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Buy Chocolate Type Sayer Dates + Great Price

For those who don’t know any kind of specification of the Sayer dates, we must mention that this type of date is similar to chocolates due to its texture. The date is a popular and delicious food item that is well-known and well-received all over the globe, notably in European countries such as Canada, England, Australia, and New Zealand. Dates are a wonderful food choice that is high in both energy and nutrients. Sayer Dates have a moisture level of less than 17% when they are picked, meaning that they are already more than half-dried. This eliminates the need for refrigeration during the storage of Sayer Dates, allowing them to be kept at room temperature for more than a year. This specific kind of date fruit has a high percentage of dry matter, which enables it to dissolve easily in water. It is important to point out that the Sayer (Stamaran) Dates produced in the Khuzestan province are 100% organic and are grown without the use of any pesticides or other chemicals. This cultivation method is what makes them so special. The population of date palms in the province of Khuzestan accounts for more than 70 percent of the overall palm population. Fruits may be either oval or slanted rectangles. When ready, the fruit of the date tree turns a hue that is between amber and a reddish brown. Even though they have a dry consistency, Sayer (Stamaran) Dates have a great flavor, and they may be securely kept for up to two years at room temperature without losing their quality. Because of this, they are an ideal commodity for export. Because it can be kept at room temperature for an extended period of time, the costs of shipping and storing Sayer(Stamaran) Date are cut down significantly. It is not a smart idea to keep the dates in the same area as any type of chemical, oil, or anything that has a strong odor. Additionally, there should not be any dust in the storage space.Sayer dates specification

Sayer dates specification

The cultivation of dates such as Sayer dates in Iran results in some of the specification of the best types found elsewhere in the globe. More than 400 distinct varieties of fruit are produced by the palm groves located in the southern, southwestern, and southeastern regions of Iran. Some of this fruit are renowned globally for their exceptional quality. The southern region of Iran is where some of the world's highest-quality dates, such as the Iranian Sayer Date, are produced specifically for export. Approximately seventy percent of the palm trees in the province of Khuzestan are used in the harvesting of a kind of date that goes by many different names, including Saamaran, Stamara, and Samberun (one of the 31 provinces of Iran). Sayer Dates are semi-dried dates that have a high sugar content, an oval form (which may be slightly extended), and thin skin, all of which contribute to their great quality and delicious flavor. Other favorable aspects of Sayer Dates include its oval shape and thin skin.Sayer dates texture Sayer Dates that have been partially dried have a moisture level that is lower than 17%. The date itself is yellow in color, but the ripe fruit is amber and reddish brown or dark brown in color. They might be long, oval, or obliquely rectangular in form, and they are semi-dried, Snack, Sweet, and spherical in appearance. Sayer dates are also known as sweet dates and snack dates. Sayer Date Sizes may be anywhere from 2 to 5 centimeters in length and vary from 1 to 3 millimeters in diameter. Sayer dates are sweeter than other types of dates, and they have a taste that is both unique and appealing. As a result, they have the best flavor of all date varieties. Around the middle of September is often when Sayer dates are acquired. Pitted Sayer and Non-pitted (With Seed) Sayer are only two of the many different types that are available (Seedless). We place a high priority on providing our customers with the highest possible level of service as well as the highest possible standard of quality in the products we provide them. Since its founding three decades ago, this company has established a fantastic track record in the field of date fruit exportation and packaging.

Sayer dates texture

Because of their extended shelf life, texture, great flavor, and high quality, Sayer dates are one of the most popular and sought-after types of dates. Sayer dates are also known as California dates. Sayer dates have a sugar content that is 75% more than that of any other kind of date. They are often contrasted with another well-known kind of date fruit called Piarom dates, which has its origins in Iran. The Khuzestan Province of Iran is the only place on the face of the planet where Sayer dates may be cultivated. Near the city of Shadegan in this area are located fields that span hundreds of acres and are home to more than seventy different species of dates that are harvested. Sayer dates are only one kind of example that may be found here. In this part of the world, these enormous, succulent dates are often referred to by the name Stamaran Dates. Even after being kept in a dark, cool atmosphere for a period of two years, the quality of Sayer dates, which are considered to be semi-dried dates and have a moisture content of 16% or less, does not suffer at all. Because our firm has done so successfully in recent years, we are now one of the greatest in the region. They are the primary reason we have done successfully. We have a highly loyal client base because we work hard to provide our employees with the most up-to-date marketing training and because we can meet or exceed our customers' expectations all over the globe. The majority of our clients are franchisees, but we also engage with a diverse set of business partners and suppliers. Our firm may be doomed as a result of this issue, which has resulted in a significant decrease in the number of customers that purchase from us. We have become the most successful exporter in the history of international commerce because our goods are accessible anytime a consumer needs them, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This is always the case since our doors are constantly open. This is when adaptability comes into play. We've had a lot of success since we can rely on all of our tools.

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