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Gucchi Mushroom Price in Delhi

Gucchi in Delhi is a kind of mushroom that is a very delicious and high price, this mushroom is originally from India and is sold in the market.

Gucchi Mushroom in Delhi

Guchhi mushroom is a type of fungus in the Ascomycota family Morchellaceae.

They have a pale yellow cap with large pits and ridges on the surface, raised on a large white stem you can find them in the Delhi market.

Guchhi's high price is also due to cultivation difficulties.

The mushrooms grow in conifer forests across temperature zones, as well as the foothills of Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal, and Jammu and Kashmir.

And it takes months for villagers to gather enough mushrooms, dry them, and transport them to the market.

Gucchi mushrooms are a wild variety that can be eaten safely.

These delectable fungi are also simple to identify.

Gucchi Mushroom

Gucchi Mushroom Feature in Delhi

Gucchi mushrooms are distinguished from other mushrooms by their spongy, honeycombed heads, which appear to be an unappealing mass of pleats and pits but actually contain a plethora of savory flavours.

They thrive in temperate conifer forests, and the cool foothills of the Himalayas in Himachal, Uttaranchal, and Jammu and Kashmir are ideal habitats.

Title Description
Species Ascomycota Family Morchellaceae
Characteristics Spongy and Honeycombed Heads
Cultivation Temperate Conifer Forests and the Cool Foothills
Nutrients Cholesterol, Fat, Carbohydrates, Calories, and Sodium

Gucchi has numerous health features, including:

Gucchi mushroom contains no cholesterol or fat and is low in carbohydrates, calories, and sodium.

They are high in riboflavin and have the same amount of fiber as one medium tomato.

They are also high in niacin, pantothenate, and copper.

Because of their high levels of selenium and niacin, gucchi mushrooms can reduce the risk of cancer, particularly prostate cancer.

The Cancer Research UK study on the effects of mushrooms on cancer treatment noted these findings.

gucchi mushroom cultivation

Buy Gucchi Mushroom in Delhi

However, there is one product that is exorbitantly priced, around $16-18for just 100 grams but is so unique and delicious that I have seriously considered taking out a bank loan when I am in INA Market in Delhi.

This is one of the few places to find dried morels, the Himalayan mushrooms known as gucchi, which is a hill dialect term for mushrooms but also an entirely appropriate name given their high price.

This type of mushroom is very expensive because it is difficult to find and also very tasty, so you should consult with an expert before purchasing.

gucchi mushroom benefits

Gucchi Mushroom in Delhi Price + Buy and Sell

Many different factors influence the price of Gucchi mushrooms, the most important of which are packaging, labour costs, mushroom type, size, and appearance, mushroom quality, compost price, and so on.

Mushrooms are one of the few items in which Iran is self-sufficient in production and cultivation, and because there are no imported mushrooms on the market, currency fluctuations have no effect on mushroom prices.

In addition, rising labour costs have caused mushroom prices to rise in recent years.

Buyers and exporters of Gucci mushrooms from anywhere in the world can easily find the price of this product for buying and selling by using the services of our website.

mushroom sauce

The Answer to Two Questions About Gucchi Mushroom

1: Where is gucchi grown?

It primarily thrives in woods that are 2000 meters or more above sea level.

2: What is the English name for gucchi?

Guchchi, often called sponge mushroom, is a member of the Morella fungus family.

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