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Buy All Kinds of Dried Turkish Apricots at the Best Price

In recent years, Turkey has been the largest producer of apricots and dried apricots in the world, and the products of this country with the Turkish brand are exported all over the world due to their high nutritional value. An important thing that many countries of the world have realized today is the huge impact of agriculture and horticulture in the world economy. Because of the numerous upheavals and advances that are going place across a variety of industries at the moment, the economy of the entire world is more intertwined than it has ever been before. Manufacturing, agriculture, and service provision are the three subsectors that are most frequently found in national economies. The economy of any nation is composed of a number of these subsectors. Having said that, a country may have more than three distinct regions. When a nation's many economic subsectors experience success, the nation as a whole benefits and advances. In earlier decades, the manufacturing sector was responsible for a disproportionately big share of the economies of developed nations; however, the service sector has assumed responsibility for this role in recent decades. In contrast, the majority of emerging nations' economy are dominated by the agricultural and industrial sectors, which together account for a disproportionately large amount. When economists looked at the flow of capital from the agricultural sector and compared it to the flow of capital from the industrial sector a few decades ago, they came to the conclusion that the agricultural sector had weaker prior and backward links, and as a result, capital flowed more efficiently from the former. However, as time went on, it became clear that this perception was erroneous, and it was during these ages that they developed a greater appreciation than ever before for the value of this component. dried Turkish apricots The data presented in the table below demonstrates that throughout the course of the most recent few years, the agricultural sector in Iran has contributed almost 10% of the overall GDP of the country. This relatively low percentage can largely be attributed to the significant contribution made by the oil industry. To give just a few examples, agriculture, animal husbandry, fishing, and even planting trees are all subdivisions of the larger agricultural industry. This has implications that extend beyond the realm of agriculture and industries related to agriculture, including politics and social issues on a local and regional scale. The position and significance of rural areas in the process of national development cannot be overstated. In point of fact, the neglect of rural areas has been connected to the downfall of metropolitan areas as a result of causes such as rising poverty and inequality, rapid population expansion, high unemployment rates, and a variety of other reasons. Even in countries with developed economies, urbanisation typically follows rural expansion at a slower pace than vice versa. Agriculture was one of the first activities practised by agrarians and has been practised for centuries by farmers tilling the soil. The agricultural sector has received increased attention from the economic community because of its fundamental role in supplying essential raw materials for a significant portion of the country's industry and food industry. Any disruption to this system can have far-reaching consequences for other Put sectors, given its fundamental role in providing essential raw materials for a significant portion of the country's industry and food industry. According to the prevalent school of thought, advancements in agricultural practises are necessary prior to the achievement of any other type of sustainable development. Research carried out at different times and in most countries has shown that the agricultural sector is dependent on other sectors, either directly or indirectly. This leads one to the conclusion that agriculture is a very important part of the economy. dried apricots nutritional value

dried Turkish apricots

Nowadays, there are few people who don't know Turkish apricots, as well as dried apricots. The city of Malatya in Turkey is the largest apricot production center in the world. Turkey's Eastern Anatolia region is home to the sprawling metropolis of Malatya, which serves as the province's administrative centre. Since the dawn of time, people have been making their home in this particular location. Honey is translated as melid or milit in Hittite, which provides a plausible etymology for the name. The name was documented in contemporary literature of the time under numerous different variants. According to Strabo, the city was known "to the ancients" as Melitene, which is the Ancient Greek form of the name "v," which was later adopted by the Romans after Roman advance into the east. According to Strabo, the people who lived in Melitene shared the same culture and language as the adjacent Cappadocian and Cataonian peoples. A few kilometres away from the current city, in what is now the town of Arslantepe and close to the district centre of Battalgazi, is where the ancient city of Melitene once stood (Byzantine to Ottoman Empire). Before the 19th century, the city of Malatya was situated in the area that is now known as Battalgazi. Beginning in that century, however, the city started to gradually relocate to its current, third location. Eskimalatya was Battalgazi's official name until very recently; until that, the locals referred to it by another name. As a result of Malatya's contribution to as much as 80 percent of Turkey's total apricot production, the city has earned the nickname "kays diyar" (which translates to "apricot city") in that country. Both kofte and apricots hold a distinctive place in the local cuisine. Apricots are used in a wide variety of dishes, from kebabs (meat that is broiled or roasted in small pieces) to sweets. Kofte are a type of meatball. There are around 70 different varieties of kofte, which are typically cooked from wheat along with a variety of other ingredients. A dish comprised of lamb and vegetables that are grilled inside of a wrapper, which is typically made of greasy paper, kat kebab is considered to be one of the most notable regional delicacies. Other noteworthy dishes include a wide selection of stuffed delicacies, such as stuffed mulberry leaves, cabbage, chard, lettuce wraps with olive oil, vine leaves, cherry leaves, bean leaves, grape leaves, zucchini flowers, and beets and onions. The Malatya region is most famous for the apricot orchards that can be found there. Turkey is the leading apricot grower in the world, and the name of the fruit is synonymous with the city of Malatya, which is responsible for approximately fifty percent of Turkey's fresh apricot output and ninety-five percent of Turkey's dried apricot production. Malatya is also responsible for approximately fifty percent of Turkey's overall output of dried apricots. The alluvial soil of the Euphrates River, which in turn was fostered by the rich soil of Malatya, is where it matured into its most exquisite and refined form. Malatya is responsible for roughly 10–15% of the world's production of fresh apricots, whereas it is responsible for approximately 65–80% of the world's production of dried apricots. In family-owned and -operated orchards, Malatya apricots are typically sun-dried using methods that have been passed down from generation to generation in order to preserve their quality before being picked and shipped to different regions of the world.

dried apricots nutritional value

Among all the dried fruits available in the market, dried apricots have high nutritional value. One of the most well-liked munchies, especially among younger generations, is dried apricots, as well as apricot leaves. The apricot is a delectable summer fruit that may be found in its natural habitat in three different regions: China, Central Asia, and the Near East. In addition to having a delicious flavour, apricot fruit possesses a number of medicinal benefits. Drying the fruit is one of the oldest procedures that has been used for preserving and utilising this fruit. In the past, ladies would prepare dried apricots by spreading them out in the sun to be dried. The importance of the apricot tree's leaves in terms of nutrition The nutritional content of dried apricots is quite high. There are 241 calories, 30.89 millilitres of water, 3.39 grammes of protein, 0.51 grammes of fat, 62.64 grammes of carbohydrates, and 7.3 grammes of fibre in just one hundred grammes of dried apricots. This delectable dried fruit is an excellent source of a wide variety of vitamins and minerals, including vitamins B1, B2, vitamin 3, vitamin B6, vitamin B9 (folate), vitamin K, vitamin A, vitamin E, calcium, and magnesium. Iron, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, and zinc are the elements that make up this compound. The incredible benefits that come from eating dried apricots (apricot leaves) 1- Reducing the likelihood of developing cancer Apricots, along with other dried fruits, have anti-oxidant characteristics thanks to the polyphenols and vitamins that they contain. In addition, they are associated with a number of positive effects on the human body, such as an increase in healthy blood flow and a more robust digestive system. Additionally, apricots protect against the damage that is brought on by oxidative stress. Due to the fact that oxidative stress and chronic inflammation play a crucial part in the development and incidence of cancer, its ingestion lowers the chance of getting a variety of diseases, most notably cancer. 2- Methods for treating constipation Dried apricots have been shown to be an effective treatment for constipation in addition to being an excellent source of fibre. Digestion is sped up and constipation is avoided thanks to the presence of vegetable fibres, which regulate the transit of food through the intestinal tract. 3- A healthy alternative to potentially hazardous foods Apricot leaves make for a healthy snack that can serve as a replacement for less nutritious foods and snacks that are high in fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Along with cereal, this delectable cuisine is included in the definition of a "full breakfast," which applies even to young children. 4- Rich in nutrients Due to the high nutritious content of dried apricots, even a moderate amount of consumption can supply approximately one quarter of the body's daily requirement for copper. Additionally, it reduces anaemia due to the presence of vital elements such as iron. This dried fruit fulfils 42 percent of the body's daily requirement for iron when it is consumed. In addition to this, it has the mineral potassium, which is essential for the body to have in order to keep the fluid and electrolyte balance that it needs to function properly. The amount of this element that the human body requires on a daily basis can be met by eating one cup of dried apricots. The same vitamins and minerals can be found in dried fruits, especially apricot leaves, as they are in fresh fruits (but in smaller quantities). It is important to remember that the drying process results in a considerable reduction in the amount of vitamin C. 5- Beneficial for ladies who are pregnant Apricots in their dried form still retain many of their natural nutrients, making them an excellent food choice for pregnant women. Because it contains so much iron, this fruit can help prevent or treat anaemia in pregnant women. Additionally, because it contains fibre, it helps alleviate digestive issues like as constipation and indigestion, which improves the functioning of the digestive system overall. In addition, it is an effective treatment for both vaginal infections and neurological problems, which helps to alleviate stress. The consumption of dried apricots is beneficial not only to women who are pregnant but also to the growth of the nervous system of the foetus and to the prevention of births that are premature. It is important to note that dried fruits contain more sugar than fresh fruits do, so it is prudent to limit the amount of dried fruits you consume. It is important to keep in mind that the dried fruits sold in stores contain additives such as industrial sweeteners and preservatives, which are known to be hazardous to the body and have been linked to gastrointestinal cramping, asthma, allergic reactions, and skin rashes in certain individuals.

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Qaisi plums can be used in food preparation.




Qaisi plum is very suitable for constipation.




Qaisi plum stew is very delicious.



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