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White Round Cucumber; Mild Refreshing Taste 2 Vitamins B C

White round cucumbers are a delicious addition to every meal because they are sweetened.

They can add a refreshing twist to any salad.

White Round Cucumber

The white round cucumber, also known as the White Wonder Cucumber, is a unique and lesser-known variety of cucumber that originated in Japan.

Today, the white round cucumber is still grown in Japan, but it has also gained popularity in other parts of the world, including the United States and Europe.

It is often used in salads, pickling, and as a garnish for sushi dishes.

Although it is not widely known, the white round cucumber has a fascinating history.

It is believed to have been cultivated by the Japanese for over 1,000 years, with records dating back to the 8th century.

White Round Cucumber

White Round Cucumber Features

The white round cucumber is a small, round cucumber that is approximately the size of a golf ball.

It has smooth, pale skin that is almost white in color, with a slight green tint.

Title Description
Known as Wonder Cucumber
Skin Smooth, Thin
Taste Mild and Refreshing
Vitamins B and C

The skin is thin and delicate, and it has a slightly glossy appearance.

The flesh of it is crisp and juicy, with a mild and refreshing taste.

Unlike traditional cucumbers, which are long and cylindrical, it is small and round.

There are vitamins B and C in white cucumber.

This special shape makes it an ideal choice for slicing and pickling.

Aside from its distinct looks, it is widely known for its nutritional value.

round cucumber

Buy White Round Cucumber

If you're considering buying white round cucumbers, there are a few things to keep in mind to ensure that you get the best possible quality.

First and foremost, pick cucumbers that are firm and free of lumps and bumps or bruises.

The skin should be shiny and supple with no puckering or discoloration.

It's also important to pay attention to the size of the cucumbers.

While white round cucumbers are naturally small, they should still be plump and full.

Avoid cucumbers that are overly small or shriveled.

When it comes to storing your white round cucumbers, it's best to keep them in the refrigerator.

They should be stored in a plastic bag or container to help prevent moisture loss and prolong their freshness.

round cucumber yellow

White Round Cucumber Price + Buy and Sell

The price of white round cucumbers can vary depending on a number of factors, including the time of year, location, and availability.

Generally, they tend to be more expensive than traditional cucumbers, due in part to their unique shape and texture.

In some cases, the price of white round cucumbers may be affected by weather or other natural factors that impact crop yields.

White round cucumbers typically cost between $2 and $4 per pound, with prices often higher in urban areas or specialty food stores.

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white cucumber plant

The Answer to Two Questions About White Cucumber

1: What vitamins are in White Round Cucumber?

There are vitamins B and C in white cucumber.

2: What is another name for White Round Cucumber?

The white round cucumber, also known as the White Wonder Cucumber, is a unique and lesser-known variety of cucumber that originated in Japan.

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