From red delicious and gala apples to yellow golden delouse and green Granny Smith apples.
How much will 1 apple calories affect your body, and what benefits do they have?
We will answer all of the questions and the pieces of information you'll need on these full of benefits fruits.
There are around 2,500 types of apples globally, and we only know a few of them.
The best state for apple orchards is announced as Washington State, which is the number one apple producer with growing more than 2.5 million tons each year.
Red Yellow Green Apple
In this article, I will try to elaborate on the types and kinds of apples that are currently growing worldwide.
Each one is one of a kind, and each one has its benefits and specimens.
The soil and the geographical situations change and affect the fruit and make them change their type.
Apple Fruits are one of the most popular orchards in fruit-growing companies.
Most of the apples you'll find in the supermarkets are common apple types that you can find almost everywhere.
But today, we want to talk about those types that you may not know and are less likely to be in every market.
Red apple features
Red apples are the image that comes to mind when you hear or think about apples.
The reason is that most of the apples that are available all around the world are red or close to the red color.
Let us talk about some of the red gala apples you can see in the market and review them.
- Fuji apples
Fuji apples are the japans signature apple fruit.
It is the sweetest apple of all types and is greatly recommended for apple pies and cooking.
Their price is not highly valued, and it is available almost in most of the markets you may find.
Fuji apples are very tasty and crisp.
The skin of this apple has the most of the fiber inside the apple, so eating this apple with the skin will give you a better benefit.
Yellow apple types
- Jonagold
Starting from Jonagold apples, this is one of the most well-known apples from the yellow-colored types of apple.
Jonagold is Jona gold is another cultivar fruit, and it was developed in New York at the Agricultural Experiment Station of Cornell University's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.
Jonagold apples have a sweet and tart taste together, which makes them a tasty apple in the yellow apples.
It is a good option for cooking too because of its crispiness.
When it gets cooked, it will not lose its structure and shape.
In most cases, Jonagolds are riped and ready for harvesting in September or October.
The summer sunshine helps the trees photosynthesize more and produce more sugar in the apple fruit.
Green apple best
- Granny smith apple
Probably the most instantly recognizable of all apple varieties and one of the best known, Granny Smith is also one of Australia's most well-known exports.
Granny Smith predates the modern approach to apple development and marketing.
Like all the best old strains, it has a strange history, having been discovered in Australia in the 1860s as a seedling growing among the remains of a landfill.
The true lineage is still unknown, but perhaps it is the French crab.
The discoverer, Mrs. Maria Smith (sometimes referred to as Mary Smith, but see note below), discovered that the apple was versatile in cooking and eating and was involved in spreading its popularity.
In an inspired piece of marketing, she named the new apple Granny Smith.
In the 1960s, Granny Smith was practically synonymous with "apple," The Beatles used the variety as a logo for their company "Apple Records.