Lime sand brick is also known as calcium silicate brick and it is obtained from the combination of lime water and silica. To make it, quicklime (Cao) is mixed with silica sand in a ratio of 1:8 to 1:12 and water, and it is pressed in a mold with a pressure of 400 kg/cm2 and baked at a temperature of 1200 degrees. The maximum diameter of the seeds is 6 mm. More than one third of the seeds should not have a diameter below 0.1 mm, because it increases the consumption of lime. The size distribution of sand grains can be discontinuous. That is, it does not have some sizes. The sand lime bricks size is different For coarse-grained bricks, no more than one-third of the total volume of grains should be larger than one millimeter. For bricks with a fine texture, no more than ten percent of the total volume of sand should have a diameter of more than one millimeter The volume and weight of modular bricks are usually 13% less than traditional bricks. Using modular bricks compared to traditional bricks increases the useful surface of the building due to the optimized dimensions. It saves about 14% in the number of bricks used and about 20% in the mortar used. By using brick and modular patterns of the Chinese wall, the cutting of bricks in the workshop can be minimized. Loading and transportation of all types of bricks should be done carefully to minimize waste. Bricks should be stored in a clean and covered place and their contact with soil, harmful substances, moisture, ice and snow should be avoided. It is a type of name that shows the durability of bricks exposed to weathering. The United States is divided into three weather zones based on annual precipitation and the number of frost days per year: severe, moderate, and negligible. The bricks produced for use in each area are classified based on compressive strength, maximum absorption and maximum saturation coefficient. The loading and transportation of all types of bricks should be done in such a way that the amount of waste is reduced to the minimum possible. Bricks and blocks should be sorted separately in a clean and covered place and prevent their contact with soil, harmful substances, moisture and ice and snow. The testing of the samples taken from the brick in the factory and workshop must be in accordance with the desired characteristics in the work specifications. If brick grouting is required before use, hold the water hose over a pile of bricks to run water around the bricks, then allow excess water to evaporate from their surfaces.
sand lime bricks size in mm
In 1881, a patent was registered by A. Michaelis for the manufacture of "Sand Lime Brick" by the method of processing a mixture of sand brick with steam under pressure at a temperature of 130 to 300 degrees Celsius, and this product was registered in 1884. The industrial form was developed in Germany. Since 1904, the British have been among the pioneers in the production of lime-sand bricks. Covering sand-lime bricks includes Europe, Australia and America and recently the Middle East countries. Today, although more than 600 sand-limestone brick factories with an annual production of over 80 billion bricks operate worldwide. But its demand is still increasing. Advantages of sand-lime bricks In terms of production: In the northern regions of the country, where the soil is not suitable for baking clay bricks and instead has a lot of windy sand, the production of lime-sand bricks is suitable. Due to the cheapness and abundance of raw materials and the ease and cheapness of production, it is widely used. In terms of resistance: Lime sand or calcium silicate bricks are durable in most conditions and are resistant to underground water and many sulfate salts except magnesium and ammonium sulfate. (Portland cement is also resistant to these two substances.) Sand-lime brick is highly resistant to freezing and wear. This brick has good fire resistance, so it is used in chimneys and fireplaces. The compressive strength of sand-lime bricks reaches 200 megapascals, which depends on the raw materials, type of machinery and technology. Their contraction and expansion rates are lower than concrete and blocks and vary between 0.01 and 0.04%, and their water absorption is 7-16% of their weight. Therefore, the use of this product in retaining walls and underground walls is completely appropriate. Community Verified icon In terms of beauty: One of the features that has caused the trend towards this type of product is that this product is produced in uniform sizes and with a delicate geometric shape. In addition, its white color has given it a special effect. Sand-lime bricks can be combined with different pigments, so you can get this product in different colors. In terms of durability: What causes the destruction of building materials is the presence of soluble salts in them. But sand-lime brick is free from these salts. In addition, with the passage of time and the combination of carbon dioxide with this product and the production of limestone, the strength of this product increases. As a result, sand-lime brick has high durability and strength. In terms of insulation: Due to the characteristics of sand-lime brick, this type of brick can be a suitable sound and thermal insulation, and you can use it to save energy in the cold and hot seasons of the year. Also, if you are looking for silence and peace compared to external sounds, using sand-lime bricks can be a suitable option. economically: Because sand-lime bricks have the same shape and size, they can be easily stacked and installed. Therefore, the benefits of this product are minimal. For this reason, according to Hanza experts, the use of this product is economical.
Optimization of brick consumption Optimization of brick consumption Whether it is used as a load-bearing material or as a separating material in the building, brick has a major contribution in the construction sector of the country. The construction technique and the use of modular bricks instead of traditional bricks reduces the use of materials and current costs. Based on the studies carried out in the Indian Standard Institute, using modular bricks with dimensions of 190x90x90 mm in the load-bearing wall, the final thickness of the wall reaches 20 cm, and the consumption of building materials is greatly saved. These savings include: Community Verified icon