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What is dried jujubes?+ the purchase price of dried jujubes

Due to the delicate peel of this dried fruit, there are not many methods for how to dry jujubes, and the process must be carried out with extreme caution.

dried jujubes calories

The jujube has many health benefits and is a delicious fruit that is also known as red dates or Chinese dates.

It has many different applications, including the production of vinegar, a wide variety of flavored sweets, canned jujubes, and even dried jujubes.

Jujubes are also known as Chinese dates.

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You are probably aware that this juicy fruit originated in South Asia; nevertheless, in modern times, it has spread all over the world and is notably popular in Europe.

The jujube, also known as Chinese date, has its origins in China, where it has been cultivated for at least the past four thousand years.

The production of this prized fruit is centered in the province of South Khorasan in Iran.

The jujube tree, which may grow to a height of five to ten meters, is a relative of the elder tree.

Its leaves are alternating, oval, and toothed, and it has oval leaves.

It features tiny flowers that are a yellow-green color and have a lovely smell in the springtime when they bloom.

The fruits of this tree are about the size of dates, their skin becomes wrinkled as they develop, and their color is a combination of red and brown.


Fresh jujube tastes like delicious apples and dried jujube tastes like dates.

The temperature of this fruit falls in the middle of process.

How to dry jujubes After bringing a bowl's worth of water to a boil, immerse the fruit in the hot water for one to two minutes, and then quickly move the fruit to a bowl containing cool water.

The peel cracks, which in turn causes the fruits to dry out more quickly.

Put the jujubes in a basin of cold water that has some lemon juice added to it, and make sure the jujubes are completely submerged. 

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After allowing the fruits to sit in the liquid for at least ten minutes, remove them with a spoon and place them on a plate.

Put the jujubes on a towel so that they may get rid of any extra water and get dried off.

Place the fruit to be dried in an even layer on the oven tray, taking care that the individual pieces of fruit do not come into contact with one another.

Next, reduce the temperature of the oven to 65 degrees Celsius and put the oven tray holding the fruit into the oven.

Keep the door to the oven cracked to let the moisture escape and enable the oven to come to a temperature. 

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Hassan Khosravi