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Oyster Mushroom Price in Pakistan

Using Oyster Mushroom backs to a long time ago.

People used Oyster mushrooms for cooking and as a traditional cure and medicine and Oyster Mushroom in Pakistan has a good market.

Oyster Mushroom in Pakistan

Oyster mushrooms or Pleurotus species are part of the group of Gilled mushrooms.

All types of oyster mushrooms have many health benefits due to their nutritional compounds and antioxidant properties, and this is the reason for their popularity.

In fact, there are around 40 species of oyster mushrooms, all of which are edible and commonly used in foods such as pasta or crackers.

Oyster mushrooms support heart and immune system health, control blood sugar, and have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

If you want to use it in food, you can add it to soups, pasta, and other foods.

Oyster Mushroom

Oyster Mushroom Features in Pakistan

There are many benefits to using Oyster mushrooms for our bodies, including:

  • Nutritious

The health benefits of oyster mushrooms come from their nutritional compounds.

Title Description
Used as  Pasta and Crackers
Advantages  Support Heart and Immune System Health, Control Blood Sugar
Nutritanal Values  Fiber, Vitamins, Minerals, and Other Nutrients.
Shape  Wide Fan-Shaped Bowl or Cap

Oyster mushrooms contain compounds such as fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

They are low in carbs and are a good choice for people on a low-carb diet.

  • Rich in antioxidants

Oyster mushrooms are a rich source of antioxidants and therefore have protective properties and reduce cell damage in the body.

For example, seven phenolic compounds have been identified in them, including gallic acid, chlorogenic acid, naringenin, etc.

  • Beneficial for heart

Oyster mushrooms improve heart health by lowering high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

  • Improve blood sugar regulation

Another property of oyster mushrooms is the regulation of blood sugar.

elm oyster mushroom

 Buy Oyster Mushroom in Pakistan

Keep in mind that when buying oyster mushrooms, the appearance should be clean and flawless.

The Oyster mushroom has a wide fan-shaped bowl or cap.

Its color varies from gray to dark brown.

The cap brim of the oyster mushroom is smooth and soft when it is fresh, curling inward.

The flesh of the sole is hard and white.

The leaves under the cap are white to cream.

By intending to these points you can choose the right oyster mushroom to buy better.

yellow oyster mushroom

Oyster Mushroom Price in Pakistan + Buy and Sell

Various factors such as labor costs, production costs, transportation costs, quality, color, and variety directly affect the price of mushrooms.

The rate of inflation can directly affect the price of mushrooms.

The increase in the inflation rate will increase the cost of production, packaging, transportation, labor, etc., and these factors will ultimately lead to an increase in the market price of oyster mushrooms.

This product is offered by many brands in the market with different packaging and qualities.

Therefore, it can be said that the brand name and the type of packaging have a significant impact on the price of oyster mushrooms.

The price for Oyster mushrooms is between 6 to 18 USD.

For more information and purchase, please contact us.

king oyster mushroom

The Answer to Two Questions About Oyster Mushroom 

1: What makes oyster mushrooms so important?

Popular oyster mushrooms have been connected to a variety of health advantages.

2: In what months do oyster mushrooms thrive?

Oyster mushrooms are available for harvest in the wild during the autumn.

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Comments (1 Comments)

Faisal Jamal

I need 200 kg Eyster Fresh Mushroom and 100 kg Mushroom need price per kg deliver to peshawar



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