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Introduction of dried figs for africans+ Best buy price

Dried figs are mainly being exported in bulk packaging to other countries such as America, Australia, and many other countries.

Figs are packed in an open box, ready for export.

Part of a genus with 750 to 800 recorded species, the "fig-eating" Ficus carica is unique.

The remaining representatives of the genus are mainly tropical "rubber" trees with inedible fruits.

Turkey is the world's largest producer of fresh and dried figs, but South Africa also produces fresh figs for export, accounting for about 0.12% of global production.

Depending on the variety, figs can be divided into three main flavors: mulberry, honey and sugar (simple).

The flesh color of the fig is more related to the taste of the fig than the color of the skin.

"Sugar" figs tend to have amber or brown flesh, while "berry" figs tend to have red to purple flesh.

"Honey" figs are usually light-skinned and yellow-fleshed.

Figs are mostly eaten fresh, with or without shells.

Figs are used in cooking, added to salads and desserts, with yogurt for breakfast or with cheese on a cheese plate.

They are usually flavored with cognac, rum and liqueurs or balsamic vinegar and honey, but lower grade figs can also be used to distill the alcohol.

 Breba, or early season figs, are mostly used for canning - to make the popular green fig jam.

Figs can be paired well with granadilla, used in chutneys and salad dressings, and preserved in brandy.

Figs can also be dried, but most of the dried figs available in South Africa are imported from Turkey.

Figs are also processed into dried fruit rolls.

It is also said that dried figs can be roasted and brewed instead of coffee and edible oil can be obtained from fig seeds.

Fragrant fig leaves are used in cooking, mainly as a wrap for roasting or steaming ingredients.

It imparts a smoky, fruity taste and coconut flavor.

Fig leaf syrup is used in glazing meat, cocktail mixes and jelly.

The tree where the fruits are collected for the production of dried figs is called the fig tree.

The fig tree is deciduous and can reach a height of 7-10 meters.

The trees grow in dry, sunny areas with fresh, deep soil.

They also settle in rocky areas and can live in less fertile soils.

 Fig trees live up to 100 years and have long winding branches that sometimes exceed the tree's height.

Figs are native to the Middle East and Western Asia.

Fig trees are now grown all over the world, including in Asia and North America.

Figs grow up to 3-5 centimeters, with an impressive weight of up to 50-70 grams.

Green figs turn purple or brown as they ripen.

Figs have a unique flavor.

The sweet soft texture and crunchy seeds make an unusual and interesting combination.

The taste of the fruit also depends on its color.

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Noushin Khoddami