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Fresh Jujube Fruit Price

Both fresh and dried, the Jujube fruit is a well-priced and popular substitute for snacks or even a great addition to many recipes.

Fresh Jujube Fruit

Mostly known as red or the Chinese date, jujube fruit is served both fresh and dried as snacks and toppings in many recipes.

The fruit is mostly grown in southern Asia, however, it is now been cultivated across the world thanks to its growing popularity.

The popularity of jujube is greatly owed to its versatility, sweet taste, and of course the health benefits that come along with it.

The drupe can be picked both when the skin turns brown and even later when it is entirely dried.

And finally, although the jujube tree can withstand winter weather, it is natively planted in warm climates.

Fresh Jujube Fruit Price

Fresh Jujube Fruit Features

Speaking of the features of this drupe, the fresh jujube fruit is packed with many nutrients and potential health benefits.

In alternative medicine, the fruit is prescribed for insomnia and inflammation of the bowels.

Title Description
Origin  mostly grown in southern Asia
Serves as  both fresh and dried 
Pros nutrients and potential health benefits
Medical usage for insomnia and bowels inflammation

Modern medicine also prescribes the fruit because it ensures you will have strong and healthy bones, thanks to loads of calcium and phosphorus inside it.

In addition, the consumption of jujube fruit means taking in plenty of fiber, key vitamins, organic compounds, and minerals.

At the moment, many studies have now focused on the potential benefits of jujube fruit.

One of the latest discoveries of these studies was that the fruit’s antioxidant properties might neutralize harmful cells and decrease the risk of cancer.

Fresh Jujube Fruit Price

Buy Fresh Jujube Fruit

If you intend to buy the drupe, China and Russia are considered the main exporters of fresh jujube fruit.

However, other countries like Iran also produce and export the drupe to their neighboring countries like Pakistan and India.

But keep in mind that the wholesale market of the drupe is affected by several factors.

First and foremost, the balance between supply and demand determines the market price.

For example, from November to the early days of March, the price of jujube fruit increases due to an increase in the demand for the product.

Naturally, the prices fall as soon as the harvest season of the fruit arrives.

Fresh Jujube Fruit Price

Fresh Jujube Fruit Price + Buy and Sell

When it comes to the price of fresh jujube fruit, the balance between buyers and sellers is the main parameter that influences the market.

As we have already said, Russia and China are the main exporters of jujube.

Now if one of these two countries stops feeding the market, regardless of the reason, the prices will soar high.

On the other hand, if a third major producer like Iran finds its way into the market, the prices will diminish.

At the moment, fresh jujube fruit is traded at the price of 4$ per kilogram but it keeps changing due to the many factors involved.

If you are interested in knowing about the exact prices, feel free to send us a message or give us a call.

The Answer to Two Questions About Jujube Fruit

1: How long do jujubes stay fresh?

It is OK to leave jujube fruits out on the counter for a week to ripen.

2: What's the secret to keeping jujubes soft?

If you want the first piece to be extra soft, don't open the package until you're ready to eat it. 

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