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Buy the best types of saudi date at a cheap price

Unquestionably, one can find as many brands as they want in any part of the world; however, when it comes to Saudi Arabia and dates in particular, some companies stand out amongst others! In this article, you are going to read all about the dates produced by these companies. Why is their name even Ajwa? Our Ajwa date is referred to as "carefree" for good reason. It is also known as "Prophet's date" and is native to paradise. In Islam, the Ajwa date dates back to the Prophet's lifetime. The Prophet was on a mission to determine why the women of Medina seemed to live such carefree lives. His destination was Medina. After a brief stay in Medina, he concluded that the only plausible explanation was their daily practise of consuming seven dates. Therefore, he dubbed this variety of dates "Ajwa date" and suggested that all women consume one of these dates daily in order to be free from anxiety. But the Ajwa date has more to offer than its symbolic significance; in addition to being tasty, it also has a pleasing texture that will make you feel pleased. Discover more about dates by perusing our delectable world of dates. best dates brand in saudi arabia

best dates brand in saudi arabia

In Saudi Arabia, dates are one of the best fruits offered by Riyadh Dates Factory, known as a reputable brand in Saudi Arabia. As a result of its religious significance and widespread availability in the country, it has become an integral component of Saudi culture. If visiting the United Kingdom, you must try them. However, due to the vast selection available, it can be difficult to choose. Today, we have compiled a list of the best available dates in Saudi Arabia. Let’s get into it. Safawi dates are packed with vitamins and fibre, making them not only delicious but also extraordinarily nutritious. With a soft, dark brown to black exterior, the fleshy, sweet fruit is a delight for the taste buds. A widespread urban legend asserts that eating Safawi dates on an empty stomach eliminates stomach worms! amber dates While Ajwa ascends to the throne as king of dates, Medjool is crowned queen of dates. These are the best dates if you're looking for flavour and sweetness. The intense sweetness and flavour of Medjool dates make them an ideal substitute for sugar in smoothies and desserts. In addition, their soft texture and large size make them delightful snacks. Not only are Medjool dates delicious, but they are also exceptionally nutritious. They are rich in dietary fibre (one serving contains nearly twenty per cent of the recommended daily allowance) and calcium and iron. Sukkari dates are named after the Arabic word 'Sukkur,' which means 'sweet.' True to their name, these dates are incredibly sweet and a popular dessert in Saudi Arabia among fruit lovers. In fact, its sweetness is enhanced by its dryness, also making the fruit more flavourful. With a crisp, dry texture and an incredibly sweet flavour, these dates provide the best of both worlds in terms of flavour and texture. ajwa dates

amber dates

Amber dates contain a number of healthy ingredients, including Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Potassium, Phosphorus, Manganese, Vitamin B6, Folic acid, and other essential nutrients, which are beneficial for both physical and mental health and growth. As is common knowledge, Amber dates are used to colour wool; however, their health benefits extend far beyond that. They are an excellent illustration of how nature creates potent products that benefit us on multiple levels, ranging from health to beauty. The benefits of these amber dates extend far beyond their use as wool dye. It is extremely advantageous in numerous ways. This article will discuss the ways in which it can be utilised for beauty treatments, nutrition, and weight loss. saudi dates online One of the most common advantages of this tasty gem is that it is beneficial to your health. This sweet and tart flavour can help you feel more energised when combined with honey and vanilla essence. You can also consume it hot or cold, depending on your preference. This product is also renowned for its memory-enhancing properties. It has been demonstrated to improve short-term memory. It is an ideal breakfast and lunch sweetener. Simply combine it with honey and lemon juice and drink it for breakfast. Eat it cold with apples and yoghurt for lunch. You can enjoy its benefits with afternoon and evening meals by drinking a glass of it. In addition to providing nutrition and energy, Amber dates are beneficial for those who are allergic to sweeteners. If you are a person who enjoys eating sweets, you should incorporate this sweetener into your diet. It is extremely useful for reducing or eliminating allergy symptoms. Additionally, there are a few advantages to Amber dates that you can take advantage of. For instance, it is excellent for whitening teeth. most expensive dates in saudi arabia

ajwa dates

Ajwa date plant is a particular variety of dates (a place in Saudi Arabia). In his book Lisan al-Arab, the scholar ibn Munzir mentions that some sources attribute the term "Ajwa" to a particular variety of dates, all of which originated from a palm tree that the Prophet Muhammad planted. In Saudi Arabia, Ajwa dates are produced by date palms. It is among the world's oldest trees and can reach a height of 100 feet by growing up to 12 inches annually. Protein, sugars, dietary fibre, and good fats can all be found in Ajwa dates. The vitamins A, B6, C, E, and K are literally abundant in them. Additionally, they contain carotenoids, a group of vitamin A compounds that are beneficial for vision. Additionally, thiamine, folate, niacin, and riboflavin are among the vitamins present. best dates shop in riyadh When consumed during and after pregnancy, Ajwa dates enhance both the mother's and the baby's blood circulation and greatly aid in the production of mother's milk. Highly beneficial in cases of male and female infertility. It provides clear, healthy skin and is effective in treating a variety of skin conditions. In terms of potassium, Ajwa dates excel. As a result, Ajwa khajoor promotes heart health because potassium also lowers the risk of stroke and lessens anxiety. Strong remedy to kill the abdominal worms, prevents abdominal cancer, abdominal diseases, intestine disturbances, abdominal pain and constipation. Experts assert that the high fibre content of dates can be advantageous for diabetics as well. If diabetics exercise caution and keep up generally healthy eating habits, they are permitted to consume up to two dates per day. People who make it a routine to consume between five and seven Ajwa dates on a daily basis without fail have a reduced risk of developing cancer and cardiovascular disease.

saudi dates online

Online statistics from the International Trade Centre (ITC) indicate that in 2021 Saudi Arabia exported dates (fresh and dried) worth approximately 323 million dollars. This equates to more than 15 per cent of the global date trade of approximately two billion dollars last year and demonstrates that Saudi Arabia has earned the most from date exports among the 24 nations that export this product. As the world's second-largest exporter of dates in 2021, Israel has earned more than 317 million dollars from exports in this sector. According to data from the "International Trade Centre," the export value of dates from Saudi Arabia and Israel in 2021 increased by 31 and 26 per cent, respectively, over the previous year. In terms of the value of their dates exports in 2021, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Iran, the United States, and Iraq were ranked third through eighth, respectively. These eight countries, which each earned more than $100 billion from date exports, accounted for approximately 75% of the global date export revenue. Two countries, Iran and Iraq, with export revenues of approximately 127 and 103 million dollars from dates, while they are ranked sixth and eighth in the world, export more dates by weight than any other country. By exporting more than 245,000 and 227,000 tonnes of dates, respectively, in 2021, Iraq and Iran rank first and second in the world in terms of the quantity (weight) of dates exported, while Saudi Arabia ranks third by exporting more than 224,000 tonnes. A quick calculation reveals that Saudi Arabia sold each kilogramme of dates for approximately $1.50, whereas Iran and Iraq exported each kilogramme of dates for only $0.56 and $0.42, respectively, in the previous year. This discrepancy is because Saudi Arabia has a much higher cost of living than Iran and Iraq.

most expensive dates in saudi arabia

Dates from Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Tunisia, Israel, and Algeria flood the market for dried fruits during the month of Ramadan. However, Saudi Arabian Ajwa dates reign supreme. Ajwa dates are by far the most expensive variety available, with prices hovering around Rs2,000 per kilogramme. "It is well-known that they are dates from paradise. Therefore, the cost is of no consequence to the devout "said Abdul Gani, a trader from APMC Vashi. "Prophet Muhammad stated that a person who consumes seven Ajwa dates in the morning is protected from black magic and poison throughout the entire day. Also known to be the favourite fruit of our Prophet, "According to Vashi resident Shahjahan Mistry. Ajwa dates are believed to have curative properties, according to Halima Parkar, a resident of Nerul. They claim that the Prophet mentioned this in the Hadith, the collection of traditions and legends about Muhammad and his followers that serves as the foundation for Islamic law. According to merchant Gani, the texture of Ajwa dates is soft and fine. "There are white lines on their surface and they are smaller in size. These characteristics will assist you in selecting an appropriate Ajwa date." This fruit of the desert is sun-dried and also known as wet dates. "Muslims purchase Ajwa during Ramadan despite its high cost due to its religious significance," says Bunty Bajaj, an additional trader. Ajwa is also purchased as a present. Ajwa dates are available in aesthetically pleasing packaging; some are even coated with chocolate, honey, and dry fruit powder. The kilos of these sweets can cost up to Rs 3,600. The celebrated "king of dates," the Medjool, can come in sizes as impressive as these. They come in at a close second with a price tag of between 1000 and 1200 Rs per kilogramme.

best dates shop in riyadh

Looking for a dates shop in Riyadh? From ancient, labyrinthine souqs to upmarket malls and unique shops, Riyadh is the best shopping destination. No visit to the high-energy capital is complete without perusing the bewildering array of retail options available. Take a tour of the city's most famous market to gain insight into Riyadh's shopping roots. Souq Al Zal, located in the historic enclave of Diriyah, has been in operation since 1901, and its labyrinth of oud-scented alleys remains as alluring as ever. The best time to visit is at 6 p.m., when antiques, ceremonial swords, and the geometric-patterned carpets for which the souq is named are auctioned off daily. On Fridays, large crowds gather in the central plaza for the Haraj, the largest auction of the week, during which merchants auction off their rarest and most valuable items, with visitors welcome to participate. As evidenced by its enormous and futuristic shopping malls, the shopping scene in Riyadh is primarily focused on the future. You can spend an entire day perusing their stores, restaurants, and entertainment options, which offer the ideal blend of mainstream and upscale fashion. Others, such as Riyadh Park Mall, with an IMAX theatre and arcade beneath its palm trees and undulating glass roof, or the open-air district The Zone, are worth visiting for their architecture alone. Here, stores and restaurants are clustered around a central plaza, where you can sip coffee while watching the bustling crowds. The shopping centre at the Kingdom Centre, with its glistening brand stores, is nearly as impressive as the gleaming skyscraper. The Centria Mall is another upscale shopping centre, and should be the first stop for fashionistas in search of high-end designer brands. However, it is also home to some delicious restaurants. In this shopaholic-friendly city, the sushi at Yokari and the pizza at Fiamma are the best you'll find.

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Comments (46 Comments)


Dates have many properties, be sure to replace them with sugar


Dry dates are rich in iron and are good for the body The long shelf life of dry dates has made bulk purchases of this product more


Saudi dates have a great taste and are a well-known brand. Dates have been welcomed by the public because of the many vitamins they have for the body. Thank you.


Dates are rich in vitamins, be sure to include them in a good meal.


Arab countries are also active in date market and Iran is a strong competitor for them


Saudi Arabian dates are very delicious and you should definitely use them, there is no harm in trying them once

Fatima Abbasi

Dates are very nutritious and very popular, they have an excellent taste and sweetness Very good


These dates are well picked and collected in gardens and are of high quality


These dates are also delicious and have a special sweet taste


These dates have grown very naturally and are very high quality


Beautiful dates are much better and are eaten more often because they are less sweet


Dates are a product that has a lot of foreign demand and is exported because it is nutritious and rich in vitamins and energy


Hello, dates are a very good choice to increase your daily energy. You can consume this high-quality product daily

Eli Fard

Due to its religious significance and wide abundance in the country, it has become an essential part of Saudi culture.

Reza zare

Do you know if you're visiting the Kingdom, trying them out is a must.

Taha Yar

However, with the huge variety available to you, it can get hard to choose.

Sara sareie

Dates are used by Muslims to break fast during this holy month.

Farhad Farahi

They are known to be the dates from the paradise, So the price is of no consequence for the pious

Mohammad Navid Arabi

Saudi dates seem to have more quality than Indian dates, and of course, this opinion is completely taken from their appearance


The best sample of export dates is available in Saudi Arabia and it has high quality

Hossein inanloo

Hello, I bought this product. It's great. I suggest it to you at a reasonable price. It's very tasty and energizing

Muhaddith Abbasi

Dates are eaten fresh, dry and ripe, and are delicious in any case


These dates are of high quality and also have high calories and supply sugar to the body


Saudi Arabia is one of the countries where dates are mass produced and their quality is excellent


Dates are very good for women during breastfeeding and make women's milk curdle

Faeze Afshar

These dates are so amazing and they taste great honestly


Eating 5 dates on an empty stomach helps digestion and brain function a lot


It is also made from sweet dates and desserts, which are very tasty and are also useful for the body


In emerging countries, there are many different brands of dates, such as banquet dates, which are used for parties, and their prices are different from other brands of dates.


Dates are very effective in strengthening memory and muscle growth, as well as treating osteoporosis and anemia


The Saudi government is looking to identify its date to be introduced to a globally recognized brand


Sogadi dates are the best brand of dates and are very fresh and tasty and have excellent properties

sara mir

Many companies operate in the field of dates and sell all kinds of dates. There are also many companies in Saudi Arabia.


Dates are rich in nutrients and iron and are very special and contain many vitamins

Sahar kamali

If your body lacks magnesium eat two dates a day or mix dates with milk, honey, and cream and then eat them as a snack.


Hello, good day. Dates are made in hot and dry areas and are very tonic and full of properties and have a sweet and excellent taste


Dates grow in very hot areas and are very tasty


There are lots of palm tree in Saudi Arabia and their crops are sweet and good.


Hello and thank you for your useful content. It was very good, ‌ really having enough knowledge as to business ‌ as well as best dates brand in saudi arabia ‌,‌ amber dates , ajwa dates ‌ can be useful for all business activists ‌ in bad economic conditions. I am grateful


Hello dear writers All researchers can obtain ‌ consistent information relevant to business by following ‌ the subjectss included in ‌ Arad's system, of which the subjectss ‌ of best dates brand in saudi arabia ‌,‌ amber dates , ajwa dates are just a small ‌ example. Thank you for your useful information.


Hi good time ☺️?.Saudi dates have good quality and are exported to the surrounding countries and have many fans

Bagher Rasouli

This website has given a charitable help to all people by sharing this content


Major date distribution company has always tried to provide conditions for its customers. As a result, they can buy the best and most excellent example of this product at a much lower price than anywhere else and with a unique quality.


Saudi dates have good quality and are exported to the surrounding countries and have many fans


Saudi Arabia is very suitable for producing dates due to its warm and dry climate
And for this reason, it has one of the most delicious and high-quality dates


Dear Sir,

We would like to export a small quantity of Ajwa dates to Austria for fasting in Sha Allah. The quantity is around 50 kg??

I would kindly like to know if you could fulfill this request? If so, the costs?

With best regards

Mrs Mohideen

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