There are different grades of bentonite clay. There are two main types of bentonite clay: industrial grade and food grade. There are also different types of bentonite clay with different concentrations of minerals. The two most common types of bentonite clay are calcium bentonite and sodium bentonite Bentonites are classified into three main classes based on the proportion of exchangeable sodium and calcium cations they contain, their pH index, and ph. These classes are natural sodium bentonite, natural calcium bentonite, activated calcium bentonite (sodium and calcium). Sodium bentonite is a mineral formed by continuous water contact with rocks and volcanic ash for thousands of years. Due to its composition, bentonite exhibits a specific water absorption property that makes it versatile with a wide range of applications in the home and in many different industries. Sodium bentonite clay is an effective pond sealant, anti-odor agent for cat litter, cleaning agent in sewage treatment, bonding agent for green sand mineral smelting, and additive for drilling mud. It does not harm the environment. Sodium bentonite uses and applications Sodium bentonite absorbs water, swells up to 20 times its original volume and creates a gel, a kind of modern material. This remarkable property makes it resilient in nature. Soils with a high content of natural clay are less likely to lose water. Sodium bentonite is an effective sealant. Sodium bentonite also has the property of "caking". This ability to "clump together" is what makes it the main ingredient in cat litter. Plus, it helps control odor, which is great when it comes to kittens and their indoor needs. Although cat litter contains other ingredients and some chemicals are added to it, it is mostly added for convenience and is harmless to your beloved pet. This "binding" property is also useful in a foundry, where sodium bentonite is the product responsible for holding the green sand mold together. Sodium bentonite is also a component often found in drilling mud used while drilling oil wells and tunnels. Drilling mud plays an important role during drilling, helping to control wellbore pressure, offsetting cut pieces to prevent mud paste formation, helping to reduce friction heat during the drilling process, and lubricating the drill bit.
Sodium bentonite can also be used in the steel industry to help form steel granules. Under construction, as a basement or basement sealant. As a lining in the construction of ponds, reservoirs and artificial lakes. In agriculture, as a dispersant for fertilizers and pesticides. The list goes on and on, with the world always searching for new uses for sodium bentonite. What is calcium bentonite and what are its uses? Calcium bentonite absorbs impurities and colored bodies from fats and oils, and acts primarily as a cleaning agent. One of the earliest recorded applications of calcium bentonite in industry is a textile industry product. Impurities and stains on the material before it is treated. Due to its ability to absorb impurities, it has been studied for animal consumption. Several studies indicate that it can help reduce digestive and kidney problems in farm animals and livestock because it is a common ingredient in processed feeds for livestock and farm animals. Although not fully proven, the theory is that consuming dietary calcium bentonite clay is beneficial for many parts of the body due to its ability to absorb toxins and impurities. There are many bloggers who record their use of calcium bentonite.
bentonite clay
The description of "dirt" bentonite clay is more accurate, because it is, after all, a type of clay. However, it deserves a more detailed explanation. Bentonite clay, like DE, contains a range of trace minerals, but it is mainly composed of the mineral montmorillonite, which comes from volcanic ash. Bentonite clay deposits are extracted and ground into a light brown earthy powder. Sodium bentonite is usually mined for industrial uses and is generally not a good choice to take internally. Like all forms of bentonite clay, it expands when it absorbs liquid, but sodium bentonite can absorb much more than any other type of bentonite clay. This could be a problem if it swells up in the stomach or intestines. However, it can be used externally. Calcium bentonite has much less sodium and doesn't swell as much, which makes it safer to take internally, and this is the kind that people generally use for this purpose. The second thing to remember is that you need to get food grade bentonite clay if you are going to ingest it, just like DE. Food grade bentonite clay is cleaner and handled more carefully than industrial bentonite clay. Bentonite clay benefits and uses Supplement and Detox People take bentonite clay as a supplement and a way to detoxify the digestive system. Similar to DE, bentonite clay is rich in silica, although it does not contain as much DE. Bentonite clay also, like DE, contains traces of minerals that can be beneficial to your body. Bentonite clay is absorbent, as is DE, allowing it to draw heavy metals and other toxins and eliminate them from the body. However, one major difference between DE and bentonite clay is that bentonite clay is much softer than DE. This means that bentonite clay does not have the same degree of abrasiveness needed to "clean" the interior as DE. Bentonite clay is best taken between meals. There are several ways to take it. The first and simplest is to mix a teaspoon of bentonite clay in a glass of water and drink it. The problem with this method is that as soon as the clay mixes with water, it begins to expand. This stretching can persist in the stomach and intestines, causing constipation. To reduce the possibility of this problem, mix bentonite clay with water and then let it sit for a few minutes to a few hours, allowing the clay to absorb as much water as possible and expand as much as possible before it enters your environment. the body. You can then drink the entire cup or drink the purer water in the top half of the cup. Many people drink only the purest water at the top of the cup and find it sufficient for them. Another way to take bentonite clay is to make bentonite clay jelly. This is done by mixing about two parts of water with one part of bentonite clay. After the clay absorbs the water, it turns into a smooth paste that has many uses. You can mix 1 tablespoon of this gel in a glass of water and drink it.
Bentonite clay can cause a detoxification reaction, such as ED, with flu-like symptoms. These symptoms should disappear after a few days. If it persists or gets worse, reduce your bentonite clay intake and drink more water. People who take bentonite clay internally report better digestive health, increased energy, a better immune system, detoxification of toxins, improved skin, alkalinity of the body, and other signs of better health. Band aid The clay gel we mentioned has other uses as well. Bentonite clay fans often keep a container on hand for small emergencies. They have found that bentonite clay works well on bruises, bee stings, insect bites, and minor burns. Cold mud provides pain relief and its absorbent properties help flush out toxins and other things that can irritate the skin, such as mosquito bites. You can add bentonite clay to your bath as a way to detoxify your skin. Simply add between 1 and 1 cup of bentonite clay powder.
bentonite clay grades
Bentonite clay with some grades (montmorillonite) is dried in the sun for up to six months. Historically it was used by American Indians for cleansing and healing. Clay has been used for centuries to beautify and refresh when used as a face mask. Bentonite clay is a natural clay that has a soft and smooth texture. It forms a paste when mixed with water. Some people use this paste for medicinal or cosmetic benefits, such as treating rashes and acne or as a hair mask. People have used bentonite clay to remove skin impurities, such as oils and toxins, from the body for thousands of years. Bentonite clay is found in many skin products, but some people also add it to foods or drinks to relieve digestive problems or remove toxins from the body. Several studies have looked at the health benefits of bentonite clay, although most of this research has used animal or cell models. More research is needed before scientists know the true benefits and risks of bentonite clay for humans. Bentonite clay can detoxify the body and help treat oily skin. Many scientists believe that bentonite clay works by absorbing oils and dirt from the skin. When used on the skin by a person, bentonite clay may have the ability to absorb oils and bacteria. When they consume clay, it can absorb toxins or other unwanted substances from the digestive tract. Bentonite clay is made from volcanic ash. It got its name from Fort Benton in Wyoming, where it is found in large numbers. People can also find this clay in other places where volcanic ash has been deposited on the ground. Montmorillonite clay, named for Montmorillonite in France, is the same type of clay. Cleopatra used clay from the Nile River and the Arabian desert over 1,800 years ago as part of her beauty rituals. German and Roman spas use mud packs and spa treatments that were built 4,000 years ago. Many of these resorts still exist and use mud even today. The use of clay with an apple cup dates back to the 16th century southern French Kneipp priest and natural treatments of him with clay packs and poultices. It contains 61% silica, but also 18% aluminum (which is not absorbed into the bloodstream) and small amounts of iron, sodium and magnesium. Alkaline, with a pH of 8.3 to 9.1. (1)
To control itching, herbalists say a simple "mud pack" made with bentonite clay and enough water to make a thick cream can help control itching and dry out blisters. Spread the clay over the affected area and let it air dry. Keep doing this until the clay fades or itches. Wash off the residue. FOR FIRST AID: To make a treatment pack, mix bentonite clay or baking soda and oatmeal with water and an anti-infective herb (such as garlic, thyme, or calendula) or an herbal tincture. Apply on pimples, boils or wounds. For indoor use: the clay can be mixed with water, juice or any other beverage. Do not use metal utensils or containers as they can reduce power. It can also be sprinkled on food or canned. Safe to use for adults, children and pets. Take with plenty of liquid. Strengthens immunity by killing harmful bacteria and viruses BC has been found to be effective in killing harmful bacteria. In a study published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, "the results indicate that specific mineral products have heat-stable antibacterial properties, which can provide an inexpensive treatment against many human bacterial infections." More research is still needed on this topic, but the results of the studies so far look promising in terms of how clay can be used as a treatment for these gut-related diseases. In addition to killing these types of infections and viruses, bentonite clay benefits your immune system by keeping your intestinal wall strong. A large part of the immune system actually lives within the gut microbiome, and when the gut wall is compromised, toxins are better able to filter into the bloodstream and cause serious problems. By protecting the intestinal wall and reducing the amount of pesticides, toxins, bacteria and chemicals that can enter the blood, the body can better protect itself.
One type of virus that finds its partner in bentonite clay, at least in a lab setting, is human adenovirus. While these viruses are not generally fatal, they do cause respiratory infections that can be particularly dangerous for infants or those with weakened immune systems. There is currently no accepted treatment method for these viral infections, but bentonite clay may be a candidate for further research on this topic.It is possible that bentonite clay can also successfully treat paraquat poisoning in humans.