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Whole Yellow Peas; Antioxidants Source Heart Diseases Preventer Bone Strengthening

Whole yellow peas it is effective for reducing bad cholesterol and preventing heart diseases and sudden strokes and is rich in fiber.

Whole Yellow Peas

The amount of calcium in whole yellow peas is equal to the amount of calcium in dairy products such as milk and yoghurt.

It is better to use peas in your diet in order to avoid gastrointestinal cancer.

Chickpeas are rich in iron, which gives you the energy you need throughout the day.

One of the special properties of peas is to treat jaundice, so you can combine it with some water and sugar and eat it to treat this disease.

To prevent osteoporosis and reduce hot flashes, we suggest you use chickpeas.

This product is rich in antioxidants and manganese, which can be useful in strengthening the body's immune system.

whole yellow peas

Whole Yellow Peas Features

Next with nutritional value and whole yellow peas you will get to know.

If we want to learn more about the features of this product, we must mention its nutritional value per 100 grams.

Title Description
Feature Preventing Heart Diseases
Color Yellow
Benefit Bones Strengthening
Source of Antioxidants and Manganese

If you use 100 grams of chickpeas during the day, you will get 350 calories, the amount of fat is 7 grams, and the carbohydrate it provides is 70 grams.

Since this product is rich in protein, the amount of protein in 100 grams of chickpeas is approximately 22 grams, and the amount of fiber it provides to the body is 18 grams, and its sugar is 10 grams.

It is better for children not to neglect the consumption of this product because it is very useful for strengthening bones and growth.

whole yellow peas recipe

Buy Whole Yellow Peas

To the important points below about buying whole yellow peas it has been stated, be careful.

When buying peas, pay attention to their natural color.

One of the important points that will help you in buying chickpeas is that they can be cooked quickly, which you can ask the seller about.

When buying, be sure to buy peas that are of the same size and without breakage.

It is better to get this product in completely hygienic packaging that does not contain any dust and does not endanger your health.

Be sure to make sure that the name and production company are legible on the package chickpeas.

whole yellow peas vs split peas

Whole Yellow Peas Price + Buy and Sell

In the following, we want to know what factors on whole yellow peas price it is impressive.

The high quality of chickpeas has a great impact on their price.

If the chickpeas are quick-cooking and are of the same size and size as well as fresh, it will affect their price.

Another important factor in the price of this product is the price fluctuations of global currencies.

Dear customers, you can buy a ten-kilo bag of chickpeas at prices between $10 and $15.

Therefore, you can call the numbers you see on the site and find out the daily price of this product.

whole yellow peas in hindi

The Answer to Two Questions About Whole Yellow Peas

1:What are whole yellow peas?

Whole yellow peas are the same peas used for split yellow peas, but with the skin on. They are rarely seen, but they are flavorful, crunchy, and go particularly well with curries. 

2: Are whole yellow peas good for you?

Great for soups and stews, yellow peas are dried peas with a slightly more delicate flavor than green peas. 

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