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Wholesalers of dried fruit price in Europe

The amount of dried fruit that is produced in Europe is quite considerable with reasonable price.

In certain years, wholesalers of Europe comes in first place as the greatest exporter of dried fruit in the world, while in others, it comes in second place.

According to data compiled over a considerable amount of time, Turkey dominates the global market for the production of dried figs, raisins, and dried apricots.

The production of dried apricots in our country is projected to reach 104,254 tonnes in the year 2021, while the production of raisins is projected to reach 271,000 tonnes, and the production of dried figs is projected to reach 85,565 tonnes.

The majority of dried fruit exported from Turkey is sold to customers located in Europe.

The European nations of Germany, Italy, Russia, France, and the United Kingdom are among the most significant importers of dried fruit in the region. 

The dried fruit industry brought in 605 million dollars from exports in the first half of the year.

You are about to read an interview with one of the foreign authorities working in this sector, and it may be found below.

The manufacture of dried fruits in Europe: One of the most significant subsectors of the agricultural sector is the drying of fruits and vegetables, which can be done all over the world and in many different countries.

The production of dried goods in these countries, which originally consisted of things like grapes, figs, and apricots, has expanded and diversified over the course of the years.

Due to the fact that the world's population is growing at a faster rate than its resources, countries that produce fresh fruit and dried fruit are playing an increasingly significant role worldwide. 

Food, vegetables, and dried fruits have become increasingly important to human life in the last few decades because of the rise in their production.

Many of the world's most populous agricultural nations, like China, the United States of America, and Thailand, are among those that send a significant portion of their output to other continents and countries.

They bring something to the world In 2020, Egypt was able to produce more than 11.6 million tonnes of fresh fruit and 19.3 million tonnes of dried fruit.

Together, these figures represent a significant amount of food.

Grapes, dates, and figs, either fresh or dried, are among the many fruits that Egypt ships abroad in significant quantities, along with citrus fruits, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and other berries and fruits.

The country of Spain is responsible for producing 17.7 million tonnes of fresh fruit and 14.1 million tonnes of dried fruit annually.

This European nation is well known for the fresh and dried citrus fruits it exports, in addition to berry fruits like strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries, as well as other types of fruits including apricots, cherries, peaches, nectarines, and plums.

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Comments (16 Comments)


Hello, dried fruit in Europe, there are many countries that produce dried fruit, which is very tasty and delicious and is used as one of the snacks in nut shops


You can buy these dry fruits in large packages and in bulk at a great price and half the real market price from this site.

fatemeh jalili

The production of dried fruit is very high in Europe and it earns a lot of income every year.


Hello, dry fruits, especially summer fruits, are very tasty and good for the winter season


European countries are among the top producers of dried fruits that produce this product with high quality and provide it to customers.


You can find out the exact price of these high-quality dry fruits with the experts of this collection


All kinds of dry fruits can be prepared at home in the traditional way and benefit from its taste and properties

Ali vafadar

Dates are one serious candidate for the title of healthiest dried fruit, with high levels of iron, fiber, potassium, antioxidants, and more.


Nowadays, they make fruit chips or dried fruit from all fruits, which is very delicious


potential providers in the dry fruits industry on world with supplier in the UK and Europe, ... of sun drying is cheaper than machine drying, resulting in competitive


Dry fruit has more calories than fresh fruit as a nutritious snack


Dried fruits are very tasty and full of properties and are considered as a kind of snacks


Dried fruits have many vitamins that make your body get the vitamins it needs


Today, dried fruit is very popular in the world market, and Iran has exported the best quality dried fruit in model and organic form.


My favourite dried fruit is dried apricots because they taste so nice


We can dry all kinds of fruits at home and make chips and dates from them

Sirvan Mardoukhi