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Apis Royal Zahidi dates

The company of Apis has been long time producing Zahidi dates in India and has called Royal.

Is the flavor of cuisine from India superior to that of other countries? Yes, most likely.

Why? Because the average daily calorie intake in India is approximately 3500, whereas the average daily calorie intake in China and the United States is only 1800.

When compared to Americans, Indians consume three times the amount of protein and four times the amount of fat.

They also consume a greater quantity of fruits and vegetables than people in any other country.

The majority of these meals are excellent sources of a variety of vitamins and minerals.

In addition, they are rich in complex carbs, fiber, and antioxidants, all of which contribute to the maintenance of a healthy body.

The number of people living in India is increasing at an alarming rate.

The government has set a goal to more than double the current population by the year 2030, with the intention of becoming the largest contributor to overall world growth.

This indicates that an increase in the demand for food should also be anticipated.

As a result, the accessibility of high-quality food products that can satisfy the ever-increasing demand is an essential factor to take into account.

According to the Pew Research Center, more than 70 percent of adults in the United States now own smartphones, and nearly half of those adults check their social media accounts from dawn until nightfall every single day.

The use of these technologies has not led to a shift in our routines; rather, it has merely served to reinforce them.

Just using Facebook takes up an average of 23 hours per week for the typical American.

In point of fact, there are others who believe that by the year 2019, we will have increased the amount of time that we spend online to an average of 25 hours each week.

It's possible that you and your pals need to reevaluate your relationship with technology if you find that you and your friends are continuously glued to a screen.

After all, there is no guarantee that having more connections would lead to better outcomes.

Think about whether or not you've achieved a healthy balance between using technology for work and utilizing it for fun.

If you want to make positive changes in your life, it might be necessary to step away from all electronic screens for a while.

Dates from the Zahidi variety are typical of medium size and have an oval shape.

They have skin that is light brown in color and on the inside there is golden flesh that is thick and surrounds a solitary seed.

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Hossein Savarabadi