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Volvariella Mushroom; Grey Color Cap Top Located Temperate Tropical Regions

Let's have a conversation about the Volvariella mushroom in the Philippines, as well as the wonderful qualities of this delicious food.

Volvariella Mushroom in The Philippines

Another type of edible mushroom that can be found growing in temperate and tropical regions is the valvarilla mushroom, also known as the Chinese mushroom.

Volvariella mushroom has a delicious flavor and can easily grow on straw and stubble, particularly rice straw and stubble.

The Chinese were the ones who pioneered the cultivation of this particular mushroom.

This mushroom has a baring cap that is grey in color and is topped with a fleshy stem.

In contrast to the button mushroom, this variety does not have a ring of analus tissue.

There is a volva in the form of a cup located in the lower portion of the base of the volva.

Volvariella Mushroom

Volvariella Mushroom Features in The Philippines

Volvariella Mushrooms are low in calories, sodium, and cholesterol, and they don't have much fat.

There are also fibre, vitamins, and minerals in them.

Title Description
Growing in Temperate and Tropical Regions
Known as Chinese Mushroom
Flavor Delicious
Valvarilla Mushroom Has a Baring Cap That Is Grey

This wonderful mushroom has different health benefits.

Volvariella Mushroom is good sources of Antioxidants

Antioxidants help protect the body from damage done by free radicals, which can lead to diseases like cancer and heart disease.

They also keep damage from getting worse with age and make the immune system stronger.

Selenium, which is an antioxidant, is found in a lot of mushrooms.

They are, in fact, the best place to get minerals.

mushroom health benefits

Buy Volvariella Mushroom in The Philippines

Read these educational tips before you buy volvariella mushrooms; I think they will help you.

When shopping, exercise caution and only acquire mushrooms that have lamellae that are completely closed.

When purchasing mushrooms, you should check that their surface does not have a slick or sticky coating.

And also make sure their color is consistent throughout, and that there are no spots on their surface.

If the blades under the cap are separated from each other and open, this is an indication that the mushroom is of an advanced age.

If possible, steer clear of purchasing mushrooms that have discoloration, damage, cracks, or stains.

volvariella mushroom production

Volvariella Mushroom Price in The Philippines + Buy and Sell

The price of the Volvariella Mushroom is determined both by the kilogramme and by the level of freshness of the mushroom.

The price of the mushroom will go up proportionally to its level of freshness.

The price of fresh mushrooms typically ranges between $3.50 and $4.00 per kilogramme.

However, we sell this item at a price that is fair to the market.

You can buy from our website and have them delivered to your location in a short amount of time.

Please use the button below to place your order and get in touch with our representative.

volvariella mushroom spawn

The Answer to Two Questions About Volvariella Mushroom

1: What are the 4 types of mushroom?

Saprotrophic, mycorrhizal, parasitic, and endophytic.

2: Which mushroom is poisonous?

Amanita sp.

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Comments (2 Comments)


Hello, this washing powder is amazing. I always use it to wash my clothes and they are very satisfied because it cleans the clothes and removes their texture. It does not fade their color. It removes stains very quickly. I also recommend that they use this product and see its wonderful effect with their own eyes


Hello, mushrooms have a lot of vitamins and proteins. They are used to prepare food. I always use mushrooms most days of the week and they are very tasty. Also, my children love them.

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