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Are dried fruits more beneficial than fresh fruits

When comparing fresh fruits to dried fruits that which of them is more beneficial than the others, the second one has a considerably higher concentration of sugar and a higher glycemic index; as a result, eating dried fruits is not the healthiest option.

Dried fruits benefits

Dried fruits are an excellent source of nutrients, are simple to transport, and can be counted toward your daily fruit requirement.

The most important question on the minds of consumers is whether or not they are just as healthy as eating fresh fruit.

The amount of calories and sugar that are contained in dried fruits versus fresh fruits is the primary distinction between the two.

The process of drying fruits causes them to lose water, which results in a reduction in volume.

As a result, the dried fruits' nutrient, calorie, and sugar content become more concentrated once they have been dried.

When compared to the same quantity of fresh fruit, the amount of calories that are contained in a handful of dried fruit is more than the number of calories that are contained in that same quantity of fresh fruit.

Therefore, the most important consideration with dried fruits (as it is with any other type of food) is the appropriate serving size.

Many people believe that dried fruits have a higher glycemic index than fresh fruits because they have a larger total amount of sugar.

The glycemic index is a measurement that is used to determine how a specific item will affect the amount of sugar in the blood.

The greater the index, the greater the impact it will have in preventing an increase in blood sugar levels.

It is common knowledge that desserts, candy, soda, and other foods that are heavy in simple sugars have a high glycemic index.

There is a correlation between eating foods with high glycemic indices and developing insulin resistance, which can lead to diabetes.

Dried fruits prepared in the traditional manner have a glycemic index that ranges from low to moderate and a glycemic response that is on par with that of fresh fruits. 

Dried fruits and nuts

In addition, dried fruits, in particular, are well-known for being rich suppliers of two particular nutrients, namely: One serving of dried fruit, which is equal to a quarter cup, is one of the best sources of potassium that can be found in diets all over the world.

Depending on the type of fruit, a single serving of dried fruits provides more than 9% of the recommended daily dose of fiber.

HOW DO WE KNOW THIS? According to the findings of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) conducted between 1999 and 2004, eating dried fruit was associated with a lower body mass index (BMI), a smaller waist circumference, and a lower degree of abdominal obesity.

Consumption of dried fruit was associated with an enhanced nutrient intake (greater levels of vitamin A, vitamin K, potassium, iron, magnesium, and fiber), increased daily fruit servings, and overall healthier diets for both adults and children.

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Sirvan Mardoukhi