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Vatana White Yellow Peas (Matar Dahl) Fiber Manganese Sources

Vatana white yellow peas are one of the legumes that are very nutritious and are seven thousand years old, which shows their importance and popularity after many years.

Vatana White Yellow Peas

Vatana white yellow peas are one of the legumes that are cultivated in two traditional and industrial ways.

Its mechanized cultivation should be in such a way that fewer chemicals and poisons are used for its cultivation.

These legumes need timely and regular watering.

Because if there is no water, it may be damaged.

It requires specific weather conditions and does not grow in any soil.

The best time to plant it is in autumn.

This plant can withstand the cold well.

The better the quality of the seed, the better the peas will be.

It can be said that this product has dark and light colors as well as various sizes, depending on which season it was grown.

It can be used to prepare all kinds of food and desserts.

White Yellow Peas

Vatana White Yellow Peas Features

Among Vatana white yellow peas features is that it is widely used for cooking all kinds of food.

It can also be used to prepare another type of beans called in such a way that they divide into two halves during a special process.

Title Description
Minerals Manganese and Iron
Source Vitamins A, B, C and Fiber
Benefit Bad Cholesterol Reduction
History Seven Thousand Years

Peas have a very high nutritional value so you can reduce your weight by consuming them.

By eating it, you will feel full and you will not need to consume other snacks.

The iron in it makes you enough energy throughout the day and you will even be able to treat jaundice or jaundice by consuming it.

The presence of large amounts of manganese in it makes the body's immune system stronger.

There are vitamins A, B and C as well as fiber in yellow peas.

It reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and thus protects the walls and blood vessels and the heart.

dried yellow peas

Buy Vatana White Yellow Peas

You can buy Vatana white yellow peas online from sites that sell this product.

Note that the peas you buy will be cooked in a short period of time.

The purchased product must be clean and free of stones.

The seeds should be quite large and of the same size.

Avoid buying peas that are green in color and go for pale and bold yellow ones.

Consider the type of packaging for easier use and pay attention to the date of production and expiration on the packaging.

The purchased product must have the standard logo and approvals of the health organization.

Peas must be completely healthy and no signs of worms can be seen on them.

vatana yellow peas

Vatana White Yellow Peas Price + Buy and Sell

For detailed information on Vatana white yellow peas price, you can contact the numbers on the site so that our experts in the sales department can guide you.

The price of this product depends on various factors.

The fresher and bigger it is, the higher the price.

Some of its types are cooked quickly and others need a longer cooking time, which also plays an important role in determining the price.

The price of each kilogram of this product is between 3 and 4 dollars.

In this collection, we sell this product wholesale and retail to get customer satisfaction.

If you buy this product in bulk, you may pay a lower price for it.

organic yellow peas

The Answer to Two Questions About Yellow Peas

1: What nutrients do yellow peas contain?

There are vitamins A, B and C as well as fiber in yellow peas.

2: What is the effect of consuming yellow peas on weight?

Peas have a very high nutritional value so you can reduce your weight by consuming them.

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