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where are dried Turkish figs manufacturer online shop

Dried figs from Turkey are among the most well-known and highly valued agricultural commodities that Turkey has on the global market where most of the online shop manufacturers exist.

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Turkish fig is among the most popular figs in the world. Turkey is the world's leading producer and exporter of sun-dried figs and their related goods. Turkey is responsible for between 75 and 80 percent of the world's dried fig exports, and its production of dried figs accounts for between 60 and 70 percent of the global total. There are many different categories to choose from when thinking about organization and storage. They are all constructed using the same fundamental component, which is known as Sun Dry Figs; but, before being packaged, they are given relatively distinct shapes. The Lerida is by far the most well-known of these, followed by the Garland, the Protoben, the Pulled, the Layer, and the Baglama. Figs that have been dried and are of the greatest possible quality are hand-picked before being packed in cartons, and this can be done with the figs in their natural state or after they have been modified by staff. After passing one more metal check, they are finally allowed to go free. You can view the many different options for packing that we provide below The gathering in of the harvest of figs from Turkey: - The Ficus carica variety is required to dry figs. Calimyrna figs can range in color from light green to yellow and are known by a variety of different names. Farmers harvest their fresh crop of figs in the month of August when the fruit is at its most flavorful and velvety best. dried figs nutrition

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Drying figs in an oven or dehydrating them in a dehydrator are both viable options. The fresh figs that are being dried in the sun on the nets in the following images can be seen below. To obtain the optimal level of dryness, it will take around seven to eight days of drying time. Figs are sun-dried before being transported to the processing facility in food-grade crates from the farms where they were grown. The Production of Dried Figs:- Upon their arrival at the facility, sun-dried figs serve as the raw material and are first subjected to a fumigation process. After that, they are kept in rooms that are kept at a temperature of between +4 and +6 degrees Celsius and are refrigerated. The first thing that occurs with figs is that they are sized appropriately by a machine. After being measured, dried figs are transferred to a different location, where they are examined by hand and subjected to ultraviolet light to eliminate any fruits that are contaminated with aflatoxin. The next thing that has to be done is to wash the dried figs in a solution that consists of warm water and salt. Figs are washed and then placed in cases for between two and three days so that they can absorb the ideal amount of moisture (if needed, sometimes figs are dried in the oven to reach the desired level of moisture). The next step is to examine all of the dried figs that have been spread out on the tables and to throw away any that are imperfect in any way. The time has arrived to package these fine dried figs, which were selected with great care. How to maintain the freshness of dried figs:- Even though the flavor of your dried figs won't be affected by direct sunlight, it could perhaps hasten the drying process if the room is too warm or increase the growth of germs if the air is too damp. Temperatures of +60 degrees Celsius (+420 degrees Fahrenheit) are recommended for optimum storage conditions. Temperatures ranging from +40C to +100C (+390F to +490F) are not permitted to have any negative impact on the product's quality. dried figs benefits

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Figs can survive temperatures of +200 degrees Celsius (+680 degrees Fahrenheit) till late spring. Unless it is necessary, you should avoid storing things in the refrigerator. When the contents of the package are being shown, consumed, or stored, make sure that the temperature does not exceed +200C (+680F). The relative humidity should ideally fall somewhere between 50 and 60 percent, according to the recommendations. It is best to steer clear of environments that have a sluggish and wet vibe. Temperature swings between night and day, days with high humidity, and shifts in the seasons can all cause droplets of pure water to condense on the surface of dried figs. The container containing dried figs needs to have natural air movement all around it. The clean water droplets that remain on the surface of dried figs lead them to become dark because they foster yeast, mold, and fermentation. Corrugated carton boxes have the potential to be unable to hold the weight of the products that are contained within them because of their vulnerability to absorbing condensation and softening. As a result, the boxes can be torn apart with only a small amount of effort. It is recommended that cartons be placed on pallets at a height of at least 10 centimeters (4 inches) above the ground, covered with cloth or plastic, and kept in areas with high ceilings where the relative humidity is normally lower than 60 percent. You'll need some ventilation to prevent the dried figs you bought from becoming mushy after they've been stored for a while. It is best to avoid storing products near things that can give off aromas that are strange or unpleasant, such as chemicals, fuels, exhaust fumes, trash, or other types of garbage. As the water at the outer level of dried figs evaporates, natural sugars rise to the surface and begin to precipitate. The reality is that this is considered to be the standard. Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) are only the beginning of the hygienic and technological precautions that need to be taken when storing the product. Dried figs have a shelf life of one year when stored in the circumstances described in the previous sentence. The great quality of Turkish Figs, in addition to the numerous health benefits they offer, has led to their widespread consumption across the globe. dried figs calories

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If you want to buy figs from Turkey, the most convenient and advantageous way to do so is to get them in dried form from Turkey. Turkey, which also ranks as the world's largest grower and exporter of fruit, is the primary supplier of dried figs to markets all over the world. Turkey is responsible for more than half of the world's production of dried figs, while the country's exporters are responsible for over three-quarters of the world's sales of dried figs. The excellent flavor of the dried fruit produced by the exceedingly delectable Sarlop type of Turkish figs, which is also referred to as the Calimyrna variety, has made these figs famous all over the world. The production of figs in Turkey is primarily concentrated in the western region, specifically in the cities of Aydin and Izmir. This region is responsible for the production of more than seventy-five percent of the world's figs. Additionally, this region is the most important one for the production of dried figs. WHAT MUST BE DONE TO PRESERVE DRIED FIGS- The treatment that is applied to dried figs is equally as beneficial to one's health as the dried figs themselves. The process of curing dried figs looks like this: Put eight to nine dried figs into half a pot of water that has been filtered to eliminate the chlorine, and then bring the pot of water to a boil. After boiling it for seven minutes with its mouth closed, covering it to warm it up, and then taking the cover off to eat it, it will be ready to eat when the cover is removed. The procedure of boiling the cure results in it becoming heated, and before its application, it is filtered. After being filtered, it is either cut in half or into thirds. This treatment is most effective when administered just before eating, preferably between ten and fifteen minutes earlier. Dried figs are a typical component of the diet in Turkey. Figs, whether they are fresh or dried, can be processed into a broad number of different products, the majority of which can be used in the kitchen as either savory or sweet sauces or baked goods. Dried figs may be preserved for a longer amount of time than fresh figs can, making them excellent for both international trade and long-term preservation. Fresh figs perish quickly after being picked. When put in context with other harvests, the fig season is quite limited; nevertheless, drying them enables them to be consumed throughout the entire year. Turkey is currently the top in fig production among the Mediterranean countries, followed by Egypt, Algeria, Morocco, and Iran respectively. Even though Turkey's overall level of output has not increased, the country's exportation of goods has seen a significant increase. As a result of the lack of usage of chemical pesticides, diseases and insects do not typically present an issue in fig orchards. In certain regions of Turkey, the use of natural traps, as opposed to chemical pesticides, has been implemented during the processing stage to address concerns over the expansion of populations of dried-fruit beetles and fruit flies. The European Union and Russia are two of the most important markets for the export of figs from Turkey. In contrast, China's ascent to prominence as an importer in the market has led to a parabolic increase in the country's exports over the course of the past few years. On the international market for fig exports, Turkey confronts almost no competition as a direct result of its near-monopoly on the production of both fresh and dried figs. dried figs recipe

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