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1 KG Pistachio Price in India

The price of 1 kg pistachio as the most expensive nut is even challenging in India; smiling pistachio is known as the best type here.

1 Kg Pistachio in India

To buy even 1 kg Pistachio in India you need to at least be aware of the nut.

Nuts are a popular snack and ingredient all over the world, not only because of their flavor but also because of the various health benefits they can provide when eaten in moderation.

Pistachios have been used in cooking for a long time and are an integral part of dishes in many different cultures.

Raw Pistachios

1 Kg Pistachio Features in India

Our natural pistachios in 1 Kg packaging are of exceptional quality in India.

Pistachios are a type of nut that grows in masses on big trees.

Title Description
Nutrition Value Rich in Protein
Avaialble Types Raw or Roasted, with or without Shell
Store Duration Up to 6 Months
Purchase Amount Bulk, per Kilo, per Package

The nuts can be kept for up to a year at 20 °C (68 °F) after drying.

The common nut can be purchased raw or roasted, with or without a shell.

It also has a tone of features.

Pistachios are among the nuts that are the highest in protein.

pistachios are an excellent protein source for a variety of foods.

This is because pistachios have an adequate amount of each of the nine essential amino acids.

Pistachios have higher-quality protein than other common nuts, with a protein-adjusted amino acid index (PDCAAS) for roasted pistachios of 94 out of 100.

Unshelled pistachios retain their freshness slightly longer than shelled pistachios and can be stored for up to 6 months in a kitchen cupboard.

Freeze the pistachios if you want to preserve them for longer.

Salted Pistachios

Buy 1 Kg Pistachio in India

Buy Pistachios available in both bulk and packaged form here in India.

However, it is crucial to export and buy nuts with freedom of choice.

You can request a sample of the product and examine the only 1 Kg you receive.

What follows is a hint that you must be careful about.

They all have been what we take into account.

  • The pistachio shell's color should be of good quality, be spotless, and be free of stains.
  • Mould should not grow on pistachios.

Unsalted Pistachios

1 Kg Pistachio Price in India + Buy and Sell

To buy and sell an even 1 Kg Pistachio of superior quality in India you are in the right place; the quality is something we care a lot about.

Avoid purchasing Pistachios that are closed because they show a lack of maturity.

The pistachio will crack on at least one side if it is ripe.

The price of one kilogram of pistachios in India is low.

Please feel free to reach out to us and visit our pistachio page.

The Answer to Two Questions About Raw Pistachio

1: What are the benefits of pistachios for the body?

Pistachios are among the nuts that are the highest in protein.

2: What kinds of pistachios are bought?

This nut can be purchased raw or roasted, with or without a shell.

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