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sunflower seed production world

Sunflower seeds are a very different production world.

They are used not only for cooking and baking, but also for seed good oils.

Sunflowers originally arrive in Central America from the north.

The results showed that they were also planted near Mississippi and in Mexico.

They were later brought to Europe by Spanish sailors.

Today Ukraine is the largest producer of sunflower seeds.

Second place is Russia, second place is Argentina.

Sunflower seeds can be used as soon as they are shelled.

Also suitable for stabbing.

The brain may still be slightly toasted.

Sunflower seeds are suitable for sweet and savory dishes, such as muesli, salads, and ingredients for baking bread and sandwiches, and sunflower oil is also very popular.

Sunflower seeds need to be kept cool, dry and protected from light as they deteriorate quickly due to their high fat content.

After opening, the package must be tightly closed. Cores deplete quickly.

Sunflower seeds are rich in valuable substances.

They contain a lot of vegetable proteins, many vitamins and calcium.

The grains are made up of 90% unsaturated fatty acids that are important for the heart and blood vessels.

It also keeps cholesterol levels in balance.

With 6 grams of iron per 100 grams, sunflower seeds are a true energy reserve.

 Sunflower seeds are available year-round.

Sunflower seeds are generally harvested between September and October, but this can vary by region.

Sunflower seed flavor: nutty, slightly fruity Sunflower Seeds - Healthy Energy Pack I believe that many people have known the joy of eating sunflower seeds since childhood.

Beans aren't just delicious. They contain many healthy vitamins and minerals and have been a valuable source of energy for plants for centuries.

Sunflower seeds are more than just a snack.

Brain material has become an essential ingredient in food production.

Walnuts are therefore a key plant source for the production of one of the most popular oils.

In addition to being the basis for sunflower oil, sunflower seeds are also becoming increasingly popular in the preparation of sweet and savory dishes due to their aromatic and nutty taste.

polyunsaturated fatty acids The reason for this is the unsaturated fatty acids that make up more than 90% of sunflower seeds.

Also, it contains many essential vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin K, vitamin B, vitamin A, vitamin F, carotene, calcium, iodine, magnesium, etc.

This structure has a very positive effect on the human body.

The core is known to strengthen the heart and blood circulation.

It also helps in bone formation and prevents dental diseases such as bleeding gums and periodontitis.

 Therapeutic benefits of sunflower seeds I have already mentioned the health-promoting and maintenance effects of sunflower seeds. 

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Kazem Marandi