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price references of fallen walnuts types + cheap purchase

How to use fallen walnuts? And what we should do with that? In addition to rain, wind, foliage, and scenic beauty, autumn brings us some of our favorite seasonal offerings. Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts to enjoy with hazelnuts, almonds, and chestnuts this time of year, including walnuts. The nuts fall from the walnut tree around September-October and are quickly collected (blackened) to keep moisture out of the shell. A great opportunity to enjoy. As always, nuts should be consumed in moderation, with around 30 grams (4-5 brains worth) per day being the recommended amount. 680 calories. Amounts above this amount per 100 grams are only suitable for physical or mental exercise. Athletes or students during exams. Walnuts are rich in omega-3 unsaturated linoleic acid, which is highly nutritious. It provides 60% fat, of which about 40% is linoleic acid. Of course, it's also likely to 'disappear' due to its high fat content, so it's best to keep it in a cool, dark place.

  • better than fish for cholesterol

Overall, walnuts are one of the healthiest foods for the heart as they are effective in controlling his LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglyceride levels. In fact, some studies claim that the omega-3s in walnuts are more effective than fish in lowering blood cholesterol levels. According to other sources, regular consumption of nuts may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by 50%. Levels of serotonin, a substance that makes you feel full, help curb hunger and make a great snack (along with pistachios) for those on a diet. It will also help you get there. The B and C vitamins in walnuts strengthen the immune system and provide plenty of antioxidant power. Among the minerals, potassium (500 mg), phosphorus (400 mg), calcium (80 mg), sodium (4 mg), iron (2 mg) stand out. This makes it ideal for preventing osteoporosis and maintaining healthy bones. In the kitchen, walnuts have a wonderful flavor and are great in both sweet and savory dishes (for example, candied walnuts served with homemade quark or delicious Idiazbal cream cheese). Perhaps the best and simplest dish is a salad. Just add a handful of walnuts (whole or crushed) for a crunchy texture. Cream is also an easy source of nuts. The best example is the intesa sursarazza, or one that can be prepared as a garnish to pasta dishes. And, of course, stews and kebabs are the main places for these nuts. Lamb with walnuts or stuffed fillets. Walnut: the most famous variety Castilian Walnuts: The walnuts we know and commonly consume. Macadamia Nuts: Great for desserts. Brazil Nuts: Large grains with a buttery texture. It is characterized by its high oil content. They are eaten raw or blanched. Cashews (cashews): Rich in protein, fiber and slow-absorbing carbohydrates. Pecans: Mild, sweet, buttery flavor. Nutmeg: Used as a spice in many dishes. Made from small brown nuts with a strong, pleasant aroma. Nissan has long been wary of this tree, which has a bad reputation. But its fruits are our greatest remedy against cholesterol. Unshakably dominating its territory and adamant in the face of other plants and insects that can threaten it, the walnut tree is a fiery kingdom, to which men often attribute evil qualities. Because careful treatment of its bark and leaves hides the walnut tree, a treasure of health available to everyone.

  • breeding tips

Where? Walnut trees are afraid of spring frosts, so a place protected from strong winds is chosen for planting and planting seedlings. No specific soil is required, but very acidic or waterlogged soils should be avoided. Walnuts are disease-resistant trees and can live for over 300 years (beginning production at about 15 years of age). Its height exceeds 20 meters and can cover an area of ​​about 100 square meters, so it should be planted away from houses and pipes.

  • When ?

Some varieties, such as Flanket, can be planted in the fall. Before planting the seedling, drive 1-3 stakes into the hole so as not to damage the roots. The advantage of buying walnut seedlings is that they are transplanted, so you are guaranteed a quality walnut.

  • comment?

As an adult, this majestic tree tolerates little pruning. If you need to remove branches that are too unusable or inside the tree, we recommend cutting them in the summer. Walnuts need a lot of rain and irrigation to grow well. Yields are reduced on dry soils. If your soil is rich, mature walnuts will suffice without fertilizer. Walnut trees can suffer from serious diseases that are difficult to eradicate. Copper treatment (Bordeaux mixture) is carried out in spring and summer. Just know: walnut peel, even due to its antiseptic and antifungal properties, the only solution is to wear gloves. Tip: Apply walnut peel directly to the wart in the morning and evening to remove it. Repeat this process until you are well. Convenient when the celandine runs!

  • herbalism skills
  • Garden insecticide decoction

In decoctions, walnut leaves have insecticidal properties. Brew 100 g fresh leaves (or 15 g dry) in 5 liters of cold water. Cover and cool completely. Spraying plants (prevention and treatment).

  • hair compress

The walnut works as a lightening and intensifying color on brown hair. Finely chop 200 grams of walnut leaves. Add 1 tablespoon walnut oil and 1 tablespoon honey and pour in warm water to make a soft paste. Apply to dry hair. Wrap in a waterproof bag and wrap in a towel. Leave on for at least an hour before rinsing your hair. Note: This amount is for long hair, but if you have very short hair, cut it in half.

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