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Purchase And Day Price of Production of Dried Apricot

Prices on the international market have taken a peculiar turn due to the fact that suppliers of raw dried apricots are getting dangerously low on supply and production process. There has been no official announcement of output forecasts from producing nations as of yet, and there is much conjecture regarding when this will occur. In the meantime, the harvesting process has begun. Estimates from the government are not yet complete for release. According to reports from traders located all around the world, the market is still in a very poor position. The exporters are working on fulfilling the orders they already have. The harvesting of apricots that will be sold fresh is now taking place, while the picking of apricots that will be dried has not yet begun. There is a great deal of conjecture on the timing of the official announcement of the product estimate. Some participants in the market are under the impression that the official forecasts of crop size and price won't be made public until after the Eid holiday, which takes place at the end of July, but others are confident that it will take place earlier. Suppliers of dried apricot The price of first-class dried apricots has been set in a manner that is both extremely appropriate and very fair by the suppliers, and this product can be manufactured in packages or in bulk and by the kilo in different weights at varied rates. Dried apricots are produced by a large number of household and industrial suppliers, and each of these groups buys and sells the product in a particular shape before it is distributed to the markets. Because of this, the price of each component of this product might vary greatly, based not only on its look but also on its color, flavor, and texture. As a result of this, whenever you visit the market, you will discover that various rates are being charged for this commodity. The provider is aware that, in addition to the factors that have been described, the price might also be directly impacted by the variety of dried apricots purchased as well as their distribution. As a result, he has endeavored to remove any and all middlemen from the distribution chain in an effort to bring dried apricots straight to consumers. Because in this scenario, all customers have the opportunity to purchase dried apricots at the price that corresponds to their true cost rather than the price that is determined by the middlemen. Dried apricot production process

Suppliers of dried apricot

Many suppliers supply and send many types of dried fruits to domestic and foreign markets. The sale of dried apricots is one of the most prosperous dried fruits, which has many domestic and foreign applicants. Because dried apricots can be consumed as dried fruits and in nuts, you can use this product in cooking dried apricot jam and marmalade, or to decorate all kinds of cakes and many other things and enjoy its taste. Therefore, dried apricots are a product with very high sales. Therefore, many merchants may need this excellent product in large quantities to distribute dried apricots in different cities of the country or to distribute them in requesting countries. Our advice to these loved ones is to communicate with the consultants who are located in the central offices in the factory or are waiting to advise these loved ones online. Because in this case, there is no need to waste time for checking and you can use the advice of these loved ones and make the best and cheapest purchase. There are many suppliers of dried apricots and the best supplier of this product can be easily identified based on the amount of production. Because the biggest and best suppliers produce large quantities of this product every year and supply it in the buying and selling markets to meet the needs of customers. These producers are also very active in the competitive markets and can export this product in a large volume. Based on the needs and conditions of domestic and foreign markets, many manufacturing factories also increase their production capacity to meet all needs. The best suppliers of dried apricots Because the apricot produced must be of high quality in every respect and be liked by buyers in the country's markets. Dried apricots are one of the dried fruit products that have gained many fans in all markets. Due to the easy and hassle-free supply of this product, many factories have been set up that are active in this field and produce many products from apricot fruit so that it can be used in various uses. In these factories, in order to increase the lifespan and shelf life of the produced qaisi, they add permitted food additives to it so that they can be used all year round and in the seasons when it is not possible to harvest apricots from the produced products. This fruit is used in urban markets.

Dried apricot production process

The process of manufacturing and production of dried apricots can range from something as basic as drying them in the sun to something more complex like using artificial dryers on a massive scale. The traditional method for drying apricots in the sun entails removing the pits from the fruit and then laying it on top of flat rocks for around six to nine days. This results in a fruit that has been dried out and has an irregular dark brown color and a texture that is quite rough. Sulfur dioxide, which acts as a preservative and gives the dried product a more vibrant orange colour, is typically added to the fruit before it is dried. Sulfur fumigation is a method of food preservation that is both hygienic and economical, and it keeps the food's natural colour. In "health food shops" in Europe and the United States of America, there is a market for apricots that have not been treated with sulphur dioxide, and while the market is still relatively small, it is expanding. The following guidelines need to be adhered to in order to ensure that the dried apricot product produced is of a good quality:

  • Harvesting
  • Preparation
  • Sulphuring
  • Drying
  • Packaging
  • References and further reading
  • Useful organizations and contacts

Harvesting Shaking the limbs of an apricot tree and allowing the fruit to fall to the ground is the traditional method of harvesting apricots. After the pit has been removed, the fruit is either consumed fresh, sun-dried, or piled in fields to be used later. Shaking the trees and letting the fruit fall to the ground is a practice that is popular in many different countries. The result of this activity is fruit that is broken, bruised, and unclean. Because a dried apricot of great quality cannot be made from an unsatisfactory fresh apricot, it is best to avoid using this method of harvesting when possible. It is possible to decrease the amount of damage done to the fruit by collecting it on sheets that are spread out and held off of the ground. Preparation Fruits that have been scuffed or bruised must be discarded since the dried apricots they produce are of a poorer quality. In order to avoid producing a tasteless and colourless end product, it is necessary to avoid using unripe apricots, which also fail to absorb a sufficient amount of sulphur dioxide during the sulphuring process. Apricots that have reached their peak maturity level should be discarded since they have absorbed an excessive amount of sulphur dioxide. It is recommended that the apricots be washed in fresh water. In order to manufacture dried apricot halves, the apricots need to be cut in half and the kernels taken out before they can be processed. It is possible to remove the pits (also known as stones) by passing water through baskets full of fruit and manually separating the flesh from the stone with either your hands or your feet. After that, the kernel is extracted by cracking open the pit. It is necessary to split the two sections apart. This results in a product that is more appealing to the eye than when the two pieces are left attached to one another. Their kernels can either be eaten or processed into an oil that can be used in cooking. Animals can be fed fruit that has been pitted and is bitter. Sulphuring The apricots will keep their bright color thanks to the sulphur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide can be added to the apricots either through the process of sulphiting, which involves dipping the fruit in a solution of sodium metabisulphite, or through the process of immersing the fruit in a chamber in which sulphur is burned (sulphuring). There are rigorous limits placed on the amount of sodium metabisulphite that can be added because doing so has the potential to help keep the colour. The flavour of fruits that have not been treated with this preservative is preferred by a large number of consumers. It is possible to control the color without resorting to the use of any chemical preservatives. Because sulphiting frequently results in an unequal penetration of sulphur dioxide, the fruit is made moist during the process, which results in an increase in the quantity of drying that must be done, and some soluble nutrients are lost. Sulphuring is the superior answer to these problems. It is necessary to place the apricots in a chamber where sulphur is burned for at least two to three hours. Drying When compared to artificial drying methods, sun drying results in a dried apricot that has a more acceptable color. The use of solar drying can help reduce the amount of dust and filth that is present. It's possible that you'll need an artificial dryer if harvest time falls during the wetter part of the year. The cups of the apricots should face upward when being placed in the dryer and the fruit should be dried until it has a moisture level of 15 percent (wet basis). There are a number of potential explanations for why the fruit has gone bad, but the most likely explanation is that the drying process is taking an excessive amount of time, which in turn causes chemical reactions to take place within the cut fruit. It is essential to make certain that high-quality fruit that has not reached its peak of ripeness is utilised. Additionally, the fruit pieces should be thinly cut so that the drying process can be completed more quickly.

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Comments (9 Comments)

Zahra movahedifar

Hello, don't get tired, one of the most popular and tasty products is dried apricots, whose business is excellent.


Qaisi is very delicious and has many fans, which is made from apricot fruit


Hello, dried apricots are good for constipation and have many properties


Apricot is a unique dried fruit that is very suitable for heartache and also for constipation, and at the same time, there are various types of vitamins E and C in it.


Dried apricot producers offer this high quality product in different weights to the market

Yekta amani

Qaisi or apricot leaves are very good for treating constipation and diarrhea from this disease.


The suppliers of dried apricots are engaged in the extensive production of this exceptional product


Dried apricots are very useful for the body. My mother dries apricots every year so that we can eat them in winter.


It has an easy process to make apricots dried. I love this snack for my evenings.

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