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pistachio 1kg price in iran and world market demands

The price of pistachios may be determined by a multitude of variables.

For instance, one kilogram of Iranian pistachios has 1,700 nuts.

There are certain nut and snack alternatives that are tasty, while others are more tastier and healthier.

Pistachios are one of those goods with a flavor that matches their price.

You may find the high price of pistachios puzzling.

In this essay, we will examine the leading ten variables that contribute to the high price of pistachios.

Why Are Pistachios So Expensive?

  1. Protracted Period of Development

Pistachios are extraordinarily expensive for a variety of reasons, many of which relate to the growing needs of the pistachio tree.

Contrary to common assumption, pistachios are not in fact nuts.

The seeds of a pistachio tree.

It is difficult to nurture the pistachio tree because of its extended life cycle.

 After establishing a pistachio tree, it will take around 15–20 years for nuts to sprout.

This is a significant period of time, and the tree will need a great deal of care and attention before it starts to bear fruit.

You will see that farmers have difficulty entering this market since it takes a substantial initial investment with unclear returns.

To enter the pistachio sector, a company or individual must buy an established enterprise.

Due to the lengthy waiting time before pistachio trees begin producing, it is difficult to establish a pistachio business from scratch.

Imagine the work that will be spent on that tree over twenty years in order to produce a single pistachio seed.

This contributes to the fall in the number of pistachio farms and the seldom establishment of new ones.

Even after 15 years of waiting for each tree to develop and begin producing, the amount of pistachios on each tree will be minimal.

Each tree's annual nut production is limited to 50 pounds.

Regarding overall production and needed amount, this will not be of much use.

For assessing the nut production of other tree species, the Brazil nut tree serves as a useful baseline.

Each year, a single tree may provide more than 200 pounds of Brazil nuts.

This suggests that a Brazil nut tree farm will not need a large amount of land.

Pistachio plantations need additional room, personnel, and finances.

Due to all of these causes, pistachio prices will climb over time.

Producing more food in a given space increases the farmer's income.

The costs involved with farming low-yielding, land-intensive crops will increase.

As a matter of financial survival, farmers must calculate this relatively simple mathematical formula.

In recent years, pistachio prices have increased owing to a fall in production.

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Peiman Omrani