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dried figs potassium purchase price +user manual

In a popular proverb they are often used and "de higos a brevas" is one of the most famous expressions.

The amount of potassium that is contained in dried figs is astonishing and incredible for everyone.

dried figs potassium amount

Figs have a long history in the East and in the Mediterranean, and obviously in the Iberian Peninsula, even if the delicate nature of fresh figs meant that they were not always in vogue due to the difficulty of transport and sale.

Those peels that tear, those cracked or acidic figs that are too ripe.

The same can be said for dried figs, but for opposite reasons, its rustic, rugged-resistant air sets it apart from modern and fast food trends, with low-spectrum and familiar flavors, simple and low.

Booster consumption is far away.

But the fig is back and I hope it stays.

It is their delicacy for fresh figs that allows them to show flavor and texture.

Figs, even cooked ones, are now on the menus of top restaurants, claiming their place commercially as healthy snacks and making their way into new offerings.

An excellent food of nature, in addition to being appetizing, figs are healthy, filling and have many benefits.

Anyone who has looked curiously at a half fig for a while has noticed the curved lines that meet at the center of the crisp, mouth-watering seed.

The reason for this is that the fig is not a fruit, although we usually call it that, it is a small pear-shaped fig that collects the inverted flowers produced by the fig, and each usually has a small fruit on the end.

Therefore, they are also called insufficiency.

The fig was cut in half But how can a tree whose flowers are pods reproduce? The answer is that the fig wasp, a tiny insect and exceptional field pollinator of wild figs, has developed a close relationship with figs called mutualism.

The truth is that, hidden in the design of the dough, a real Greek tragedy takes place to get to the pollination of the fig tree: it takes the first bee, a pregnant female full of pollen, which penetrates through a very small hole at the base of the fig tree, It is inserted.

The narrowness of the tunnel is the beginning of the bee's misfortunes: she loses her wings and antennae and soon dies at the foot of the fig tree.

However, she can spread pollen through the beautiful upside-down flowers and lay eggs before doing so.

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Javad Karimi parchian