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what is the best trailer Sprayer

This instruction article was written to assist you in getting the most out of your Fimco sprayer trailer and has been provided to you for that purpose.

fimco 60 gallon sprayer

Because it offers installation guidance for using and maintaining your sprayer, you should read it carefully because it contains useful information. The sprayer is nearly finished being manufactured; nevertheless, it is missing its pressure gauge, axle, wheels, 60 gallon of it and boom assembly.
  1. In order to secure the axle to the trailer frame, as shown in the exploded view, you will need to make use of four (4) bolts, washers, and other such items.
  2. Coat the flanges of the axles with oil and set them aside,Because of this, it will be much simpler to slide the wheel onto the axle.
  3. Before the cotter pin can be inserted through the axle and secured, the wheel must first be able to spin freely on its own axis.
  4. It is necessary to first ensure that the center boom tube is properly aligned with the boom mounts before proceeding to secure it into place with the two u-bolts and the two whiz locknuts.
  5. After you have attached the feeder hose to the boom fitting, secure it with a hose clamp so that it does not become dislodged.
  6. Put simply, the pressure gauge should be inserted into the nylon port,Make sure there are no leaks by using thread sealant of a high quality.
It is essential to put the sprayer through its paces by only using water in order to test its functionality before to trying any actual spraying. This will give you the ability to determine whether or not the sprayer has any plumbing concerns.
  1. Raise the lid of the tank and perform a thorough inspection to validate that it is spotless and devoid of any debris, Put clean water in the tank up to the halfway mark.
  2. In order to begin pumping water, open the valve that controls the suction line. Simply turning this valve will allow you to clean and disassemble the strainer.
  3. You'll find a "Y" valve with two distinct control knobs tucked away below the bracket that holds the valve in place,By closing the boom valve and rerouting the solution through the bypass valve so that it is directed back into the storage tank, the pressure can be brought down.
  4. At this time, the sprayer is ready to be used. As soon as the valve on the boom is activated, the solution will start to be sprayed from the nozzle located on the boom.
  5. It's time to dial in the perfect amount of pressure for your needs.
  6. While you are conducting your tests, make sure that you keep a close eye on the spray pattern that is formed by the spray nozzles. It is important that each nozzle overlap the one that comes after it, It is necessary to locate and clear the tipped objects that are responsible for the distortion in the pattern.
fimco 60 gallon sprayer

trailer sprayer uses

Any type of agricultural chemical will only be effective if it is used in the appropriate amount and at the appropriate time. Before beginning to spray, check that your equipment has been appropriately calibrated. In spite of the fact that a single pass through the boom's nozzles can cover a total width of 128 inches, the overlapped spray area will only be 80 inches wide once the first pass has been completed. Each subsequent pass will efficiently cover an area with a width of 100 inches as long as the nozzle is maintained at a comfortable distance of 18 inches from the surface that is being sprayed.
  • Application rates may be listed on chemical labels as gallons per acre, gallons per one thousand square feet, or gallons per one hundred square feet. You'll notice that the tip chart displays all three of these ranking systems in their respective entirety.
  • Before using the boom to spray, there are four considerations that need to be made.
  1. How much chemical stuff must be mixed in the tank.
  2. Rate of spray (gallons per acre to be sprayed) (gallons per acre to be sprayed).
  3. What pressure (P.S.I.) will be utilized.
  4. Spraying speed in miles per hour.
  • Simply reading the label of a specific chemical will tell you what components it has.
  • Refer to the chart on the side of the cap to determine the appropriate amount of force to apply.
  • The rate at which the spray is being applied will also be shown on the chart.
  • Even if the vehicle being towed does not have a speedometer, the driver will still be able to determine how fast they are traveling as long as they follow the recommendations.
trailer sprayer uses When you have an estimate of how much you want to spray, you can consult a tip chart to determine the number of pounds per square inch (PSI) and the speed at which you want to spray it (MPH). Turning on the boom nozzles of the sprayer, starting the machine, and adjusting the relief valve until the gauge reaches the desired level are the steps that make up the process of setting the pressure. It is recommended that you select a pressure in the range of 20 to 30 PSI from the tip chart in order to obtain a superb nozzle pattern. This range of pressure may be found on the tip chart. At ten pounds per square inch (PSI), the pattern starts to become less regular, and at forty pounds per square inch (PSI), you may start to see some drift. When adjusting the settings on the sprayer, it is necessary to take into account both the weather and the geography. When the wind is blowing, do not spray. In certain circumstances, it is necessary to wear specialized protective clothing. Always make sure to read the labels on any chemicals before using them. Not all towing vehicles come outfitted with a speedometer as a basic piece of machinery. In that case, you are welcome to continue with the steps outlined below. To assist in determining the most prudent rate of towing, a distance of one hundred, two hundred, or three hundred feet may be chalked off. The speed chart presents the data in the form of a graphical representation, and it organizes the information according to the amount of time it takes to go different lengths of distance. Make the necessary adjustments to the throttle so that you can cover the required distances in the time allotted by the speed chart. Once you have reached the ideal setting, mark the location of the throttle so that you will know where to return to for stopping and starting (returning to the same speed). The following is an example of spraying that occurs frequently. trailer spray machine

trailer spray machine

On the back of the chemical bottle, it says that you should use 1.2 gallons of solution for every 1000 square feet. The tip chart suggests that the best circumstances for spraying are 30 pounds per square inch of pressure and one mile per hour of wind speed. This will allow you to cover one thousand square feet with one and a quarter liters of water. Imagine there is little wind today, and the ground is very uneven. The spraying scenario works out just well at 1 mile per hour and 30 pounds per square inch. After you have measured off 100, 200, and 300 feet, you should start getting ready to make some practice runs. If the speedometer is to be believed, it takes 68 seconds, 136 seconds, and 205 seconds, respectively. There is now no need to make use of the sprayer as it is not required at this time. To guarantee that you are moving at maximum speed when you cross the finish line, it is recommended that you gain a head start of around 10 feet in front of the starting point. If you want to accurately time the travel, you should use a stopwatch; but, if you don't have one, a watch with a second hand would do in a hurry. It is important to examine each of the distances individually. You will be able to hold yourself in check in this manner until the appropriate time comes. Be sure to make a note of the perfect position of the throttle once you have determined it so that you can simply return to it the next time you need to spray with this chemical. After you have ensured that the tank contains the necessary quantity of water and chemical, proceed to the area where you will be spraying. When you are ready to begin spraying, move the ball valve on the boom so that it is in the "on" position. When you have completed these steps, the spouts will start spraying the solution.

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