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Sponge Iron in Durgapur (DRI) Wear Resistance Carbon Silicon Manganese Content

The sponge iron in Durgapur is categorized according to its purity and dimensions.

Each standard is utilized for various purposes.

Sponge Iron in Durgapur

Sponge iron, also known as direct reduced iron (DRI), is produced by reducing iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets, or fines) to iron using a reducing gas or carbon element supplied from natural gas or coal.

DRI is often processed into steel using electric arc furnaces to take advantage of the heat generated by the DRI product.

Due to the similar iron content of direct-reduced iron and pig iron, usually 90–94% total iron (depending on the grade of the raw ore), it is a good feedstock for the electric furnaces of small mills.

It permits the use of lower-grade scrap for the remainder of the charge or the production of higher-grade steel.

sponge iron plant

Sponge Iron Features in Durgapur

The creation of steel begins with sponge iron, whose average purity ranges between 30 and 70 percent.

There are many advantages to sponge iron.

Title Description
Used as Refrigerant
Advantages Wear Resistance
Content Carbon, Silicon and Manganese
Purity 30 and 70 Percent

It is a better choice than scrap metal in places that make steel.

The grade of its metalworking is enhanced when there is an abundance of iron and a deficiency of sulfur and phosphorus.

It contains the waste components present in scrap iron but absent from the sponge.

This chemical could be utilized as a refrigerant.

Briquettes are a form of compressed sponge iron conceived and made for easy transport.

Briquettes are the most efficient method for minimizing the amount of rust while also decreasing porosity, increasing density, and enhancing wear resistance.

sponge iron meaning

Buy Sponge Iron in Durgapur

Before buying sponge iron in Durgapur, you may want to consider the following information so that you have a comprehensive overview of the market for this product.

The study of sponge iron reveals variances in the product's level of iron purity.

You are responsible for conducting the analysis for your objective.

The diameter of the sponge iron you employ also plays an important part in reaching your objective.

The inclusion of other ingredients like carbon, silicon, manganese, and sulfur that go into making sponge iron is crucial.

You must ensure that the retailer you plan to buy from has significant prior experience working in the business.

sponge iron melting induction furnace

Sponge Iron Price in Durgapur + Buy and Sell

The market price of sponge iron in Durgapur is determined not only by the product's demand but also by its supply.

The quantity of iron that is included in the product is an additional variable that plays a role in determining the price.

The fact that different analyses of sponge iron contain different amounts of the metals present in sponge iron is what influences the price.

A metric ton of sponge iron costs between 310 and 350 USD.

You can contact us if you have any questions about the product or want to know if we offer discounts for selling it.

sponge iron manufacturing process pdf

The Answer to Two Questions About Sponge Iron

1: Why is sponge iron used as raw material?

Sponge iron replaces scrap in induction and electrical arc furnaces. Due to a lack of melting scrap, sponge iron is used to make high-quality steel.

2: What is the difference between sponge iron and normal iron?

Pig iron is made by melting iron ore, charcoal, and limestone under high pressure, while sponge iron is made by reducing iron ore.

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