Krait is regarded as holy by the Balinese and is probably the source of the legend that Tanah Lot Temple is guarded by a giant sea serpent.

The Asian Coral Snake (aka Red-tailed Coral, Banded Coral)

The Asian Coral snake (Calliophis Intestinalis) doesn’t live underwater amongst the coral, as the name implies, but instead stays on land in the soil or under leaves. They are very small, averaging at just over 13 inches (0.35m) and, as such, are rarely seen. Black or dark brown in colour with a lengthways yellow or orange stripe, they have black and white stripes on the belly which is why they’re sometimes referred to as banded. The underside of the tail is red, hence the alternate name of Red-tailed Coral. The Itam Cobra (aka Jungle Cobra, Hamadryad) The Final Words All the above may appear daunting, but we just want you to be aware of the danger that snakes can present if not respected properly. Remember: snake bites and snake attacks are very uncommon. Even if snakes actively chased people – which they don’t – they cannot outrun a human. This means that if you see a snake, you can avoid it. And if you can avoid it, there is zero chance of being bitten.

What do snakes in Bali to eat?

All snakes, in Bali and around the world, are carnivores (meat eaters). Most live off insects, rodents, birds, eggs, fish, frogs and lizards; sometimes they eat other snakes. Larger snakes often prey on mammals such as sheep or pigs. Although snakes will defend themselves against a human, sometimes resulting in a fatality, they do not actively prey on them. So, the answer to the real question here is: no, snakes don’t eat people!

Are there dangerous snakes in Bali?

Yes, there are. It also helps to define what we mean by dangerous. The accurate definition is that the most dangerous snakes (to humans) are those that kill the most people, whereas the ones with the strongest venom are the most deadly. Either way, a bite from any snake high on the list is going to hurt. Also, two species of python live in Bali – the reticulated and the rarer Burmese – that are capable of killing by constriction (asphyxiation by squeezing). In May 2020, a 16-year-old Balinese boy passed out and was only minutes from being squeezed to death because he foolishly decided to put his pet python around his shoulders whilst riding his motorbike home. So, the python, although not deadly, is indeed dangerous. The Yellow Head Reticulated Python, as found in Bali, is not deadly but is still considered dangerous and potentially lethal. Read more: Scorpion and Snake venom The Kampung Pit Viper (aka White-lipped Pit Viper)

Are there poisonous snakes presents in Bali?

Yes, but that’s the wrong question. Let’s clear up one common mistake: when people talk about poisonous snakes, they nearly always mean venomous. Venom is the fluid that gets injected into you from a snake bite, and this can be extremely harmful and sometimes even fatal. Some snakes are also poisonous, but for this to have any effect, you’d have to eat the snake.

How many different snakes are there in Bali, Indonesia?

Across the whole of Indonesia there are over 300 types of snakes, of which Bali has 46 known species. Only six of these are venomous, which we’ve listed below (there have been reports of a seventh, the Golden Banded Krait, which is native to Indonesia, but at the time of writing this snake has not been officially recognized as (Penduduk orang Bali) Balinese.

How bad are bites from snakes in Bali?

Firstly, it’s worth knowing that snakes can only store a certain amount of venom and so a lot of bites are ‘dry bites’ – the snake decides that the creature is too large for them to eat, and it doesn’t want to waste its venom. For example, about 80% of bites from sea snakes are dry bites. Non-venomous snake bites can still be painful. A venomous bite injects a combination of toxins into the body – different for every snake – and the body reacts in different ways depending on the types of toxins. Immediately following a venomous snakebite, symptoms can include swelling, bruising, numbness, difficulty breathing, dizziness and blurred vision, vomiting, fainting and convulsions. If untreated, a bite can result in internal bleeding, tissue necrosis requiring amputation, organ failure, heart failure and, in rare cases, death. The Indo Spitting Cobra (aka Indonesian Cobra)

Therefore, how do you keep snakes away in Bali?

For some part it’s easy but most part it's difficulty, as snakes are mainly solitary creatures that don’t actively seek out company unless they’re hunting. Most bites happen because people step on snakes at night – it’s rare for a snake to attack for no reason.  But be extra vigilant if you’re staying at a local villa with a garden, as some snakes like to hide in a low and high cut grasses during the day, and at night they use the dark, overgrown pathways. Also steer clear of compost heaps, which are a common place for snakes as they’re attracted to the warmth.

Are there sea snakes in Bali?

Yes, in Bali, just like in Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia, swimming and diving are very popular activities in these countries, and from time-to-time people encounter sea snakes. Like most snakes, they are not inclined to bite unless they feel threatened, but you should still be careful. Stay calm and leave them alone – eventually they will have to surface in order to breathe.

What should I do if someone gets bitten by a snake?

Here’s the WHO (World Health Organization) advice: Reassure the victim and keep them calm. Move them away from the area where the bite occurred, as there may be more notorious snakes. Remove anything tight from around the bitten part of the body. Immobilize the affected limb as much as possible, as movement can hasten the spread of the venom. Do not cut any part of the body, do not apply a tourniquet and do not try to suck the venom out (this used to be a treatment, but it hasn’t been recommended for many years). However, in this place, the government and non-government community ambulance services can sometimes be slow in Bali, so, if possible, you should use your own transport, or seek help from a local resident, and drive immediately to the nearest hospital. Always phone ahead and let them know you’re bringing in a snakebite victim.

Do local governmental hospitals supply anti-venom treatments in this country?

Unfortunately, there’s only one anti-venom drug available in Indonesia, and very sad to mentioned here it only works on venom from one type of snake in Bali, and that is (the spitting cobra). But you should always take a snakebite victim to a hospital, as they have other treatments which can be effective. Read more: Turn Venom into Medicine The Warna Kuning Sea Krait (aka Yellow-lipped Sea Krait, Colubrine Sea Krait)

Blue Pit Viper -- Ulat Bankai Laut or Ular Hijau Ekor Mira

Both the common languages of Malayan, Indonesian and Bruneians are using these Ulat Bangkai Laut or Ular Hijau Ekor Mira, as a Pit Viper and the Green Pit Viper are found around Jakarta. Each has a distinctive triangular head shape, stocky body, and a length of about 80 cm. Each has the ability to jump with great force when attacking. The only having light different color of Malayan Pit Viper is reddish brown with triangular markings on his sides, and the Green Pit Viper is bright green with a distinct red tail. The Malayan Pit Viper rattles with his tail before striking as a warning. Vipers are nocturnal and can easily be avoided by staying away from fields and rocky areas. The hemotoxic bite causes immediate pain, swelling, bleeding, and tissue damage.

Snake Bite Treatment in Bali, Indonesia

It is important to distinguish between snakebite and snake poisoning. The bite from a harmless snake can produce mild pain and extreme fear. A bite from a venomous snake may not necessarily mean that venom has been injected into the wound. If someone has received a bite, check for symptoms of toxicity, keep the victim calm and treat for shock, and keep the site of the bite lower than the heart, and immobile.

One alternative to killing snakes you find in your yard is to call a member of the Jakarta Reptile Lovers Association. Pak Gunawan is one of the founders and runs the reptile house at TMII. He doesn't speak any English, so get someone to translate for you when you call him. He'll come to your home and catch a snake (particularly if it's very big or rare and it's not too far away) whether venomous snake or not. If you get bitten by a non-venomous snake, it may hold on for quite a while as it doesn't know what to do. To get the snake off you, either use a metal spoon to press open its mouth (I don't approve of this as you'll hurt the snake badly by breaking its teeth) or put the part of you that's being bitten into a bucket/bath of water -- the snake won't be able to breath and will let go. Alternatively, just sit down on the ground, relax and wait for it to let go. If you make sudden movements and run around, it will hold on tighter. (As snakes can't hear, it's quite ok to scream a lot as the bite will most likely hurt a lot.)

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Comments (32 Comments)


These snakes have deadly poisons and try not to visit the places where they exist




These snakes are very deadly and are available in different places




Snake is a dangerous animal with poisonous venom, its venom is used in the production of medicine to treat some disease




Hello good time.growing up to meters or longer. It’s mainly found in rural west Bali
dangerous venomous snakes in Bali. Unlike cobras in other countries, these snakes have



farzane hamidy

It has been said about the deadliest snake in West-East Asian countries that this snake is the oldest snake.




It has been said about the deadliest snake in West-East Asian countries that this snake is the oldest snake.




How to recognize poisonous snakes in nature trips is very important. Venomous snakes usually have triangular heads and oval pupils. But in non-poisonous snakes, their head and pupils are both spherical.



hamid mozafari

Hi, I have to say that the information you have given us about snakes and their species was very useful and accurate and will make the reader aware. Thank you for your efforts




I didn't know much about snakes, but I learned a lot from reading this article



Reza javadi

There are very poisonous and dangerous snakes in Southeast Asia and kill thousands of innocent people every year



Reza javadi

My grandfather has a large collection of snakes and I don't know if they are poisonous or non-poisonous, but I have seen many poisonous snakes in their village and you should really stay away from these snakes, or if you don't know snakes well, stay close to them




The viper has the most dangerous bite




Volcano tour
Specifically about dangerous venomous snakes in Bali. ... Unlike cobras in other countries, these snakes have no distinct markings, .




Although not all snake bites are dangerous and only cause swelling, some snake bites are venomous and can be fatal if not treated quickly.




- In the pictures that have been published on social networks, the snake's head is shown inside the food dish.




It was good and complete information about the types of snakes and their bites and I learned a few tips




these snakes have no distinct markings, and may not even want to sit up as one might expecResidents were suspicious the snake




snakes in Bali. Please do not rely on these photoshistorically been believed that Indian cobras, common kraits, Russell's



Dara ghanbari

Snakes exist all over the world in various breeds, some of which are poisonous




meters feetor longer. It's mainly foundphotos and short descriptions of the most venomous and carpet vipers were the most dangerous




When bitten by a snake, it is better to prevent the release of poison




growing up to meters or longer. It's mainly found in rural west Bali
dangerous venomous snakes in Bali. Unlike cobras in other countries, these snakes have




All of the foregoing may seem intimidating, but our goal is simply to make you aware of the threat that snakes can pose if they are not treated with care.




series of photos and short descriptions of the most venomous snakes in Bali. Please do not rely on these photos alonehas historically been believed that Indian cobras, common kraits, Russell's viper and carpet vipers were the most dangerous



Ramyar sadegi

Snake bite treatment should be done by experienced professionals.




These snakes are really dangerous and people are really scared by looking at their shape




photos and short descriptions of the most venomous snakes in Bali. Please do not rely on these historically been believed that Indian cobras, common kraits, Russell's viper and carpet vipers were the most



Bagher Rasouli

About your headlines, I have to say that they have been used quite appropriately




Everywhere in the world that has a warm climate, Bali also has dangerous snakes, but this animal does not harm others if it is not abused.




Snake venom is used to produce vaccines




It is true that the snake is one of the animals that has a beautiful and attractive appearance, but many people are afraid of it because of its poisonous bite, and it is also dangerous.




These snakes are found in tropical places and are very viperous and are not available in all areas



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