People who work in the steel industry or whose business is related to these industries are familiar with both sponge iron, soft iron sponge, and briquettes that are priced per ton. Today, sponge iron is used to make all kinds of steel, and in fact, this raw material is of a higher quality than scrap iron, so it is more applicable in the production process of the steel industry. In all walks of life, producers do what they can to make the best use of everything, let nothing go to waste and maximize the use of the products and derivatives that are produced. In the production of sponge iron, iron pellets are used in the direct reduction section, where more than 5% of the raw material becomes soft iron. Plants for the production of sponge iron accumulate daily large quantities of soft iron, often in the form of sludge, produced during gas scrubbing and dedusting in regeneration units. With these explanations, the production of soft sponge iron is limited and not suitable for export, so it is used only for domestic use. In fact, the soft iron sponge is compressed and converted into briquettes using a small amount of silicate glue and lime. Sponge iron, one of the most important raw materials in the steel industry, is produced by the direct reduction method of iron ore, where reduction operations are carried out without melting the iron ore and deoxidizing it. Sponge iron is an iron ore pellet with spongy porosity, typically with a grade above 60%. Due to its high quality, sponge iron is used in construction in various steel industries, and today more than 5% of products in steel mills are made from sponge iron. Sponge iron looks like a porous spherical part and is very similar to a sponge, which makes it a good substitute for these products in the steel industry, as it does not contain iron waste. There are many factories that specialize in the production of sponge iron by various methods and supply to the domestic and foreign steel industry. Generally, sponge iron is produced using a two-gas method or using coal, which is more common due to adequate natural gas reserves. There are many advantages of using sponge iron, the most important of which are the faster method, lower start-up cost, high economic rationality, higher quality, easier transportation, and storage, etc. Therefore, most factories prefer sponge iron. Raw material. As previously mentioned, the soft iron sponge is produced in limited quantities during the production of sponge iron and is often compressed, actually using silicate glue and lime to convert the soft iron sponge into briquettes. Briquettes have many advantages, the most important of which is better use in arc furnaces, in addition, iron scrap and iron sponges are in the form of dust, which can harm the environment, but by turning them into briquettes, it is possible to prevent the production of briquettes. The alloys and waste used in the steel industry make a big shift. Soft iron is so light that it cannot be charged in an arc furnace, which makes it less attractive to buy.
But by making soft iron sponges into briquettes, they can be introduced into the production cycle and used in arc furnaces, because the individual soft iron sponge is very small in weight and density, so the waste rate is high. Even using a conveyor belt to move it, there is no way to store it, and according to these explanations, the best way to use these products is to turn them into briquettes. In general, among the most important uses of soft sponge iron, the following can be mentioned:
- Used as raw material for the production of iron balls
- For the production of metal and semi-metal brake pads for cars
- and many more.
Sponge iron is one of the most important raw materials in the iron and steel industry. It is produced from iron ore by direct reduction and has a high quality. This product is produced by two methods for coal and gas reserves, usually the more commonly used gas method. There are many benefits to using sponge iron, including:
- lower set-up costs
- faster method
- Financially reasonable
- Practical transport
- very high grade
- and…
In my country, there are various factories that specialize in the production of sponge iron. The soft iron sponge is basically the raw material for making sponge iron, because its size is very small (less than 6mm), after separation, it can be combined with some silicate glue and lime, pressed by machine, and finally turned into briquettes.
Soft application of sponge iron
Soft iron weighs so little that it cannot be charged in arc furnaces; therefore, the purchase of this product alone cannot bring profit to owners of all walks of life; for this reason, by softening into briquettes, it can be used in arc furnaces for the following reasons:
- Soft iron sponge cannot be stored
- Inability to ship correctly to the point of consumption
- Its high spillage due to its low density and weight.
- Its high percentage of iron purity (80%) is a rich source for steel production
In general, among the most important uses of this product, the following can be mentioned:
- Used as raw material for the production of iron balls
- For the production of metal and semi-metal brake pads for cars
- and many more.
sponge iron price per ton
the price of sponge iron is calculated per ton on our website and there are many different prices in the market as well if you are looking for the best prices in the market you can easily contact our website and talk to one of our experts. There are some big differences between sponge iron and steel briquettes. Sponge iron and briquettes are two of the main steel products that play a very important role in this industry and each has a specific purpose. Sponge iron has a sponge-like appearance and is recovered directly from iron ore; briquettes are produced by compressing sponge iron. Sponge iron, as the name suggests, has a spongy appearance, and its high porosity gives it considerable volume. Basically, sponge iron is reduced directly from iron ore without smelting. Due to its high purity, the product can be used in many industries, therefore the price of the iron sponge is important to many activists in the various steel industries. The sale of the best sponge iron is handled by a team with sufficient expertise in the field. This highest quality product is available to customers all over Iran. Traders as well as various manufacturers can get high purity products from soft iron stores at bulk and daily prices. What is Soft Sponge Iron? How is it achieved? In order to answer the questions asked, we intend to provide you with information about this product. The first thing to note is how to analyze the product. It is analyzed as the raw material itself (IRON SPONGE). This means that soft have different percentages of purity and different strengths, just like sponge iron itself, because such a substance is its product. But the soft ones are basically created after the iron production process. It is estimated that 5% will turn to ash after treatment. Such waste is produced in the form of sludge due to gas scrubbing in the regeneration unit. Due to the special structure of the product, the possibility of spillage is very high, so it is mostly used for the production of briquettes. As a result, the soft iron produced is considered waste and is widely used by various companies, especially steel manufacturers. In this way, the need for new materials is reduced and the shortage is eliminated to a certain extent. If you go to the big store of soft iron sponges, it is easy to buy products processed by big manufacturers. Of course, their customers are special because of the special effects of this waste that we talked about before. However, the products supplied by the suppliers have the following characteristics:
- They are of excellent purity.
- They are clean with very few impurities.
- They are suitable for factories and exports.
- They are available at good prices.
Soft sponge iron is a product of direct regeneration unit. Due to the development of its use in some industries, it allows sales to sponge iron factories, which saves production costs. One of the most important uses of soft sponge iron is its use in lump iron production plants. briquettes Soft iron sponge, which can be replaced with scrap iron, just like sponge iron products. Among other uses and main uses of soft iron sponge, we can mention its use in the automotive industry for the production of metallic and semi-metallic brake pads. buy soft from the sponge iron factory Soft purchases of sponge iron manufacturing facilities are often conducted in the form of auctions based on the sales auctions announced by the factories. In some cases, the production facilities offer the possibility of contracts for the direct purchase of the product, and at the same time state the specific price of the sponge iron.
sponge iron briquettes per ton
The briquette is one of the equipment that has many applications in the steel industry. Artisans can make briquettes with some movement and compression on products such as sponge iron, iron filings, folds, etc. These products are divided into three categories based on process type and temperature, which are: Cold sponge iron ball The properties of the briquette make it useful in a number of different steel industries. If in some cases it is difficult to transport sponge iron, craftsmen will make it into briquettes so that they can easily use the product in large furnaces. Another characteristic of briquettes is that they can be easily stored; the use of this product makes the storage mechanism easier and protects against fire and oxidation in all weather conditions. The briquetting process is divided into two types: cold briquettes, hot briquettes and soft briquettes, which we will explain separately below. hot briquettes In hot briquettes, the product is produced at temperatures above 650 degrees Celsius, the most well-known briquettes among players in the steel market. cold briquettes In cold briquetting, the input material enters the briquetting machine at ambient temperature and the product is produced according to the type of input material. soft briquettes The soft sponge iron ball is used in the direct regeneration device of the steelmaking furnace, which is small in size, low in efficiency and large in loss. Characteristics of briquettes One of the properties of the briquette is that additives such as carbon and alloying elements can be added; therefore, it can have many uses. Among the most important uses of briquettes, the following can be mentioned:
- Reduce coke consumption and improve blast furnace metal load quality
- Replacement of scrap in induction and arc furnaces
- Alloy steel can be produced due to very low content of carbon and impurities
- available for minerals
- Can be used in steel production
The difference between sponge iron and briquettes So far we have discussed the difference between sponge iron and briquettes and explained the functions and uses of each. The briquettes are actually sponge iron (Direct Reduced Iron); the difference is that it is made of compressed iron sponge. As previously mentioned, briquettes can be divided into three categories. There are different types of briquettes, including:
- hot briquettes
- soft briquettes
- cold briquettes
But there are several ways to make sponge iron, including the following:
- thermal coal
- natural gas
- Midrash
This article discusses the difference between sponge iron and briquettes. If you operate in an industry that requires briquettes and sponge iron to manufacture products, it is best to consult an experienced expert in the field before deciding to purchase these products. Depending on the type of budget to buy each product, the amount of space to store these products and the intended use, you can buy one of these sponge irons or briquettes.