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Saffron Spice Sri Lanka (Crocus) PMS Relief Anti-Seizure Boosts Immune System

Thanks to their unique features, saffron spice in Sri Lanka has found its way into almost all food recipes, both traditional and modern.

Saffron Spice in Sri Lanka

Saffron spice is among the world's most expensive spices.

Traditionally found in Middle Eastern dishes, saffron is now frequently seen in recipes around the world, particularly in Sri Lanka.

The thin red stigmas, and the golden color they transmit, are the stuff of myth and folklore.

The spice is harvested from the crocus sativus flower, sometimes known as the saffron crocus.

Saffron is farmed mostly in Iran, Greece, Morocco, and India, however it is said to have originated in and was planted first in Greece.

There is some small-scale saffron production in the United States, although most of the saffron sold there is imported.

saffron spice benefits

Saffron Spice Features in Sri Lanka

Many recipes in Sri Lanka have allowed saffron to be added to them, given the spice's amazing features.

Here are some of these mind-blowing features.

Title Description
Saffron Spice Is among the World’s Most Expensive Spices
Found in Middle Eastern Dishes
Seen in Recipes around the World
Golden Color Are the Stuff of Myth and Folklore
  • It boosts immune our system

Saffron is an antioxidant-rich herb; antioxidants prevent cancer and cell harm.

Saffron's antioxidants may be good for your brain and neurological system, too.

  • PMS relief

PMS may induce pelvic discomfort and acne as well as anxiety, despair, and mood changes.

Small studies suggest saffron might reduce PMS-related depression.

  • Losing weight

Losing weight might be difficult when your hunger is strong.

Saffron helped women feel less hungry and snack less, according to research.

  • Anti-seizure

Iranian traditional medicine uses saffron as an anticonvulsant.

Some biological models suggest it may lessen seizures.

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Buy Saffron Spice in Sri Lanka

A major concern of customers in Sri Lanka is to ensure that the saffron they buy is genuine and not adulterated.

If you share the same concerns, here are two ways to test the spice.

  • Saffron Eye Test

A few strands of saffron should be soaked in hot water for anywhere from 5-20 minutes.

The artificial red color in fake saffron will rapidly seep out, and the threads will fall apart, but the genuine thing won't.

  • Saffron Taste Test

The variety of flavors may also be sampled and compared.

The counterfeit saffron will either have no flavor at all or a harsh, metallic taste.

Real saffron will have a flowery and earthy flavor and a much stronger floral aroma.

saffron spice restaurant

Saffron Spice Price in Sri Lanka + Buy and Sell

Saffron spice, particularly in target markets like Sri Lanka, is priced at about $900 per kilogram.

However, you are not expected to buy one kilogram of this food delicacy in one batch, unless you are in this business.

In addition, the price of Saffron greatly changes depending on the country of origin, its type, and the grade quality.

Our website is a perfect place for you to compare prices and quality of saffron from tens of suppliers.

On our website, you can directly contact suppliers of saffron and discuss the price, quality and quantity of your purchase.

Moreover, our experts will also be with you, listening to your requests and showing you which suppliers are best for you.

saffron spice kitchen

The Answer to Two Questions About Saffron Spice

1: What can saffron spice be used for?

Rice dishes: risottos, pilafs, and paellas.

2: How long does saffron spice take to infuse?

A minimum of 10 minutes.

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