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Pukhraj Potato in West Bengal Today (Solanum Tuberosum) Oval Rectangular Bumpy Shape

Pukhraj potato in west Bengal today is farming a lot.

The world is enjoying its taste.

Here we will familiarize you with it.

Pukhraj Potato in West Bengal Today

The starchy root vegetable known as the potato is a native of the Americas and is a tuber of the Solanum tuberosum plant.

The origin of potato in America, but it is planted in different places over the world and with diffrent types.

One of the kinds of potato is called Pukhraj which is planted in India.

These potatoes are a kind of patato with medium to large sizes.

Their shape is like to oval or rectangular, and with a somewhat bumpy appearance.

Several shallow eyes and tiny brown patches can be seen on the skin as well.

Pukhraj Potato is smooth with a wax-like texture and its skin can be light brown or somehow like gold color.

Pukhraj Potato

Pukhraj Potato Features in West Bengal Today

The first important characteristic of the Pukhraj potato is that it is available all over India in every season.

There is no specific season for this type of potato.

Potato can be served as the main meal.

Title Description
Known As Solanum Tuberosum Plant
Shapes Oval or Rectangular, Bumpy
Appearance Tiny Brown Patches On the Skin
Contains Vitamin C, Potassium, and Fiber

So, you should not pay extra money for the main food.

Pukhraj potato contains vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, which makes it an evaluable food for your body.

This type of potato is specified to boil rapidly.

Also, they are heat resistant which means heat cannot damage their beneficial ingredients.

The population is increasing fast and lots of food are needed.

Pukhraj potatoes can be planted in vast farms in huge amounts.

Pukhraj potato is a mongrel vegetable that provides lots of food for people.

pukhraj potato variety

Buy Pukhraj Potato in West Bengal Today

The following tips are benefits of buying Pukhraj potato in west Bengal today.

In India, you may buy Pukhraj potatoes all year long.

The first point to notice is about the time of boiling the potato.

If you are in hurry and want a type of potato that can be provided as soon as possible, it is better to choose pukhraj potato.

Pukhraj potato is suitable for different applications including boiling, frying, roasting and even cooking soups.

A very important aspect of vegetables is the time which they can last.

Pukhraj potatoes can last for weeks if they are kept in a dry and cool place.

It is recommended to pick yellow potatoes.

The green ones are not ready for eating or cooking.

kufri pukhraj potato

Pukhraj Potato Price in West Bengal Today + Buy and Sell

The price of Pukhraj potato in West Bengal today can be affected by climate, rain, amount of farming, or any other factors.

Holistically, we can say that it costs in a range of 0.17 up to 0.26 dollars in west Bengal.

It seems inexpensive because the potato is farmed there.

But the potato has different types and several various factors.

Several aspects determine the price of the product.

That's why we think you need to call agencies and get help from them.

Because they are familiar with different facets of the market.

They have updated news about the price.

You can call us and increase your revenue and benefit in your trade.

pukhraj potato price

The Answer to Two Questions About Pukhraj Potato

1: What is Pukhraj Potato look like?

Their shape is like to oval or rectangular, and with a somewhat bumpy appearance.

2: Can Pukhraj Potato be served as the main meal?

Potato can be served as the main meale.

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