Venoms are generally known for their negative influences and for causing health problems for humans. Venoms contain a set of toxins that can occasionally neurotoxicity, cytotoxicity, respiratory arrest, allergic reactions, hemorrhage, nephrotoxicity, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and dermatitis. although their negative effects, these venoms are affluent pharmacologically active compound sources. Some venomous arthropods like snakes, scorpions, bees, ants, spiders, wasps, caterpillars, etc. are producing a pharmacologically active molecule, which has an anti-cancer activity venom on breast cell lines and colorectal cancer.
The Negative Influence of Current Cancer Remedies
The WHO World Health Organization is reporting that the cancer rate is continuously increasing, and 14 million new cancer cases were reported in 2012, and this number could reach 22 million/per year within the next 2 decades. These increases pointed to the passivity of currently remedy methods such as surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy as cancer curable.
What Are the Medical Benefits for Scorpion Venom and Snake Venom?
Recently research has been found that the painkillers obtained from a chemical material in the Scorpion venom are so effective for specified types of pains. According to the Study of Cancer Research Center by Scorpion Venom: Scorpion Venom and its peptides, are the new curative target for the development of anti-cancer medication. Therefore, one of the main purposes and fundamental targets of the current research is evaluating the anti-cancer properties of Androstanes bicolor scorpion venom on the cancer cells, due to it includes considerable bioactive components, nucleotides, free amines, biologically active molecules, and lipids etc. Further than that, the positive influence of Scorpion and Snake venom are almost in remedy Some of the substances existing in the venom Snake present great potential as an agent of Cancer and anti-Tumor.
Androctanes Bicolor Venom
Being a Scorpion venom supplier for Androctonus Bicolor venom l black fat tailed scorpion venom supplier although the cheapest price comparing to worldwide prices. Our experience in reptile venoms comes from our client’s word of mouth, thanks for all of them to support us, and that comes from the quality we apply which comes at first of our priority before our profit. I spent a lot of time looking for the Idealist in Scorpion Venom and Snake Venom and now I can say that we going to it, the hope of that. Selling Scorpion Venom and Snake Venom Online, one of our goals is a human being goal to help in improving the medicinal research to be a curable method for Cancer, Heart attack, Malarial parasite, Immunity and others. Selling Scorpion poison especially the Black fat tailed scorpion venom are not easy tasks to deal with my respected clients from the middle of know-where of the World. But what's is the fat tail scorpion scientific name Androstanes Bicolor common name? it's the Fat tail scorpion / thick-tailed scorpion / Black fat tailed Scorpions nickname is “man killer” or “man-killer”. It is a scorpion species, derived from the Buthidae family which is the largest scorpion’s family. Its color is black, and its maximum length is 9 cm. Gender recognized: the Androstanes Bicolor sex can be known by its teeth’ number, starting from the early ages of growing, According to authoritative sources, the number of males’ teeth is between 26:28, but in females between 20-24. It has a very hefty physique, and it moves very fast, with aggressive nature, Black fat tailed scorpions average age almost is 5 years. Black fat tailed scorpions are nocturnal, thus they hide during the day in crevices.
Androctonus is widespread in Africa especially in Egypt, It is found in arid or semi-arid or as well as desert areas. Black fat tailed Scorpions has eight legs so it’s classified as arachnids, these Scorpions Preys on lizards, insects, spiders, mice or even other scorpions, but it could fasting months without food. By Black fat tailed Scorpions’ pincers, it preys and crushed, while it used their telsons to inject their prey by its black fat tailed scorpion venom or the Black scorpion poison. Focus on Androctonus Bicolor scorpion Venom l Black fat tailed scorpion Venom l Black scorpion poison Black fat tailed scorpion Venom or Black fat tailed scorpion Venom is neurotoxic Venom, which is fast-acting and it absorbed very quickly, due to the small molecular weight of this Androctonus Bicolor scorpion Venom’s proteins (Black fat tailed scorpion Venom), these neurotoxins work on the nervous system. Thus, it causes paralysis in the nervous system that is responsible for respiration, which causes respiratory failure then death. The Scorpion Androctonus Bicolor Venom (Black fat tailed scorpion Venom) exhibits cytotoxicity and stops the cell cycle to hold and death in colorectal, and breast cancer cell lines. The Androctonus Bicolor scorpion Venom that can be extracted from thick-tailed Scorpion is named “Kurtoxin”.
Searching the internet we saw several medicinal supplier companies that sell Kurtoxin for scientific medical research, and clearly it’s the only scorpion species worldwide that could produce it. The Androctonus Bicolor scorpion venom influence the gates of voltage-gated calcium channels and as well as sodium channels. the bite of Androctonus Bicolor scorpion, causes a sharp and constant hypomagnesaemia with accompanied hyperkalemia, hypercalcaemia, and hypernatremia in mice. This Black fat tailed scorpion can do a voice by rubbing its telson with its coarse back! its name by “stridulation” Black fat tailed scorpion usually used as a cautioning voice, such as the rattle of the rattlesnake’s tail. Creepy! The results of the above latter have been described that a single injection under the skin of Black scorpion poison (200 mg./kg) in Mice leads to some big rise in the serum concentrations of calcium, potassium, and sodium components, while they have been measured a big reduction in the serum concentrations of chloride and magnesium electrolytes.
The Spitting Process of Snake Spitting Venom
The snake spitting, in general, is harmless on the skin of mammalian though contact could lead to a good result in late of area’s blistering but can a reason for permanent blindness if it touches eyes; that happened if it left without treated, also it may corneal swelling and cause chemosis. The snake spitting sprays out in a distinctive geometric style when Spitting cobra snakes’ muscles squeeze its glands to squirt the venom out via forward to a facing hole near the fangs’ tips. some species of spitting cobras snake make hissing exhalations-lunging move of their heads while squirting from snakes’ tongue, these such actions help to push the venom, but the research don’t prop the assumption that they play any of the major workable parts unless perhaps, boosting the threatening of the impact behavior. Some species of spitting cobra species spit their venom for 2 mt (6.6 feet). However, the spitting typically is their main form for defense; all spitting cobras could deliver its venom by biting their prey. Most species of spitting cobra snake are significantly Cytotoxic, an apart of the cardiotoxic and neurotoxic influences the ideal of other species of cobra.