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wire and cable insulation | Bulk purchase price And sizes

One of the factors which can affect the price of wire and industrial cable is the insulation.

In the wire world, there are always new innovations and different types of alternatives, each contributing to a specific role for different wire products.

One of the most important parts of electrical products today is the type of insulation, also known as electrical insulators.

Before delving into insulating materials of various chemical formulations, let us first review the purpose of electrical insulation.

As the name suggests, it is an insulator, meaning it keeps things (electricity) inside.

Wikipedia defines it as "a material through which an internal charge cannot flow freely or with little current under the influence of an electric field (Wikipedia)."

There are quite a few wire insulation materials, ranging from nearly identical connections to completely different connections.

Many similar structures are basically the same, but some manufacturers slightly change some of the features of the structure because it allows them to trademark the material.

This makes it increasingly difficult to cover a large number of very similar compounds.

 Therefore, the most effective way to destroy these insulations is to use their basic and most popular composite structures.

A cable is a group of one or more wires twisted together, insulated by a material and responsible for transmitting electricity.

Cables are used for wiring inside buildings, buried in the ground, etc.

Flexible power cords are used in portable devices.

Today, there are different types of cables with different materials and sizes depending on the purpose.

Power cables are very important in electrical installations.

Today, the bold role of the cable can be seen in all walks of life.

A large part of the energy transfer in the electricity industry takes place through cables.

The importance of cables is so great that every day a new type of cable is introduced to the world.

What are the components of the cable? In general, the components of a cable are conductors and insulators.

The cable conductor is the main component of the cable and is a metal made of copper or aluminum in the form of wire, single strand, twisted, round and triangular.

There are different types of managers; among them: single wire conductor, ordinary twisted circle, and ordinary twisted circle compact, flexible ordinary twisted sector compact.

Conductor selection is based on usage, standard recommendations, and even consumer taste.

They are suitable for fixed installations, single stranded and multi stranded conductors, for flexible applications, and highly flexible conductors. 

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mahdi yadollah pourbariki