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Introducing paste packing materials + the best purchase price

The bulk buy and sell of tomato paste material for packaging is available in our company. Tomatoes belong to the nightshade family and are luscious berry fruits (Solanaceae). Christopher Columbus, on his second journey, in 1498, was the one who first brought them back to Europe from Central and South America. Their original home was in the Americas. The fruits of the numerous cultivated varieties of tomato can be a fiery scarlet, orange-red, or yellow color, and they are typically large, with an appearance that is highly flattened, and sometimes even peripherally lobed. Tomatoes can be grown in a variety of soil types, including acidic, alkaline, and alkaline-alkaline. In spite of this, they frequently take on other shapes as well, such as a spherical, oval, or even pear-like configuration.

Tomato paste packagingTomato

There are four primary varieties of tomatoes, which can be differentiated from one another based on color, shape, weight, size, and method of cultivation: Tomatoes that are round (spherical) in shape are the most common type of fresh-eating tomato. These tomatoes are generally red, have a smooth surface, and are round. Because of their distinctive ribbed appearance, beef tomatoes are frequently referred to as ribbed tomatoes. Beef tomatoes are generally larger than round tomatoes. They are put to use in the processing industry the vast majority of the time, but some people also eat them fresh. The name "cherry tomato" refers to the tomato variety's roundness and diminutive size, which are reminiscent of cherries. Cherry tomatoes, as opposed to round tomatoes and beef tomatoes, have a superior flavor and texture. Plum tomatoes are a variety of tomato that have a thicker flesh, fewer seeds, and can be used for both fresh consumption and processing. Tomatoes are selected when they are still green, and they post-ripen after being picked, which is how they get their red color (lycopene and carotene content). However, its usual odor is unable to blossom to its full potential.

Tomato paste materialsPackaging of tomato paste

The optimal time to harvest tomatoes varies greatly depending on what will be done with them after they are picked (e.g. duration of transport). Tomatoes grown in their natural environment have a higher nutrient content than those grown in greenhouses. The following standards are used to evaluate both the product's quality and its suitability for transportation purposes. Tomatoes need to be whole, clean, fresh, undamaged, free of odors and flavors that aren't their own, and free of abnormal amounts of moisture. The varieties must have a round, smooth appearance and be of a consistent size and ripeness. They must have a firm consistency, be free of hard tops and areas of unripe fruit, and not have any empty seed chambers in their bodies. When it comes to organoleptic testing, tomatoes are considered to have a satisfactorily firm consistency if they do not become deformed in any way when cut with a sharp knife at an angle that is perpendicular to the placenta and if the contents of the seed chambers do not leak out. If, when the stem end of the fruit is pressed with your finger, you feel a hardening of the flesh of the fruit (called the pulp), and those areas are generally green in color, then the fruit has hard tops.

Tomato paste bulkTomato paste packaging machine

Tomato paste packaging

In addition to having impressive levels of consumption, the organic tomato paste also features a wide diversity of presentations, formats, technologies, and materials in what it offers consumers. The main body of the selection of materials used to manufacture packaging is comprised of no less than six distinct categories: tin, glass, card, flexible multilayer pouches, rigid plastics, paper-based products, and so on. The traditional reference in this field, tin cans, continue to represent the main proportion of packagings for the retail trade today: over the course of the previous five years, "classic" cans have accounted for 42 percent of the total units sold (15.78 billion cans). Glass containers (bottles, pots, jars, and the like) are also regarded as being among the "classics," despite the fact that they have "only" been used for 9.6 billion units, which is equivalent to around one retail product out of every four. Only in more recent times has card packaging been employed in product conditioning (Tetra, Combi'), and it amounts for slightly more than 16 percent of sales, with 6.1 billion units sold on average each year between 2010 and 2014.

Tomato paste buyTomato paste benefits

This same volume corresponds to the total sales of tomato products packaged in flexible pouches, rigid plastic packaging, and containers based on paper (board tubs, trays): these materials have respectively represented slightly more than 10 percent, 4.5 percent, and 1 percent of the average annual sales for the period, with 3.9 billion units, 1.7 billion units, and 451 million units. This same volume also corresponds to the total sales of tomato products packaged in flexible pouches, rigid plastic packaging, and containers based on paper. Having said that, traditional materials such as metal routinely lose market shares as a result of their weight, their lack of attractiveness, challenges in terms of usage, a shape that is not optimal for transport, etc... Tin cans, which are the primary form of packaging that can be found on the market and account for 42 percent of the units sold, have been the only segment to effectively decrease over the course of the period between 2010 and 2014, at an average annual rate of 1.2 percent. Glass and carton packs have only recorded sluggish growth (respectively 0.8 percent and 0.6 percent), whereas paper-based packaging and rigid plastics have recorded more marked growth, of approximately 4 percent and 5 percent respectively, due to the very fact that there are relatively low volumes involved in both of these types of packaging. However, flexible pouches stand out as the product category that has made the most significant strides in recent years. Over the course of the last five years, their market share has increased by more than 10 percentage points annually.

Tomato paste materials

There is not a single product category or materials or market group that is optimally suited for each and every type of packaging. Because of their consistency, liquids such as purées and pastes, as well as canned tomatoes, cannot be stored in hard plastic containers. In a similar vein, the required presentation possibilities for sauces appear to all but rule out the use of tin cans, and for the time being, flexible pouches have not been very successful in the market for peeled tomatoes. As the singular initial technical purpose, which was to preserve the contents, has gradually seen other concerns appear, such as esthetics (the visual quality of the product) or marketability (the differentiation of presentations), some key associations have emerged as a result of continuous improvements in technological innovation and the arrival of new materials, etc., driven by considerations of an economic, legal, or ethical nature. For example, as the single initial technical purpose, which was to preserve the contents, has seen other concerns appear, such as esthetics (the visual Tin cans clearly hold a dominant position in the market for tomato puree and pastes, as they are responsible for close to 42 percent (on average between the years 2010 and 2014) of total sales (just slightly less than 2 billion units per year). Flexible packaging and glass containers are employed moderately in this category, respectively accounting for 10 percent and 21 percent of total yearly sales (4.76 b.u.), totaling little less than 1.5 b.u. However, card or carton packaging such as Tetra or Combi' occupies a substantial part of the segment, with an average of 1.25 billion units sold annually between the years 2010 and 2014. Glass and flexible pouches have been gaining market share at the expense of metal cans and card packs in recent years. On the other hand, the distribution of different forms of packaging within the paste and purée industry has been rather consistent over the course of the last several years.

Tomato paste bulk

If you are looking for tomato paste in bulk, just have a visit from our website to be updated with the prices. Pasta sauces are without a doubt the most important category for glass jars (as well as glass pots and bottles): over the course of the previous five years, more than 44 percent of global sales in this category have been sauces offered in glass containers, which accounts for an average annual volume of about 2 b.u. out of a total of 4.5 b.u. for the category as a whole. Having said that, tomato sauce, more than any other tomato product, are the category that uses the widest variety of presentations: between the years of 2010 and 2014, 11 percent of the units sold were conditioned in metal packaging; rigid plastics accounted for about the same proportion of the volumes, whereas card and paper-based packaging only accounted for 12 percent and 3 percent of the sales in this category. Flexible pouches are competing more and more with glass, with close to 18 percent of the retail sales of sauces (800 million units), and even more spectacularly, with a sharp growth that has seen them increase over the past five years from a 14 percent market share (600 million units) in 2010 to more than a billion units in 2014. Flexible pouches are competing with glass because flexible pouches have close to 18 percent of the retail sales of sauces (800 million units) (a share of more than 21 percent of the market). During this same time period, the market share of glass packaging for the sauces sector has dropped from more than 46 percent to just 41 percent of sales (therefore dropping below the 2 b.u. mark), along with the sales of metal cans and carton pack conditionings, both of which were close to 13 percent in 2010, but dropped to 9 percent and 12 percent of total sales in 2014, respectively. In addition to the development of flexible packaging, as was discussed earlier, these general declines have made it possible for rigid plastics to modestly raise their market share in the sauces category, from 11 percent in 2010 to 12 percent in 2014.

Tomato paste buy

The cherry tomatoes that you want to buy appear in a variety of different forms. Paper-based conditionings, rigid plastics, and flexible pouches are completely absent from this category for obvious practical reasons. Additionally, this category only grants a minimal share of total sales (3.2 billion units) to carton-packed products (less than 7 percent on average, 217 million units for the period of 2010-2014). Glass conditionings also only grant a minimal share of total sales (3.2 billion units) (just over 6 percent , or approximately 200 million units annually between 2010 and 2014). The market share of cans experienced a significant decline between 2010 and 2014, falling from more than 88 percent of the market share to less than 86 percent of the market share, in a sector that has seen its sales decrease year after year. This finding is in apparent contradiction with the preponderance of the product category in which cans are found (2.87 b.u. in 2010, to only 2.69 b.u. in 2014). Therefore, the percentage of sales accounted for by other types of packaging has tended to increase, particularly to the benefit of carton packs such as Tetra and Combi', which have seen their volumes increase moderately from 187 million units in 2010 to 243 million units in 2014 (an annual average CAGR of +2.5 percent). In particular, the share recorded for other types of packaging has tended to increase. The findings for the years 2010 to 2014 reveal that, contrary to expectations, glass and carton packaging appear to be retaining their respective market shares of retail conditionings for tomato products over the world. Flexible pouches appear to have a bright future ahead of them, and the recent period has seen them progress more rapidly than other forms, with volumes that are becoming considerable. Rigid plastic packaging and paper-based packs have recorded modest growth, for volumes that remain relatively unimportant. The classic metal can is the only type of container that is seeing a decline in market share within a market that is consistently expanding.

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Comments (61 Comments)

Ali Mohammad Rezaei

Tomato paste is the main seasoning of most foods and makes the taste and color of food better and tastier




Hello, thank you for the useful information you provided and thank you for the high-quality materials you provide for packing tomato paste, which has a very reasonable price and we can buy it from this site.




Tomato paste is one of the things that is necessary in making lunch and it makes the meal tasty and the quality and beautiful paste is really great.




Meeting is the most important of our seasoned foods, which should be very important after the important stage of production to the stage of packaging and the correct hygienic method.



amirreza fallah

Two types of local and greenhouse tomatoes are available in the market; that both types of local and greenhouse tomatoes can be used, each of which has advantages and disadvantages.

Local tomatoes give less paste, but it prevents the paste from getting moldy and spoiling later. Greenhouse tomatoes are more expensive but produce more paste. Usually, for every 100 kg of fleshy and juicy tomatoes, between 10 and 15 kg of paste are obtained.



Hello, tomatoes can be grown in different types of soil, including acidic, alkaline and alkaline-alkaline. Good luck




Hello, the wholesale purchase of tomato paste packaging materials has a more reasonable price and is of high quality




Tomato paste is added to many dishes as a seasoning.



John Adams

Our tomato paste packaging material is made of high quality materials that are designed to last. It can withstand high temperatures and freezing, ensuring your product remains safe and fresh.



Mohammad Navid Arabi

Packaging is one of the most important tasks that can affect sales in food production




Tomato paste is widely used in the cooking industry and is used in most restaurants and kitchens. For more information, read this article.



Komal Zanab Abidi

Tomato paste can easily increase the taste of anything and give it a nice red color. Thank you for giving us these details related to the purchase of tomato paste packaging material. Indeed, this article is a good effort to let us know all this valuable stuff.




Tomato paste is really very good, it gives a beautiful, very good taste to the food, it makes the food tasty, and it changes the food very much and makes it very tasty.




Tomato pastes are in packages that do not spoil quickly and we can keep them in the refrigerator for a long time.



Hamidreza ramezani

I used these products and it was very tasty and fragrant and makes the food perfect




These pastes are colorful and make food happy




Buying tomato paste in bulk is an excellent choice for restaurants and central kitchens and other such centers.




If you want your tomato paste to have a long shelf life, try not to leave tomato seeds in the paste




Hello, tomato paste is excellent and tasty. I used it in food, it made the food taste much better than before




These products have many qualities in different volumes and you can prepare them according to your needs




To make tomato paste, you need to boil a large amount of fresh tomatoes.




Hello, this tomato paste is of good quality and has a reasonable price



Mahan khosravi

Packaging of tomato paste is mechanized and away from human intervention in plastic and aluminum glass packaging




Hello, the packaging material of your paste was excellent and of high quality, and my paste did not get damaged or moldy at all, thank you




I didn't know Christopher Columbus discovered tomatoes! This was a really cool point, I have to write it down




Hello, tomato paste is an excellent seasoning for food and gives a good taste to food




You can buy tomato paste in bulk and pack them in containers and keep the rest in the freezer.




Tomato paste is one of the most delicious and high-quality food seasonings, which is used in the preparation of all kinds of foods today.




Tomato paste should be healthy and hygienic



Hamidreza allahyari

Hello, these useful materials are very good and I used them, thank you very much




Tomato paste is a great option to improve the taste of your food




A beautiful packaging can show our product many times better




Tomato paste, because of its properties, gets moldy very quickly, the horse must be packed properly




Buying tomato paste in bulk and packaging is much cheaper




Tomato paste is a good flavoring and coloring for food and can be stored for a long time in the refrigerator.




Tomato paste is one of the products used in the preparation of many foods




The tomato paste is very tasty and it has both sour and sweet taste which I like sweet taste




Add the rind from a piece of Parmesan cheese while simmering the sauce to add a bit of nutty, salty flavor



Kimia davodi

Your product is a very good product for business with a high profit margin. Good luck in your work




Good packaging of tomatoes is done in a completely hygienic way by special materials that you can visit this site to buy.




Tomato paste should not be too salty otherwise it makes food taste bad




Tomato pastes must have health standards. Their color and taste also determine their purchase




However, its usual odor is unable to blossom to its full potential.



Iman hasani

I ordered high-quality tomato paste in different containers and clean packaging through this site and I was very satisfied



Yara dehghani

In the packaging of tomato paste, it should be noted that air does not enter the packaging and it does not cause the tomato paste to mold



Hossein inanloo

Tomato paste is very tasty and has a great appetite. It has a long shelf life




This tomato paste is delicious and has preservatives




The packaging of this price of tomatoes is very standard and very excellent




Tomato paste packaging should be organic and sterilized to prevent germs from entering the tomato paste ingredients



Ehsan rajabali

Hello, in my opinion, it is very good to buy bulk tomato packing materials and buy from them




wholesale tomato paste packaging materials in their range of Plastic BagsTomato paste wholesale price; Tomato paste substitute; Homemade tomato paste




Tomato paste contains vitamin B and should be stored in a cold environment




it’s the main flavor, producing an intense, pesto-like taste as it coats the long pasta strands



halimeh sharifi

The tomato paste that is produced in the country is of high quality and has a good taste, everyone uses it in their dishes.




Tomato products, including tomato paste, are widely used in today's cooking, which give a special taste and color to food.




Before 2010, tomato paste was sold in aluminum containers, but now companies use steel sheets, which is more hygienic.




Hello, good day. tomato paste has a great taste and color and is used in most foods




Tomato paste has a very good taste and can be found in wholesale and retail stores.




Factors in Selling Tomato Paste Jar in Bulk — Tomato paste jar is one of the products used in its preparation and packagingfinished products there are two processes: ... Tomato paste storage and preservation is carried out after packing



Hossein inanloo

It is a very delicious paste. It has a good price. It has a very good appetite




Tomato paste is produced in the company and production factories in different weights and then distributed and distributed by tomato paste supplier companies in all markets.



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