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can you eat walnut straight of the tree

Walnuts are a relatively popular species in our country.

Is it possible to eat walnut straight from the tree?

And can you do that ?

It is not difficult to grow, and the berries are not only delicious, but also very healthy.

It's worth having at least one walnut in your garden, but be careful as this tree can grow very quickly.

Walnuts (Juglans regia) belong to the walnut family (Juglanaceae).

It is a large tree that can grow up to 20 meters, although it is usually half its size in the garden.

The bark of the trunk is smooth grayish-gray.

The leaves are large, rigid, and consist of small leaflets, the uppermost leaf being the largest.

The fruit is globose with a smooth green skin that cracks when ripe to reveal a light brown shell with an edible center core.

It is worth remembering that it is an oily cotyledon, which we eat very greedily.

Walnuts ripen in October.

Depending on growing conditions and the cultivar selected, it will begin to bear fruit two to four years after planting.

 Nuts - types There are many types of nuts.

You can distinguish between late and early cultivars, and between large and small fruit cultivars.

The strength of elongation also varies depending on the type of nut.

It is also worth noting that trees reaching small sizes are obtained by grafting.

Therefore, seedlings obtained by transplantation are often chosen for home gardens and orchards.

The most famous nut types are: Leopold Walnut - A very slow growing Polish variety that can be planted in small gardens.

It belongs to the medium-early maturity variety.

Trees are disease resistant.

It bears fruit the second year after planting.

The fruit is medium and delicious.

Apollo nut - medium-growing variety, native to the Czech Republic, fruit-bearing in the third year after planting, solid.

 Jupiter nut - Polish variety, medium to late maturing, moderate, bears fruit 3 years after sowing, delicious, slightly ovate fruit.

Can walnut leaves be composted? Can walnut leaves be composted? Composting walnut leaves raises many questions.

This is due to the known negative effects of nuts on nearby plants.

Does this mean that we should forget about the rich source of organic matter that is the foliage of this tree?

Koszycki nuts - Another Polish variety, the fruits are tasty, slow-growing and globular, which makes them suitable for small gardens.

It is worth noting that the walnut flowers of this variety are resistant to spring frosts, and the trees are disease-resistant.

It bears fruit the second year after planting.

Red Walnut Visinić - A very late maturing variety that grows vigorously.

The fruit is very large (almost like a tennis ball!), has a pink flesh (hence the name red), and is not suitable for drying.

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Fateme Mohebbi