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Shiitake Mushroom (Lentinula edodes) Range White Dark Brown Chinese Medicine

Shiitake Mushroom Per Pound is one of the most popular mushrooms worldwide courtesy of their earthy taste which is mostly characterized as meaty.

Shiitake Mushroom Per Pound

The meaty, deep flavor of shiitake mushrooms comes from their unique combination of earthy and nutty undertones.

The huge caps of these mushrooms range from 2 inches to 5 inches in diameter.

Their colors range from white to dark brown, which contrasts well with their creamy white undersides.

Shiitake mushrooms grow on either fallen logs or artificial substrates.

Thanks to their delicious taste and the ease with which they grow, Shiitake mushrooms have gained widespread popularity across the globe.

China is responsible for 80-90 percent of the world's shiitake production.

Nevertheless, they are also farmed commercially in Japan, the United States, Korea, and Brazil.

shiitake mushroom benefits

Shiitake Mushroom Per Pound Features

Shiitake mushrooms are loaded with copper, a mineral essential for healthy blood vessels, bones, and the immune system.

However, these mushrooms have more features to offer.

Title Description
Color Range From White to Dark Brown
Grows On Fallen Logs or Artificial Substrates
Minerals Selenium and Copper
Health Benefits Great for Blood Vessels, Bones and the Immune System

The mushrooms also contain a high amount of selenium, delivering 33% of the daily recommended intake.

Further, they include anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-blocking beta-glucans.

According to Chinese medicine, shiitake mushrooms increase vitality, aid in recovery from illness, and lengthen life expectancy.

Researchers have shown that shiitake's bioactive components may help prevent cancer and inflammation.

However, much of the research has been conducted on animals or in vitro rather than on humans.

Similar studies have also shown that Shiitake mushrooms can reverse the age-related weakening of the immune system in mice.

shiitake mushroom fried rice

Buy Shiitake Mushroom Per Pound

Shiitake mushrooms are commonly used in many recipes to add some meaty flavor to dishes.

However, before buying these mushrooms, there are a few things to consider.

Rarely, the lentinan molecule found in uncooked shiitake mushrooms might cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.

However, this same component that delivers the mushroom's health advantages may also trigger an allergic response in certain people in the form of skin dermatitis.

Dermatitis caused by shiitake mushrooms causes itching and discomfort but usually clears up within a week or two.

This response is avoided when the shiitake mushrooms are cooked, although the health advantages of the lentinan may be diminished.

shiitake mushroom quinoa

Shiitake Mushroom Price Per Pound + Buy and Sell

You can now buy 250gr of Shiitake mushrooms for the price of $100.

In fact, there are many online shops that sell these mushrooms in different forms, such as dried, powdered, or whole.

However, the world of fungi is so vast and you will be missing so much if you just stick with one variety.

Our website is home to many farmers and suppliers of medicinal and delicious mushrooms.

There, you can find out about the countless mushroom varieties and buy them at a cheaper price.

Plus, you can directly speak to farmers and bargain a price, in case you are going to make a bulk purchase.

shiitake mushroom rice

The Answer to Two Questions About Shiitake Mushroom

1: How long can shiitake last?

If stored properly in the fridge, they have a shelf life of up to 14 days.

2: Can shiitake be frozen?

Raw shiitake mushrooms don't freeze well, according to the University of Kentucky. Sauteed mushrooms can be frozen for two months.

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Comments (1 Comments)


We always use mushrooms and use most of the foods that are high in vitamins



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