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Distilled Rose Water 2023 Price List

The rose has its water that through a process we can take it out. It is unclear when and by whom the first distillation operation was carried out, but evidence from archeological research and historical artifacts indicates that man has been using various distillation methods since 3000 BC to obtain different herbal spirits, special extracts, and purification. However, in most areas, people are involved in the production of alcoholic beverages and fragrances. They continue to use the outdated, inconvenient, and costly method of water distillation. Distillation process of rose water In the water distillation process, plants like roses, cardamom, plant stems, and roots are heated and placed directly in the water. When the water reaches boiling point, as well as the solid contents submerged in the water, steam is produced. and as a result of condensation, the resulting vapors move through the condenser area before turning into liquid and gathering in the collecting container. The possibility of these materials settling and even burning is very high with this method due to the large volume of solid materials in the still, and the chemical reaction and hydrolysis of the resulting compounds is provided by submerging the solid materials in water. Each of these situations lowers the quality of the finished perfume and creates a host of problems for the extraction industry. Why must liqueurs and essential oils be distilled? The development of a steam distillation system for spirits and essential oils is a step toward pure, high-quality perfumes. The system's copper and aluminum alloy body reduces the risk of corrosion. All materials should be pressurized by saturated water vapor and heated evenly. Because the plant and materials are not in direct contact with water in this method and a chamber is placed above the high-pressure water vapor, this work prevents reaction, hydrolysis, and even material destruction. On the other hand, by heating the water and raising the liquid temperature to boil, water vapor molecules hit the plant cells and all the elements and content inside the plant cells are released as a perfume oil. What makes a still different from a copper still? The following are some of the advantages of using the steam distillation design system to produce alcohol and essential oils:

  • Increasing the efficiency with which the essential oil and perfume industries produce
  • enhancing the quality of essential oils and spirits produced while avoiding solution hydrolysis
  • Increasing the output of essential oils and spirits
  • reducing the amount of energy used in manufacturing as well as overall production costs
  • Environmental friendliness, as well as the prevention and mitigation of the negative effects of the essential oil industry

All industries around the world are currently working to advance and produce goods of higher quality and superiority. These industries are attempting to meet the needs of their customers on all fronts, in addition to utilizing technology to their advantage. To preserve the environment as much as possible, the development of a steam distillation system for alcoholic beverages and essential oils has resulted not only in the production of goods of higher caliber and purity but has also done an excellent job of preventing environmental destruction. was uncovered Rose water The rose family includes plants with pink flowers and leaves, such as roses. The flowers that bloom in June are used to take out the water. Rose water, like rosemary, has a long-lasting pleasant scent. Characteristics of rose water To date, only a few of the 200 different kinds of roses that have been identified are used to make rose water, which is the liquid's essence. This spring flower is used medicinally from mid-May to late June. Rosé water relaxes the nervous system and tones the digestive, cardiovascular, and hepatic systems. Some ancient cultures used rose water during difficult times. This sweet, fragrant liquid stimulates blood flow and new skin cell production. Helps relieve headaches and bad breath by drinking rose water. In addition, it increases libido and regulates menstruation by stimulating hormones. For heart patients, we recommend a daily intake of rose water, as well as a glass of buttermilk with rose petals if the weather is particularly hot. For every 30 kilograms of flowers, an ancient custom dictates that 50 liters of water be used, resulting in 30 kilograms of rose water. It is labeled "scented rose" and comes in a liter container. "Double fire rose" or "standard" is the result of re-distilling Gulab Mayer. The stronger bitter flavor and aroma of this rose water make it superior to other brands. In addition, it has a stronger therapeutic effect than regular rose water because it is thicker and contains more evaporated water. It fits the bill. Re-distillation, on the other hand, yields the thicker, more fragrant "pure and pure rose," a double fire rose that is extremely hard to come by. Wastewater rose water is made by combining scummed-over flowers with a small number of fresh flowers, and it has very poor quality, a weak natural effect, and practically no therapeutic properties. Recommendations Due to the long shelf life of rose water, it should not be stored for more than a year. This causes it to lose its potency. It's best to keep rose water in the refrigerator and in colored glass containers because it reacts with the components of plastic containers. The show's quality suffers as a result. You should avoid putting it in containers like this. Rose water must be produced in a sanitary environment and all equipment used to produce it must be sterilized to prevent the growth of fungus and mold, which would cause the rose water to become cloudy and lose its therapeutic properties, as well as to have side effects. The best rose water to buy has a health code and an expiration date on it, so remember that when making your purchase. It's important to keep in mind that if you drink rose water straight from the bottle, the oxygen in the air can cause its essence to oxidize, rendering it ineffective but not harmful to you.

Distillation process of rose water

The operation process of the distillation device is a process that separates liquid or pure sweat from the mixture of rose and combined water, which is based on the difference in the boiling point of the components of the mixture and the plant. This sweat catcher device consists of two parts (the heating part and the cooling part). To put it simply, distillation apparatus and its purpose are a physical operation that is often performed in a laboratory to separate two liquids with different boiling points. But what is the distillation device's purpose? It is fair to claim that using this handy and unusual device is one of the best and most innovative ways to cleanse liquids and other substances with low boiling points. Laboratory distillation apparatus is composed of a material other than glass and consists of three fundamental components: a distillation flask, a collecting flask, and a condenser. What is the mechanism of the distiller? The necessary plant and liquid must first be prepared before being poured into the antiperspirant's tank. put We next turn on the heat beneath the tank and wait for the liquid to boil and steam to form before proceeding. During the condensing and chilling process, this condensed steam exits the outlet duct and falls into the final container. This container now contains the desired liquid and plant extract. various distillation methods Distillation at atmospheric pressure is a method of distilling petroleum products such as kerosene, jet fuel, and car engine oil. distilling using steam To execute distillation, two immiscible chemicals are mixed, one of which has a lower vapor pressure than the other. The ambient pressure is obtained using this technique by combining the pressure and temperature at which the mixture of the two components is placed. Distillation by absorption In this method, the distillation process is carried out at a pressure of 40 mm Hg. The temperature at which materials evaporate is lower in vacuum distillation than in other methods. As a result, materials can be separated while using less energy. Distillation using steam and vacuum Distillation employing a vacuum pump decreases the overall pressure of the materials while transferring heat via water vapor. Distillation in vacuum and steam is almost non-existent and is not used due to the numerous drawbacks of this technology. Distillation caused by pressure This process is the polar opposite of distillation in a vacuum since it distills materials at temperatures and pressures higher than ambient pressure, causing the components of materials like oil to break apart and change their makeup.

What makes a still different from a copper still?

The construction of a distillation device is critical. Copper distillation equipment has historically been widely used due to copper's beneficial effects on the digestive system. Due to the high cost of copper, consumers can now find steel sweat extraction devices on the market for a reasonable price that retain the benefits of herbal extracts without putting their digestive systems at risk. In this article, we explored the use of apparatus for the distillation of copper and steel, as well as apparatus for the extraction of sweat in the laboratory. And how the distilling process itself works. Our business is in the manufacturing business, and we have a stellar reputation in a wide variety of markets thanks to the diverse range of products that we offer . We provide a wide selection of rose-derived products, including rose water, that are of the highest possible quality. In order to acquaint you with our method of production, we have provided a description of the distillation process that is used to prepare rose water.

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Comments (17 Comments)


Salam is obtained from the distillation of rose flowers, and the more flowers there are, the better and higher quality the scent of rose water




Distillation process of rose water is very useful for loved ones who have heart disease, they can mix some of it with water and eat it daily.




Thank you for providing us with a lot of information about the stages of distillation and its benefits and its uses since ancient times




Rose water is used in tea and they bring a lot of flavor to herbal teas and of course they also smell good.




Rose water is very fragrant and of high quality, and it is very diverse and excellent, and it is poured into some dishes




Nowadays, rose water is made from roses, which is very fragrant and has many uses




Rose water is made without any chemicals. Rose water is a fragrant and pure liquid. Rose water has high consumption.




This product is available at a very good price and I was very satisfied with this type of product.




petals are immediately preparedfact, pure steam distillation. The oil separates from the water in the distillate and is collected to go through a very meticulous steam-distillation process




Rose water rejuvenates the skin of the face, that's why fresh rose water can be used to spray on the face




Distillation process was very interesting for me, so I read the text to the end and got a lot of information. Thank you for your good site.




Gulab is one of the best spirits that has a special place in traditional medicine




Simultaneous water and steam distillation method: This method does not have a very good yield because the essential oil is damaged or destroyed due to the presence of unstable compounds.




fact, pure steam distillation. The oil separates from the water in the distillate and is collected. As the steam is under pressure, thebeen used for over two thousand years to isolate the scent of flowers. Rose water is nowadays a rather uncommon




Hello, good evening. It is very difficult to get rose water, but you can easily order and use it and it has a unique aroma.




Greetings, dear ones, it is one of the beautiful and fragrant flowers and the rose has a good smell, which is obtained by distilling its water and is often used in perfumery.




The extract of these flowers has been widely used, especially in the perfumery industry



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