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Tomato paste product has many important brands with unique specifications

Tomato paste is an important product used as seasoning in many recipes.

tomato paste recipe

Tomato paste is actually processed tomatoes which are added to color and flavor the food as much as possible. This product is a rich source of antioxidant compounds, vitamins and minerals. The consumption of tomato paste can boost human’s immune system, improves heart and brain functions and helps to keep nervous system healthy. In the past, most families used to prepare tomato paste at home, and it rarely happened that families buy that from grocery stores. However now with the change in people’s lifestyles and the establishment of factories which are producing high quality tomato paste, fewer people make this product at home with the traditional way of the past. Fortunately, by increasing the quality level of their products and using the least possible amount of preservatives, tomato paste manufacturers have tried to meet the needs of consumers in addition to maintaining the nutritional values of tomato. As a matter of fact, the food products which are available in the markets are from different qualities. So, manufacturers and health organizations have a great role in increasing the awareness of the society to get familiar with food quality criteria. Tomato paste, like many other food products, is manufactured nowadays in a wide variety of factories. It stands to reason that not everything produced will be perfect. If you're concerned about what goes into your body, you need to know what makes a tomato paste healthy so you can pick the ideal one. tomato paste recipe

Tomato paste product

Genetic evidence shows that the ancestors of tomatoes go back to herbaceous plants that had small green fruits which grew in the mountainous parts of Peru. The unripe tomatoes have a poisonous substance called "solanine", which is dangerous to eat, but after ripening, red and juicy tomatoes do not contain any solanine, so they are safe to eat. Lycopene which the prominent antioxidant that exist in tomato can fight with the radicals in the body that cause cancer, heart disease and premature aging. In the process of preparing the paste, a little heat makes the lycopene in tomatoes better and easier to be absorbed by the body. Therefore, tomato paste is a suitable option to boost immune system. To make tomato paste, the first and most important thing is preparing high quality tomatoes. High quality tomatoes do not necessarily mean juicy ones, as paste tomatoes must be less juicy flesh to be cooked quicker and in a greater amount. In order to make paste you can either use local or greenhouse tomatoes. Each one has some advantages and disadvantages. Local tomatoes give less paste, but it prevents the paste from getting moldy and as a result spoils later. Instead, greenhouse tomatoes are more expensive but produce more paste. Another feature of high-quality tomato paste is a low level of light reflection off the paste's surface. Many of the manufacturers who produce inexpensive products add starch as a cheap filler in the manufacturing process of tomato paste. This enhances the paste's surface light reflection. You should know that if you observe a high light reflection from tomato paste surface it contains starch in it. Tomato paste product

Tomato paste specification

There are some important specifications that you should take into account to get high quality tomato paste. The first one is the color. Tomato paste color is one of the things that you can easily determine. A good paste is a red color which is neither too dark nor too bright. Too bright red paste means that the manufacturer has used additive colors while too light will make your food too dark which smells and tastes very bad. The second one is the concentration of tomato paste. A good paste is a little hard, especially when you keep it in the refrigerator. If the product of tomato paste is soft, it means that it has more water in it which is never pleasant for a customer. The third factor is to be smooth and transparent. It is free of any impurities and lumps, it has a bright red color, without (taste or smell of mold). And finally, a good tomato paste should have a production date, an expiration date, a standard mark, factory address, storage conditions, storage time, a license number, and a health certificate. Tomato paste specification

Tomato paste brands

There are numerous well-known brands of food products all over the world. Some of these brands are famous in their own country, but some of them have been well-known in international markets. In this article, I want to give you some information regarding international well-known brands of tomato paste. “Cento” Double Concentrated Organic Tomato Paste This Italian product is a superb paste thanks to its ideal harmony of acid and natural tomato sweetness. “Red Gold” Tomato Paste This tomato paste is perfect for any recipe because of its rich tomato flavor and distinct long-simmered flavor. “Muir Glen” Organic Tomato Paste This bright orange-red paste is silky smooth and packs a powerful acidic punch, making it a versatile addition to any dish from a classic tomato sauce to a luxurious veloute. “SMT” double concentrated Tomato Paste This light Italian import is well worth the money thanks to its explosively delicious tomato flavor. “365” Tomato Paste, Organic, No Salt This paste defies the stereotype of cheap store brands. It is rich in flavor, substantial in texture, and bursting with vitality; a suitable addition to the finest of cuisines. “Napoleon” Double concentrated Tomato paste In addition to its deep red color, this Italian paste packs a powerful umami punch and a variety of other flavors. “Amore” Double Concentrated Tomato Paste This Italian paste is ideal for adjusting the salt and acid levels in a dish because of the high concentration of natural sugar it contains. “Trader Giotto” Double Concentrated Italian Tomato Paste This flavorful paste has a nice harmony of ingredients, making it a great option for burger toppings or pizza sauce. Tomato paste brands

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