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Kabkab dates of Iran Specifications + Purchase Price

Looking for delectable Kabkab dates at wholesale price? Here, you'll learn about one of the tastiest dates known as "Kabkab", which is a prerequisite for your purchase. In this article, you will first learn about the primary supplier of this type of date and then discover the advantages of consuming the product in question. Kabkab's meteoric rise to fame benefits both the supplier and the customer. Kabkab dates contribute millions to Iran's economy. As an example, Iran exports this type of date to the region, the U.S., Europe, and Africa.

fresh datesDate

This profitable fruit originated in Iran's "Bushehr" province. Bushehr produces 75% of Kabkab dates. Behbahan, Bandar-e-Abbas, and Dashtestan also grow Kabkab, one of the most popular dates in and outside of Iran. Dashtestan produces the highest-quality Kabkab dates in the country. Kabkab is a date with a high nutritional value and a high nutritional density. This means that Kabkab is a rich source of carbohydrates, which are the only source of energy required by the nervous system, resulting in decreased protein consumption and increased calcium and phosphorus absorption. In addition, the iron present in Kabkab increases body resistance and growth. Preventing radicals from penetrating the tissues is made possible by the calories contained within.

what is a date fruitDates nutrition facts

fresh dates

Where to Get Some Really Good Dates? The deserts of California and Arizona are where the majority of the United States' crop of dates is produced because palm trees thrive in arid environments. This fruit is considered to be a fall and winter variety because it is harvested between the months of September and March. When dates are in season, the farmer's markets in Southern California and Arizona may have fresh dates available for purchase. They are also sold by some growers through the use of mail order, and they are able to be discovered in specialty shops and, frequently, in Middle Eastern markets.

It is possible that you will be able to purchase fresh dates at your neighborhood grocery store, either already packaged or in bulk, depending on where you live.

medjool datesKabkab dates suppliers in Iran

Dates that are still fresh may have some wrinkles, but their texture should not be firm. Try to find fresh dates that are not dry and have a slight sheen to their skin. Plump and piarom dates are the best. You should steer clear of dates that still have sugar crystals adhered to their skins (a little bit of whiteness is fine, but actual crystals are not), as this indicates that the dates are not quite as fresh as you would like. Dates that have been dried and then packaged for sale are available all year long and can typically be found in the section of the grocery store devoted to baking. In summary, the deserts of California and Arizona are where the majority of the U.S. crop of dates is produced.

This fruit is considered to be a fall and winter variety because it is harvested between September and March.

Date industry syrup

It is possible that you will be able to purchase fresh dates at your neighborhood grocery store, either already packaged or in bulk.

what is a date fruit

The word "date" originates from the Greek word daktulos, which literally translates to "fingers." It is possible that the fruit was named after its shape when it was first domesticated. There are many different kinds of dates, but only a few of them can be found in stores in the United States. The majority of dates are allowed to continue hanging from the trees so that they can "cure" and dry out a little bit before being harvested. This ensures that the dates will have a longer shelf life once they have been picked. They will continue to be quite soft, but they will have a quality that is somewhat more toothsome to them. These are the "fresh dates" that can be found at certain supermarkets, specialty grocery stores, as well as farmer's markets. Dates have a high sugar content when they are fresh, and this sugar content increases as the fruit dries; as a result, fresh dates have a unique flavor and consistency in comparison to the sugared, dried, and chopped dates that are sold in boxes in the baking section of the grocery store. some varieties, like the Medjool, command a higher price than others due to the increased amount of manual labor required in their production. Dates are consistently ranked as one of the sweetest foods on the planet. Dates are native to the Middle East, where they have been cultivated for consumption for thousands of years and grown on large palm trees known as dates tree palms. These sweet fruits have a chewy texture and can be purchased both fresh and dried in a number of different varieties. date can be consumed directly from the container, added to salads, or pureed and used as a sauce ingredient. They can also be eaten as a topping for both sweet and savoury dishes.

medjool dates

The date is one of those unusual fruits that never grow anywhere. The origins of Medjool may be traced to Morocco. Medjool palm trees are native to South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the United States. Typically, Medjool is provided without water; nevertheless, this does not imply that the water will be unpleasant or stretched. Dates of the Medjool dates kind are dried in a manner that retains their particularly soft and sticky texture. Due to the sugar's thickening during the drying process, dried dates are often sweeter. Medjool dates give a number of health benefits, yet greater research is undoubtedly required to completely comprehend these benefits. Some of these benefits will be discussed in the paragraphs that follow. it might be claimed that these properties are a convincing incentive to purchase Medjool dates since they distinguish them from other types of dates often consumed as snacks or for daily use. The fibre and antioxidants in Medjool can protect the heart. In addition to cleansing the arteries, fibre has the ability to reduce dangerous cholesterol (LDL) levels in the body. This fruit reduces the likelihood of acquiring heart disease. To ingest 3 grammes of fibre, only two large dates are required (about 48 grammes). According to a study on the benefits of Medjool dates, these dates reduce harmful cholesterol and prevent the building of plaque in the arteries. If deposits begin to accumulate inside the arteries and limit blood flow, a heart attack or stroke may occur. Medjool includes antioxidants that assist the body in its fight against free radicals. Medjool dates contain phenolic acids and carotenoids that promote cardiovascular health. Research supports this effectiveness.

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Comments (40 Comments)


Dates contain a lot of calories and carbohydrates


I really don't know the quality of Kabkab dates that are used for export, but the quality I got from the market was not good at all.


Khadrama has vitamins a, b, c, has energy-generating properties and prevents the occurrence of many disease


Dates are rich in nutrients and vitamins and their consumption prevents the occurrence of many disease


Hello. I got to know Kharma Kabkab through this article. Thank you for your good information.

Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this product. It is very good. I suggest you buy good dates


Dates have a lot of iron and are very beneficial for the body. I suggest you to buy dates from the branding site


One of the best products that plays a colorful role in the consumption basket of households today is Kabkab dates, and it is one of the best and most quality dates, which is very delicious.

Panah alinezhad

Kabkab dates are one of the best and highest quality dates, which are very delicious


You Know I love the way you express here and I think you have red a tons of books for this.


One of the best products that plays a colorful role in the consumption basket of households today is date Ala because it is produced from the best quality dates of our country.


I recommend kabkab dates an excellent and quality product that is very tasty and has many benefits


Hello, these dates will definitely be very valuable with these wholesale prices


Dates are a rich source of various vitamins and minerals and are very beneficial for the health of the body


Hello good time.The method of picking dates is very important and some farmers shake the palm to make the dates fall on the ground.

Sahar kamali

The method of picking dates is very important and some farmers shake the palm to make the dates fall on the ground.


What is the price per kilo of dates on your site?

Fatima Abbasi

hello, This fruit is considered to be a fall and winter variety because it is harvested between the months of September and March.


Dates are an export product that is very profitable for traders


Hello, Kabkab dates produced in Bushehr, Iran are one of the best. I recommend that you definitely use it, it has a very good taste and excellent quality.


Kabkab dates are one of the delicious Iranian dates that are stored in juice and have a delicious taste.

Arad Branding

You can fill out the consultation form on the site to receive the price list of the product provided so that our experts can contact you.

Azam Babaei

Dates are nutritious and good and have energy and are good for all ages


Kabkab dates have a good taste and are a great option for those who cannot use them with tea or sugar milk


These dates are of very good quality and I am very satisfied with them


hi gys > Kabkab It is good for all seasons and it is 100% useful in treating diseases Especially for those who Sports are work so gys Go use it So GooD i like iT


Kharma Kabkab has a lot of iron and is useful for people with anemia and cardiovascular problems. It also has a lot of calcium and is good for ossification and bone structure.

Mahdi Alavi

Hi dears
The iron present in Kabkab increases body resistance and growth. Preventing radicals from penetrating the tissues is made possible by the calories contained within.good job


Kabkab date has a really wonderful taste. It has many fans from all countries, and in this sense it is suitable for the business and economy of Iran. This date contains carbohydrates that the nervous system needs. It is rich in protein. Fresh dates should not have a hard and dry texture. These dates can be bought in soft and dried form from all stores. Contains a lot of fiber.


Hello Due to the sugar’s thickening during the drying process, dried dates are often sweeter.


Hello Preventing radicals from penetrating the tissues is made possible by the calories contained within.


Hello, good time. Dates are a healthy and organic food that are very energizing and contain vitamins


Dates are a delicious, tonic and energizing supplement that can prevent all kinds of diseases such as cance


Dates contain vitamin D and cure stomach ulcers


Kabkab dates are one of the sweetest dates in Iran and are very popular among fans


People who are in the business of buying and selling and exporting, it is better to buy these dates in bulk to be economical


should not eat dates that have a sour smell, are very hard, or have crystallized sugar on their surface. These signs can indicate the dates have gone bad.

Parsa samanyrad

was very, very good. I was satisfied. I recommend it to you, thank you


This date is enough. It is sweet and delicious, and the price is very good. It is an excellent quality product


Dates are considered to be one of the most important and characteristic edible substances in nature for all age groups.

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