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Interlock Bricks Price in Kollam

Interlock Bricks in Kollam are effective whose self-locking pattern of the bricks enables the seismic forces to travel across the whole structure equivalently.

Interlock Bricks in Kollam

Interlock bricks in Kollam are an improved version of standard clay bricks.

Each brick is purposefully made to latch to the nearby bricks without the usage of mortar.

The shear key and lock mechanism are used to produce the self-locking.

The shear key's form will vary depending on the design, and a complementary lock is offered on the brick's other side.

Shear transfer and gravity work together to transfer loads.

Compressed and stabilized earth bricks used in interlocking brick structures add to the strength of the building.

Depending on the seller, interlocking bricks come in a variety of sizes and locking mechanisms.

interlock bricks rate

Interlock Bricks Features in Kollam

In Kollam high thermal mass is produced by high-density interlock bricks, which are often more compact.

Thus, interiors are often furnished with high, compacted brick walls.

Title Description
Interlock Bricks Are an Improved Version of Standard Clay Bricks
Shear Transfer Transfer Loads
Earth Bricks Add to the Strength of the Building
Interlocking Bricks Provide a Considerably Cooler Interior

Bricks that interlock use less heat.

Interlocking bricks provide a considerably cooler interior, according to the testing.

This makes it possible to run air conditioners less frequently or not at all, which reduces energy use and increases cost savings.

When using conventional bricklaying, experienced labor is needed for several tasks, including checking the water level and the spirit level.

Therefore, it could be challenging for a layperson or untrained laborer to understand the traditional ways of building.

While untrained laborers may readily follow the construction process in interlocking brick construction.

interlock bricks size

Buy Interlock Bricks in Kollam

The following factors should be taken into account when you want to buy high-quality interlock bricks in Kollam:

A good interlock brick has a consistent color, which makes it resistant to fire and prevents them from becoming pasty or watery.

A good brick also has a ringing sound when it collides with another brick, which is an indication of its firmness, resistance, and adequate water absorption.

The brick's surface must be devoid of holes and the brick's hardness must be such that it cannot be scraped with a nail.

A decent and high-quality brick should weigh around 1800 kg/m3, although the weight of each brick may differ depending on the materials used to make it.

interlock bricks design

Interlock Bricks Price in Kollam + Buy and Sell

The manufacturing of interlock bricks has a significant influence on the price of bricks.

Work requires the employment of human resources at various stages, particularly in brick kilns, and the pay and insurance that a company takes into account for these employees have an impact on the ultimate price of bricks.

The decrease in energy usage is influenced by furnace conditions.

Correct brick maintenance lowers the total manufacturing costs of interlock bricks and lowers the energy waste of the furnace.

Our international company is completely ready to cooperate with traders in Kollam and our offering price for interlock bricks is $0.15-$0.25.

interlock bricks house

The Answer to Two Questions About Interlock Bricks

1: Which soil is best for interlocking bricks?

Murram soil.

2: Why do we use interlocking bricks?

Less concrete and mortar are used.

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