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Shaggy Mane Mushroom Per Pound (Lawyer’s Wig) Calcium Fiber Source

Shaggy Mane mushroom per pound contains so many nutrition facts that can't be ignored in daily cuisine throughout the whole world.

Shaggy Mane Mushroom Per Pound

The shaggy mane mushroom, also known as the lawyer's wig mushroom or shaggy ink cap.

This is a species of mushroom that belongs to the genus Coprinuze and is characterized by a cap that is conical and covered with shaggy scales that are in an inverted position.

The last reason is that the scales that are turned up on their hats are similar in appearance to the layered curls that were worn on the wigs that attorneys wore in previous courtrooms.

Many people believe that per pound of the mushroom can be recognized the quickest, right alongside enormous puffballs, chicken of the woods, and morels.

Shaggy Mane Mushroom

Shaggy Mane Mushroom Per Pound Features

There are between 300 and 500 calories in a per pound of shaggy mane mushrooms, and there is a good amount of nutritional fiber in these mushrooms as well.

Shaggy mane mushrooms have healthy features.

Title Description
Known as Lawyer’s Wig Mushroom
Calories Between 300 and 500
Belongs to Genus Coprinuze
Cap Conical

The carbohydrate content ranges from 50 to 75 grams per 100 grams, while the protein content is from 12 to 30 grams, and the fat content ranges from 1 to 5 grams.

It is common practice to compare the digestibility of the protein found in mushrooms to that of meat.

In addition to essential nutrients like flavonoids, these mushrooms also have essential minerals like phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium, and salt in their makeup.

mushroom nutrition

Buy Shaggy Mane Mushroom Per Pound

You can buy per pound of shaggy mane mushrooms in different packs in local shops and online stores.

Some providers offer this mushroom in bulk but it's better to get it packed because packed mushrooms are healthier.

In general, online stores are better because they offer more options in comparison with local shops.

In online stores, you can see all of the mushrooms plush their benefits and then pick your desired one after comparison.

Almost all online providers deliver their customers' orders at the door with a low charge and also they give much information about them to help customers completely.

mushroom protein

Shaggy Mane Mushroom Price Per Pound + Buy and Sell

Our company is among the top providers of Shaggy mane mushrooms in the world.

All you need to know about this fungus including their nutritional facts, how to store them safely, the best shipping method to preserve their values, the latest prices and etc are available in our company.

There are numerous experts online who can guide you once you call us.

The regular price per pound of this fungus in the global market is 13.99 dollars, but the same product is much cheaper in our company.

Not only this mushroom but all the other types have the same price reduction as well.

mushroom calories

The Answer to Two Questions About Mushroom

1: What is the main function of mushroom?

Help other plants share nutrients and communicate through chemical signals.

2: How long is the life cycle of a mushroom?

Between 1-2 days and up to many years.

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Comments (3 Comments)


Yal Shagi mushroom is one of the delicious mushrooms that has a very good taste and is a source of calcium


Mushrooms that grow in nature are much tastier than cultivated mushrooms, but you must be sure that they are not poisonous


Mushrooms are a huge source of protein that provides most of the proteins needed by the human body, this phenomenon has increased its consumption.

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