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Kabkab Date Quran Quote Lookup

Muslim people always look up some quotes about kabkab dates in Quran. Many people are familiar with the phrase an apple a day keeps the doctor away, but the Islamic equivalent is seven dates a day keeps the doctor away. Seven dates in the morning, according to the Holy Prophet peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, protect a person against poison and sorcery. This lends history a fascinating, even otherworldly quality. According to the Quran Mary was encouraged to eat date throughout her pregnancy in order to assist in childbirth and strengthen her body. kabkab date quran Dates also include stimulants that strengthen the uterine muscles in the latter several months of pregnancy, according to studies. This helps the uterus dilate and decreases bleeding during childbirth. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) highlighted the value of dates in fetal growth and is said to have consumed dates in the mouth of the newborn. Kabkab dates are regarded as an excellent wet type of dates, with a moisture level of roughly 18%. It is oval in shape and is 3.5 cm in length. Because of the lengthy and gray pits strongly adhering to its flesh, its hue fluctuates from dark brown to yellow as it ripens. They're popular because of their pleasant, sweet, and sugary flavor. The Kabkab date is second only to Astamaran, Shahani, and Mazafati dates in terms of finest quality products, with the most profitable commodity. These dates have such a high economic value merely because they are thought to be the highest grade dates available. As a result, Kabkab production is extremely important to tropical countries’ crop-growing businesses and markets. Kabkab dates are picked towards the middle of September. kabkab date quote It is one of the most important dates fruit kinds, with exceptional yearly resources. While the majority of Kabkab dates are consumed in the home markets of producing countries, due to their ongoing growth and exceptional quality, initiatives have been done to export the dates abroad so that more people can enjoy their favorite manufacturing. Kabkab, like all dates, is high in nutritional value due to the natural nutrients it contains. The date fruit's flesh includes 60-65 percent sugar, 2.5 percent fiber, 2% protein, and a trace of fat. Kabkab Dates also give our bodies the minerals iron, potassium, and calcium, as well as copper, phosphorus, and magnesium to a lesser level. Each of them has its own set of health advantages. Due to the wet nature of Kabkak dates, they can be kept for about six months at room temperature with short-term fumigation. Kabkab dates in a dry, cold atmosphere can be stored for longer periods of time without refrigeration.

kabkab date quran

Some fruits have been named paradise fruit such as figs, dates, and olives in the holy Quran. Kabkab dates are a nutrient-dense food that should be considered one of the best snacks. Using these dates during the dawn of Ramadan is unquestionably recommended because they are one of the most healthy and nutritious foods available. kabkab date lookup Dates are a terrific thirst quencher as well as a good supply of iron and nutrients for the body. In general, kabkab dates are High in magnesium and beneficial for weight loss, having a lot of iron accessible for persons with anemia and cardiovascular problems, High in calcium and helpful for bone building and structure, High in antioxidants and cancer prevention, High in fiber for those with digestive issues and constipation. Kabkab dates are advised for persons who suffer from seasonal allergies due to their anti-allergic characteristics. These dates are high in vitamins A, C, B1, B2, and other B vitamins, all of which are beneficial to bodily health and vision. High nutritional value to maintain physical strength and alleviate tiredness and weariness in the body, the laxative properties of people with severe constipation, and excellent nutrition as a sedative due to its high magnesium content are other benefits of kabkab dates. They are high in folic acid and iron, making them an excellent supplement for persons who suffer from anemia. Kabkab dates are one of Iran's most valued dates in terms of both economic and cultural value. Because Kabkab dates are one of Iran's most valued dates in terms of both economic and cultural value. Because these dates are semi-arid, they may be preserved easily. However, if the storage time does not satisfy the criteria, it is recommended that it be reduced. kabkab date line Because of their considerable potential for insect attraction, kalkab dates should be stored in cold stores or warehouses with air temperatures below -5. Low temperatures also make it easier to keep dates for extended periods of time. The majority of dates produced in the provinces of Bushehr, Khuzestan, and Fars should be packaged and supplied to clients as soon as possible after harvest, and sterile and hygienic warehouses should be used for storage as needed, as indicated. Temperatures in these warehouses should be kept below -5 degrees Celsius. Kalkab dates are often coarse in texture, but the best and coarsest kalkab dates are harvested in Dashtestan. Although dates are of good quality, their texture is slightly different. Kalkab dates are usually divided into two categories. Kalkab dates are usually classified by their size, harvest season, harvest location, and look.

kabkab date quote

There are a ton of quotes related to exporting and importing kabkab and piarom date. The European market for dates is likely to develop steadily in the long run. This expansion might be fueled by changes in European consumers' buying patterns. This includes a rise in the popularity of healthy food and sugar substitution. kabkab date live The consumption of huge numbers of immigrants entering Europe is another motivating driver. Many of them consume dates on a daily basis. The nations with the biggest prospects for developing-country suppliers include France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, and the Netherlands. It's the date palm's fruit (Phoenix dactylifera). Depending on the freshness of the fruit, date palms are referred to as fresh or dry. Fresh dates (with a moisture level of more than 50%) are rarely available on the European market. Fresh dates are scarce in the place of origin, and only a handful of them are edible at this point. As a result, our research will focus solely on the European market for dried dates sometimes called table dates. When a date is left on the tree for an extended period of time, it ripens, changes color, softens, shrinks in size, weight, and moisture, but rises in sugar content. You must ripen dates after harvesting if you want to harvest them early to avoid damage from rain and insects. Dates are fumigated to keep insects away after harvesting and washing, then rehydrated for softness, disinfected by high temperatures, evaluated by quality and size, and kept in space. Date palms may be harvested and produced without any further processing. Natural dates are what they're called. After harvest, date palms can be treated with rehydration or coatings of glucose syrup or sorbitol. kabkab date night Conditional dates are what they're called. Date palms may be grown with as little as 30% moisture or as much as 60% moisture. Dates with a high level of humidity should be kept at a temperature of 0-4 degrees Celsius. Even though dates are dry, they are frequently frozen to extend their shelf life. During shipping and storage, frozen cold chains are generally retained for longer. The processing date is supplied at room temperature or in the refrigerator for retail shelves. Dates are often utilized as end-user goods fruit snacks, but they are also used as components in home cooking, bread products, confectionery, and other similar items. When dates are consumed orally, they are normally swallowed whole, either with or without a hole (stone) (stone removed). They may also be cut and used in muesli or dried fruit mixtures as a filler. Dates may also be made into items like dates, date juice (syrup), and liquid dates. Oil and coffee alternatives can even be made from holes.

kabkab date lookup

Most distributors look up kabkab date manufacturers through the internet. But at the primary stage, you should know where and when this tropical fruit is cultivated. The subtropical climates of North Africa and the Middle East produce the majority of the world's dates. Depending on the type, the harvest season lasts from July until late November. The primary harvest, however, begins in September. Date output is rapidly increasing, with a goal of 1 million tons by 2020. Saudi Arabia is the world's largest date producer, accounting for 21% of global output. kabkab date night ideas Iran (16%), the United Arab Emirates (13%), Tunisia (11%), Egypt (10%), and Algeria (10%) are the next countries on the list (9 percent). There are around 3,000 different date types grown all over the world. Sugar cane and reverse sugar are the two main types of sugar cane. The sugar content is nearly entirely reversed (glucose or fructose) in most kinds, while some variants incorporate sugar cane sucrose. The popularity of these two types on the global market distinguishes them. Deglet Nour with Medjool reverse sugar kind sugar cane sugar variety. Medjul dates are extremely popular, accounting for almost 25% of global exports. Although Europe is not the world's largest importer of dates, it is the fastest-growing. Europe's import share has risen from 22% in 2016 to more than 32% in 2020. In 2020, the total amount of European fresh mazafati dates imported was 158,000 tonnes. Suitable for a 395 million euro valuation. More than 34,000 tonnes are traded in Europe after import. Dates from developing nations account for more than 81 percent of all dates imported into Europe. In Europe, commerce consists primarily of the straightforward re-export of imported dates, but value-added trade also includes processes such as retail packaging. Over the last five years, European imports from developing nations have climbed from 89,000 tonnes in 2016 to 127,000 tons in 2020. The current and anticipated growth in imports provides attractive prospects for developing-country suppliers. kabkab date written Because table dates are not grown in Europe, demand is totally reliant on imports. Produced in tiny batches in Spain, yet each one is sold fresh at the local market. The European market for dates might increase at a pace of 7 to 10% each year over the next five years. Due to the strong demand for natural sweeteners, considerable import growth is expected as an alternative for sugar. The import of table dates may result in an increase in the import of date honey syrup and date honey syrup. Dates are the center of the European market. More than half of all imports come from these three nations. In 2020, France was Europe's top importer, accounting for 27% of all imports, followed by Germany (15%), the United Kingdom (13%), the Netherlands (9%), and Italy (6%). According to the International Council on Nuts and Dried Fruits, France will eat 387,000 tons of dates in 2020 (including industrial and food service consumption). The big diaspora in the nations that produce dates in North Africa is one of the key reasons for France's high consumption. The Netherlands has the greatest per capita consumption in Europe, averaging 0.8 kilograms per person per year. Consumption as a snack has a long history throughout Europe. Dating consumption as a snack has a high seasonality in Europe. There are generally two peaks in consumption. One has to do with the Muslim community in Europe, which eats the most dates during Ramadan. Winter vacations, such as New Year's Eve and Christmas Eve, are another high point. The coronavirus outbreaks in 2020 and 2021 had a considerable impact on the European food industry, including dates. The market structure was primarily affected. Due to the closure of restaurants and hotels, sales in the food service business have decreased. kabkab date questions The outbreak had little effect on import quantities or usual import procedures, and Europe continued to expand imports of dates and date palm goods. The market structure is reverting to pre-epidemic levels when the food service industry improves in 2021.

kabkab date line

kabkab date production line will happen in the grove. Date palms are the fruit of desert palm plants. There are 220 dates in all, with only roughly 20 of them being commercially viable. It is prevalent near deserts and oases in the Middle East and is a favorite dish. Many sections of the Middle East would be uninhabitable without palm palms. It's one of the few plants that can survive in the desert. The "Tree of Life" is the name given to date palms. Date palms are prized for their ability to produce a large amount of food in tough environments. The tree is enormous. Protracted-term fruit production; can survive long droughts and extremely high temperatures. Date palms are the only creations of God that resemble people, according to an old Egyptian proverb. Date trees, unlike other trees, produce fruit. Unlike other trees, dates give more as they grow. The date is one of the oldest known products. They have been cultivated around Mesopotamia's Tigris and the Euphrates since at least 2000 BC. Virgin Mary eats dates during pregnancy. Dates are traditionally consumed by Muslims for Iftar during Ramadan. The Quran contains 18 references, most of which are excellent. The Middle East is the source of two-thirds of the world's dates. The main producers of date palms are Egypt, Iraq, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. The center of the US dating industry is California, India, about 130 miles from Los Angeles. The first palm trees were imported from Algeria in 1900. Dates are a date seed with a meaty pulp surrounding them. It's high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, and it keeps for months without needing to be refrigerated. It is used to treat weak stomachs and as a laxative. Energy drinks include both "slow-burning" and "fast-burning" sugars. They can be consumed locally or packed in factories and transported worldwide on excellent days. Cows are given by the poor. Camels gnaw on holes. Dried dates are served as finger food in the Arab East, along with cardamom-flavored coffee. You may buy them in a variety of methods in the Middle East market. Date juice, also known as a loggia, is used in a number of beverages and meals. Fresh dates are crushed into pulp and smoothed using cheesecloth to make honey date syrup. In the Middle East, it's very popular. Date seeds for breakfast are also produced in factories. The Bedouin diet includes a lot of date palms. They're picked from palm trees, sun-dried, and preserved for the winter. It feeds the family and assists the camel, goat, and sheep herds. For months, the Bedouins could only eat dates and drink water. Dates may be used for more than just food. They can also be used to give color to your life. Palm tree trunks and leaves are burned for fuel and used to construct canal homes, bridges, nets, and fences. Camels and horse saddles are used to make the elastic fibers that cover the trunk. Leaf stems are used as trowels in brickwork and as a crusher for washing ladies. Stems are used to make mats and baskets

kabkab date live

People who live in the regions where kabkab date is available easily are interested to export this date due to its high demand market. The cultivation process in most regions will occur in the following process. When we scrub the trees after the rest time at the beginning of the year, the date season truly begins. Begin by removing the thorns from the palm leaves this time. It is believed that everything in the desert protects itself by chewing, chewing, and tipping. Palm plants are no different. They have nails that are 4 to 5 inches long and can easily be bored into truck tires. So, first and foremost, you must remove the thorns in order to deal with the date palm trees. Date palms are one of a kind in that they can be either male or female. Pollen is produced by male trees, whereas blooms are produced by female trees. Females must pollinate by hand because neither birds nor bees are attracted to the blooms. We start to see the male tree pods tear in late February. Every day, we check each tree. The male tree pod is retained together and tethered to detach it from the tree as soon as it begins to open. (Notice how the worker is perched on a tree. Each branch can handle around 250 people. The male pod is no longer attached to the tree. Take note of the opening of a little gap. This pod is approximately around 10 pounds in weight. The female tree has the same pods as the male tree, and when flowering begins, the female tree separates the pods and each strand. Then, using fresh pollen obtained from the male tree, knot a thread and hand-pollinate the blossoms. A tiny bottle of tomato sauce is used in this technique. At least three times pollinate each female tree. To begin, open each spliced strand, cut the center string, and only keep the outside string. Then, around 60% of the date should be separated from each string. This enhances ventilation and provides more chances for individuals. A time to make the most of it. It is not uncommon for temperatures to exceed 100 degrees Celsius in May, during thinning, and to reach almost 120 degrees Celsius during the harvest season. As a result, most date farmers conceal their faces with long-sleeved shirts and long pants. It has a strap. To keep oneself safe from the sun and the heat.

kabkab date night

kabkab dates can be used as a meal at night since they are nutritious. They can be found in the following foods. As a snack or finger food, date palms can be filled with almonds, walnuts, cream cheese, or pistachios. Salads can be made using chopped, sliced, or seedless whole dates. In Smoothies Dates provide natural sweetness and nutritional value to banana smoothies. Moroccan stews and tagine dishes offer the most delicious date palm flavor. To make energy balls without cooking, combine dates with almonds, cranberries, oats, coconut chips, or other ingredients. Consumer interest in dating in Europe is expanding as a result of the rising demand for nutritious snacks and sugar replacements, as well as product innovation. For European traders and consumers, sustainable and ethical production is becoming increasingly crucial. In Europe, sugar consumption is decreasing. Dates are one of the sweetest fruits since they are made entirely of natural sugar. As a result, dates and date products are becoming more popular as sugar replacements. Clean, unambiguous labeling is common on products including novel fruit snacks and other dates, such as no refined sugars, added sugars, reduced sugars, or low sugars. Dates also provide taste and color, eliminate the need for synthetic chemicals, and serve as a clear ingredient label. Dates are used in home cooking to provide natural sweetness to smoothies, trendy and nutritious snacks, and other dishes. Date palm goods, such as date palms and date palm syrup, are increasingly being substituted for sugar by industrial customers concentrated date palm juice. Some businesses are taking advantage of the growing popularity of plant-based diets to market dates as an alternative to vegan sugar. Because honey is produced by bees, it is not a plant. Date palm producers and exporters, in addition to date honey syrup and date syrup, bring new items to the market. Date palm syrup, date palm powder, date palm paste, date palm syrup, date palm kernel oil, and date palm bread are some of the products we make. The major trend is nutritious snacking, along with an increased intake of dried fruits such as dates. Consumers are seeking healthier alternatives to eating in between meals or snacks that may be used as a meal replacement. Young people, who are more worried about their health and well-being, avoid sweets like candies and chocolate treats and instead choose protein bars and other low-sugar options. Dried fruits (together with nuts) are becoming increasingly popular as a snack as a result. Barhi dates, on the other hand, are not considered a light supper due to their high carbohydrate content. It contains 45 to 80 percent sugar, depending on the variety. Date sugar has a low glycemic index, which means it takes a long time to digest and keeps you feeling energized all day. Athletes have adequate strength to execute successfully during their activities due to the slow release of energy. They're also used as a snack after intense workouts to aid muscle glycogen replenishment.

kabkab date night ideas

There are many ideas to add kabkab date to your daily diet. At night you can take a couple of dates with a glass of warm milk to have a great sleep. Our bodies have the capacity to digest food every time we eat, yet it's shocking to learn that there are times when caution is required. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other health problems might render meals high in foam pads susceptible, making it difficult to digest short-chain carbohydrates. Taking fructose on an empty stomach can cause stomach upset and discomfort on dates. However, eating dates after a meal might be inconvenient, especially if you have digestive issues, because dates are strong in fiber and make you feel full immediately, but the digestion process is lengthy and final. It gives you a sensation of completeness. Finally, if you have a organic golden date allergy or diarrhea, avoid eating dates since they are high in sugar alcohols called sorbitol, which can cause a lot of discomfort and defecation. With the exception of a few of these circumstances, you can consume dates as a light lunch or at any time of day without fear of negative repercussions. Early in the morning, dates can supply the body with the energy it needs. Additionally, taking them first thing in the morning aids in the elimination of intestinal parasites. Dates also aid in the cleansing of vital organs and the improvement of heart and liver function. Antioxidants provide a natural shine to your skin and hair. Furthermore, research reveals that consuming dates improve efficacy and functions as a sexual instinct medication. It can be kept for up to a month if kept in a sealed container and kept at room temperature. However, because the flavor of dates deteriorates over time, it is advisable to eat them within a week after purchase. For long-term preservation and freshness, date palms are placed in a glass or plastic container or a zipped bag in the refrigerator. Freezing is a good option if you have a lot of dates or wish to store them for a long period. Before freezing, divide them into tiny bowls; they will melt nicely and keep their flavor. The dates continue to dry as they rest, and their sugar gradually emerges on the surface, forming sugary white spots rather than moldy ones.

kabkab date written

Business web writers have written much information about Kabkab dates throughout the world. Palm trees thrive in the deserts of California and Arizona in the United States, where they thrive best. Harvesting of the fall and winter fruits takes place between September and March. As the season approaches, farmers' markets in Southern California and Arizona may have new dates. Some manufacturers provide them through mail order, and they may also be obtained in niche retailers and the Middle East market. Freshly packed or bulk dates may be available at your local grocer, depending on where you reside. Fresh dates may be wrinkled, but they should not be hard to the touch. Fresh dates should be plump and somewhat gleaming. When the sugar crystallizes, avoid dates a little white is acceptable, but a lot isn't. This suggests it isn't as fresh as you'd like it to be. Dried dates are available all year in boxes and packets, and are frequently seen in the kitchen aisles. The greatest oasis and cash crop in the desert are date palms. They're picked from palm trees, sun-dried, and preserved for the winter. It feeds the family and assists the camel, goat, and sheep herds. After decades, a single-family has cared for palm groves. It is costly to carry dates from an oasis to a transportable port. Date palms thrive in saline soil and water, and they require minimal upkeep. They sprout from branches and begin bearing fruit in 4 to 8 years. The fruit that falls from the top of the tree has historically been the most difficult part of raising dates. The pollination of date palms should be done individually, and the fruits should be gathered by hand. Men climbing trees, such as climbing trees with ropes, or young boys with enough limbs to spin the tree barefoot have traditionally done this. The scales on the trunk protrude far enough to serve as a footrest. As more males study and pursue other careers, the dating market is struggling. Men who install telephone lines, for example, typically utilize cherries and motorized buckets to pick dates. Dates are rich in sugar when compared to other nutritional qualities, thus persons with diabetes and anyone who wish to keep their blood sugar under control should keep track of their overall sugar consumption when eating dates. Even if you have diabetes, eating a reasonable number of dates reduces your risk of having too high a blood sugar level. Dates, according to credible sources, have a low blood sugar index and do not cause a substantial increase in blood sugar in people with or without diabetes. Although the study had a limited sample size, the results suggest that consuming modest dates should not have a major impact on blood sugar levels.

kabkab date questions

How much should I consume kabkab date benefits daily? This question may cross your mind. Dosage varies depending on caloric demands and general health, but in order to receive all of the vital elements, you should consume 100 grams of dates or a few dates every day. This is a target. You can see a nutritionist to determine how many days per week you should eat. Dates are virtually perfect foods, according to one research, since they offer a range of vital nutrients as well as possible health advantages. Because dates are high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals, replacing an afternoon snack with them offers several benefits. Dates provide a variety of health advantages, including Date palms, which have a low glycemic index because of their high fructose content. The glycemic index of date palms is low. As a result, it has little impact on blood sugar levels. Low-glycemic-index foods help to keep blood sugar levels in check. As a result, they are diabetic-friendly. Reduces the risk of heart disease: Dates are high in fiber and can help lower cholesterol, also known as bad cholesterol, or low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Dietary fiber binds to cholesterol and helps to prevent it from becoming plaque. Dietary fiber binds to cholesterol, making it less likely for it to be absorbed into the circulation. As a result, it minimizes the risk of heart disease by preventing the buildup of fat in the arteries. Date palms are high in antioxidants, which can help to lessen the risk of certain ailments. Cells are protected from free radicals by antioxidants. Free radicals are unstable chemicals that can cause disease by causing damaging reactions in the body. Due to their high water-soluble and insoluble fiber content, date palms are great for healthy digestion. Dates can help with constipation, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal irritation. High nutritional value that offers the body physical power and prevents weakness and lethargy. It is a great sedative nutrient due to its high magnesium concentration. Laxatives for persons who are suffering from severe constipation. To eliminate bladder stones, traditional medicine suggests consuming grilled dates cooked with fenugreek, which are best brewed and eaten. It's a great supplement for those who have anemia because it's high in folic acid and iron. Because kebab dates are sweeter and have more calories than regular dates, diabetics should be cautious while eating them. Most stores in your neighborhood probably provide dates but best-grade kabkab dates are supplied by a few companies. We are much honored to introduce ourselves as a general leading company in the field of dates. We provide dates for both companies and individuals in bulk or small quantities. Kabkab date production is not restricted to a single location and is grown in a variety of Asian countries, especially Iran. Kebab dates are also available in other regions of Iran and can be used as planting dates. Bebahan, Hvormouge, Kazlan, Tapas, and Jahrom are among them. The output of kebab date palms varies by location. Bebahan date palms, which are sweeter, smaller, and full of concentrated liquids than other dates, are also available from kebab date palm providers. Both with and without the kernel, these dates are accessible. Stamaran, Shahani, and Mazafati, Iran's most profitable goods, are planted adjacent to Kabu Kabu dates to generate the finest quality. These dates have such a high economic value simply because they are thought to be the best dates available. As a result, kebab production is critical for the Iranian product sector and agricultural market. In mid-September, kebab dates are frequently picked. Palm cultivation is widespread in Iran, with palms being grown in a variety of towns. Clay and timber are mostly produced in the Fars province's Kazerun district. It is also grown in the Varadian district of Bushehr province, as well as Behbahan city in the Khuzestan provinces southeast. Other sections of Iran grow date palms, which are good for date planting. Bebahan, Hormuge, Kazlan, Tapas, and Jahrom are among them. The dates in Behbahan Kebab are little, but they have a lot of juice. Perforated and non-perforated date palms are also available. High nutritional value that offers the body physical power and prevents weakness and lethargy. It is a great sedative nutrient due to its high magnesium concentration. Laxatives for persons who are suffering from severe constipation. To eliminate bladder stones, traditional medicine suggests consuming grilled dates cooked with fenugreek, which are best brewed and eaten. It's a great supplement for those who have anemia because it's high in folic acid and iron. Because kebab dates are sweeter and have more calories than regular dates, diabetics should be cautious while eating them.

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Comments (35 Comments)


Dates are hot and dry. The energy of dates is much less than the energy of simple sugar, and for this reason, its consumption is much better and more appropriate than simple sugars. Phosphorus in dates keeps nerve cells alive


In the traditions quoted from the Holy Prophet PBUH it is said that eating dates will improve digestion and remove pain and fatigue from the body. and removes pain and fatigue from the body


Dates have a lot of beneficial substances and have natural sugar. Eating them instead of sugar with tea is much more useful and healthier


Dates are one of the best creations of God, it is also recommended to use natural sugars like dates instead of artificial sugars to keep people healthier.


Picking dates from a tree requires skill

Hale saman

Kabkab is one of the dates that has a very sweet and delicious taste and is liked by all tastes


Hello, don't be tired, as we know that dates are rich in vitamin K and magnesium, and those who are deficient in vitamin K can use it.


Kabkab date is one of the good creams that has a very long shelf life


Hello good day.Kabkab dates are very high quality dates and are used in various ceremonies

ali farhadi

Hi, in my opinion, instead of using puffs and chips as snacks, it is better to use kebab dates as a snack so that you can easily provide the energy your body needs.


Dates in packages should be produced in high trade exports and the best organic product of Hess

Mohammad amin Razavi

The sale of wholesale dates is done in a special and exceptional way, which significantly reduces the price of this product.


From this article, I learn that the kebab date has many properties for human health


Thank you so much for the information about dates properties. I have anemia and I learn it is good for me


The name of dates is mentioned in the Quran 20 times and its use is emphasized and it helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system

Reza javadi

Dates are one of the most delicious and useful fruits and it is a heavenly fruit and it can also be an organic energy bomb and it is the best substitute for sugar in tea.


Nowadays, in the preparation of organic foods, kabkab dates are used as sweeteners. Because there is a large amount of natural sugar in the structure of this date, which is considered a very suitable substitute for sugar.


It is true that Kabkab dates are one of the famous export brands, but the quality of dates in the market is not very good


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We can make lots of delicious dessert with and it can use to make rich drink and it is so sweet


Desserts such as date qisava, ringing, cookies and date cake are the most popular foods prepared with dates.


Dates have a very high nutritional value

Ali vafadar

Kabkab dates are picked towards the middle of September. It is one of the most important dates fruit kinds, with exceptional yearly resources.


If you want to stay healthy always, don't forget to eat dates because they keep you away from the hospital and also give you health.

Nazanin inanloo

This is very delicious. It has a good color and taste, and the price is reasonable and I used it
And Iranian food


If you want to stay healthy always, don't forget to eat dates because it gives you health and you owe your health to it..


Dates need very warm weather to grow


Yes, these dates have been popular since time immemorial and sometimes as a complete meal


Thanks for the words of encouragement and guidance and for all you have taught me in this article


Kabkab dates are very high quality dates and are used in various ceremonies


Date palms may be grown and harvested without more ado. They are known as natural dates.


Dates are a sweet and delicious product that can be enjoyed with hot drinks such as milk and milk, and they have vitamins and beneficial properties

Hamidreza naderlo

Hello, these dates are very high quality, I have bought them and I suggest you buy them at a reasonable price.


One of the most important benefits of dates is that you can eat them on an empty stomach, and this will kill intestinal worms.

Mona hajimirzakhani

Some fruits have been named paradise fruit such as figs, dates, and olives in the holy Quran.

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