اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

Final Conclusion on the Prophet's Occupation and His Literacy

The previous two topics revealed the status of the Quraysh tribe and the noble merchant to most traders and employees of Arad and about the occupation of the honorable messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, which was trade.

His companionship with cattle began in his childhood to ward off the mischief of enemies and for educational purposes.

This has also happened in the lives of most of us, that we spend a day, a week, or a month with livestock, which does not mean that we should be called a shepherd or have the occupation of a shepherd.

On the other hand, it is certain that the Messenger of God was never illiterate.

Thanks to God, most of the Aradis have accepted this fact and engraved it in their hearts and souls.

But unfortunately, a few Aradis probably do not read the texts accurately and superficially attribute the same false beliefs to the Prophet with other reasons.

In this article, we will briefly present the reasons for rejecting them and praise God for this insight.


Reason for rejecting the occupation of shepherding

First, some have pointed out that shepherding is an honorable profession and there is no objection to the Messenger of God having the occupation of a shepherd.

Where did we say that shepherding is a dirty or impure profession?

Any legitimate source of income is certainly honorable, but don't you want to admit that occupations have different levels and ranks in terms of dignity, and God has not made them all equal?

I swear to God

If the commercial supporters of Arad save your name as "little shepherd" in their phones and every time there is communication between you, they call you a shepherd or little shepherd, you wouldn't feel uncomfortable?

Do you mean to say that shepherding and trade are the same and there is no difference in people's perception between them?

So other than being promoters of the Prophet as a shepherd, you had role models in your life who have called the Prophet a shepherd, and now it's hard for you to admit that you have insulted the Prophet of God and portrayed his status as despicable in the eyes of people?

Otherwise, it is common knowledge that there is a difference between trade and shepherding.

We say this for your own sake:

When you equate these two, God will deprive you of success in trade and leave you as nothing more than a shepherd because God grants growth according to intellect, and when you combine trade and shepherding, He says, "Then remain as the shepherd."

What you were saying is honorable and has no flaws.

There is no valid evidence from the Quran or the traditions of the Prophet that he was a shepherd.

Yes, being a shepherd is honorable, but its honor does not reach the level of the honor of trade.

Black peppercorn and black beauty spots are both pungent, but they are different.


The Prophet of God is the beginning and the end of knowledge.

As for the second matter that some insist on, that the Prophet of God was illiterate, and they presented two reasons for this.

Their first reason is that when God spoke to His Prophet, He said, "Read," and the Prophet said, "What shall I read when I am illiterate?"

Where did you get such an interpretation?

Where in the Quran does it mention such a statement attributed to the Prophet of God?

The Quran says:

"Read in the name of your Lord who created."

Where in the Quran is this conversation between God and His Prophet mentioned, which the scholars and wise men have not seen?

Were you present next to the Prophet at that time and heard such a statement, or has this statement reached you from a few illiterates who have made it up themselves?

Set aside the Prophet and God.

If you tell an illiterate person to read, have you acted wisely?

When God says "read," it means that His prophet knows how to read that God has commanded him to do something within his ability.

No wise person commands someone to do something beyond their ability, let alone God.

Commanding someone to do something beyond their ability is a form of insult and mockery, and God is free from any derogatory attributes.

The second point is that the Quran was revealed to the Prophet both at once on the Night of Decree and gradually.

The gradual revelation of Surah Al-Alaq was a gradual revelation of the Quran, and the periodic revelation of the Quran was before the gradual revelation therefore, the Prophet was already aware of the entire Quran, and it was not as if he had just become acquainted with it.

Another reason they mentioned is that God has stated in Surah Al-Ankabut, verse 48:

"And thou wast not [able] to recite a Book before this [Book came], nor art thou [able] to transcribe it with thy right hand: In that case, indeed, would the talkers of vanities have doubted."

And they mistranslate this verse as:

"And you did not recite before the prophethood any scripture, nor did you inscribe one with your hand otherwise the falsifiers would have had [cause for] doubt perhaps the Quran is one of your own writings and readings."

The reason for refutation is, which word did you to translate to "not knowing" that we did not see?

The correct translation of the verse is: "You did not recite any scripture before this, nor did you transcribe one with your hands."

If someone does not recite a book for people and does not write with his hands, does it mean he is illiterate?

It is possible for someone to be knowledgeable but neither read nor write, even though he is capable of writing and reading.

It has been narrated from Imam Reza (AS) under the same verse that he said:

"It means that he did not go to any school nor did he see any teacher who could say, 'I taught him these sciences,' and have a favor upon the Prophet."

Then he said: "We are the people who have acquired our knowledge from the Lord, and no one has taught us."

And when Imam Askari was asked about the comparison of the knowledge of the Prophet and the honorable Gabriel, peace be upon them, he said:

"Gabriel tasted the unripe fruit of our knowledge from the lush garden.

As Allah sent the words to His messenger through him, he did not know the meaning of those words. Then the Prophet taught him the meaning of the words from the Lord."

How can God entrust the guidance and leadership of His servants to someone who does not even know how to read and write?

He is the one affirmed by the Quran as the beginning and the end of knowledge.

He who knows all 72 letters of knowledge in his heart.

He who all scholars and dignitaries are his students in learning and debate, how can he not even have the ability to read and write?

In Surah An-Nisa, verse 34, God has entrusted the leadership of women to men because of the superiority they should have and the hardships they should endure in worldly affairs.

Among historians, there is no doubt that Khadijeh was the only woman who was fully literate and knowledgeable in the age of ignorance.

Can it be that her blessed existence would choose an illiterate husband and then see herself as completely obedient and submissive to him?

Meaning, a knowledgeable lady with a doctoral degree marrying an illiterate man who does not even know how to read and write at an elementary level.

Is this the meaning of a man's virtue over his wife?

May God protect us from such great slander.

Leave the Prophet.

If you are the father of a knowledgeable and wise daughter who, by fate, is independent of worldly wealth and has complete knowledge, would you marry her to an illiterate shepherd?

Why do you think that Mr. Khawilad ibn Asad, the father of Hazrat Khadijeh, may peace be upon her, was a person of limited intelligence who would marry such a perfect daughter to a man like that?

However, all the great figures and historians have testified to the greatness of this man, Mr. Khawilad, who is the great father of our Ahl al-Bayt.

To completely refute this matter, you can refer to the link about the Prophet's literacy in the Wikifeqh and see all the evidence, which we also rely on two narrations.

Imam Javad, peace be upon him, was asked:

"O son of the Messenger of God

Why did they call the Prophet of Islam 'Ummi'?"

He asked: "What do people (opponents of Shia) say?"

They said: "People think that he was called 'Ummi' because he could not write."

Imam Javad replied:

"They are lying.

May God curse them.

How could he not write when the Lord says in the firm verses of His Quran:

'He is the One who has sent among the unlettered a Messenger from themselves reciting to them His verses and purifying them and teaching them the Book and wisdom.'

How could someone who cannot write teach the book to others?

I swear to God, the Messenger of God, peace be upon him and his family, used to read and write in seventy-three languages.

They called him 'Ummi' for this reason because he was from Mecca, and Mecca was considered 'Umm al-Qura' at that time.

Just as the Lord says in His Quran:

'We have sent you to the people of Umm al-Qura (Mecca) and those around it to warn them and give them good tidings.'


Even from the prominent figures of the Sunni community, such as Mohammad ibn Ismail Bukhari, it is acknowledged in the most authentic book of the Sunnis, named Sahih Bukhari, that during the peace treaty of Hudaybiyyah, where there was a disagreement between the Muslims and the disbelievers of Quraysh over writing the words "Messenger of Allah" in the treaty, the Prophet of Islam, peace be upon him, personally took the treaty and wrote the text himself:

"This is what Mohammad, the son of Abdullah, has agreed to. They shall not enter Mecca for the purpose of performing the pilgrimage except in the following year."

The Prophet of Islam took the contract and wrote:
This is what Mohammad judged...


It is also notable that the Prophet had scribes because it was not customary for rulers to personally write their decrees, instead, they would dictate while scribes would write.

This is evident in historical films such as "Mokhtarnameh" and many others, despite all these rulers having the ability to read and write.

Important advice: Refrain from calling the Prophet of God illiterate, as per the warning of Imam Javad, peace be upon him, lest you incur the curse of God.

If you absolutely must choose between illiteracy and being a shepherd, and your heart does not allow you to accept both defamations, abandon illiteracy and adhere to the belief of being a shepherd, for the sin of illiteracy about the Prophet of God is far greater than the sin of being a shepherd.

In summary, it is difficult for many to repent over a night and accept that two wrong beliefs they have held for a lifetime, and to which they have invited many others.

Comments (41 Comments)

Fatemeh Faraji

Our Prophet was literate and being a shepherd doesn't related to his literacy. All of our heavenly prophets were shepherd in a short period of their lives.



alireza soleimani nasab

Hello and courtesy

I really enjoyed it and thanks for the link in the text, but it's so interesting that I'm going to follow it up, as I said before.

And that some people don't want to accept it, it must be said that the best way is to go and understand the depth of the matter and check all the books or ask if you have doubts. And research multiple reputable sources and see the summary. What will be the end result?

Thanks again, this kind of content is really enjoyable and I hope it continues

🍊🍎🥝 Ara fruit with quality decoration



Fateme Afrad

God bless our Prophet Muhammad
He had fantastic point of view and had awesome thoughts in his mind to manage all the issues those days.



Nyero Reagan

They are powerful merchant group that controlled Mecca and the Kaaba. I love this brand and the whole thing is sounding interesting. I give it 5 stars. The Prophet's status and rank undoubtedly connected with commerce and wisdom. There is no doubt about these two aspects for any of us believers.



hadise motlagh

we are just following our Ancestor which give us the clue for our lives. he has shown us the way of our business and how we can be succesful.



Javad, Gh.


How fantastic this article is.

We are proved either logically and based on tradition and verses in Quran that our peraphit Mohammed was a businessman.

It's our turn to enter into this prestigious job



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

The prophet Mohammad managed the trading activities of Khadija before they got married.



Ahmad Ashkian

Now we know that these resemblance about the prophet being a shepherd and not knowing how to read and write was wrong.



Marzieh Olamaei

The prophet Mohamed was not only knowledgeable but also rich and had several businesses. He was rich, powerful and also he decided to marry with one of the richest women in Medina.



Hasan Kaviani

It is very disrespectful to can the propher illiterate and shepherd. He had divine knowledge and was a businessman.



Mariya Salim

This excellent article clears all the wrong mindsets about the job of the Prophet of Islam from the minds of reasonable people and informs everyone about a hidden truth. Arad Branding fulfilled the mission of his platform very well and perfectly.



Rahele Nateqi

we should our prophet's instructions which are rhe God's instructions!



Sepideh Afshar

Greetings and may God bless you, dear ones.
What a rich and meaningful article and what a strong punch to all the false beliefs about the Prophet Mohammed being a shepherd.
Ignorant and ignorant people feel that they are flawed and this feeling causes them to be enmity towards what they do not know.
There are narrations that the Holy Prophet worked as a shepherd for some time in his youth, some of them, by insisting on such narrations, destroy the face of the Prophet in his youth and have said this for this purpose.
With logical reasons, the text of the news is completely obvious to any intellect, which is false, and it is not reasonable to insist on it.



Ahamd Reza

The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, is renowned for his multifaceted occupation as the last and final messenger in Islam. Born in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, in the 6th century, he dedicated his life to conveying the divine revelations of the Quran, guiding the Muslim community, and establishing a just and ethical society. Beyond his spiritual leadership, the Prophet engaged in various roles, including statesmanship, military leadership, and mediation in conflicts. His teachings emphasize compassion, justice, and equality, shaping the foundation of Islamic principles. The Prophet's occupation encompasses a comprehensive model of spiritual guidance, governance, and social responsibility.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

The Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was known to have engaged in various occupations throughout his life. Before his prophethood, he worked as a merchant and a trader. His occupation as a merchant allowed him to travel widely and gain exposure to different cultures and beliefs, which influenced his later teachings.
It is important to note that the question of the Prophet's literacy does not diminish his role as a religious leader or the impact of his teachings. His message and the religion of Islam have had a profound influence on millions of people worldwide, regardless of his literacy status.



Reza Karimi

Hello everyone
As the highest and last prophet for the most perfect religion of God, our Prophet could not be illiterate, could not have been a shepherd and...
He has been, he is and he will be a model for all the world throughout the history. So he must have the most complete features.
This simple reasoning would be enough for wise people.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Mohamamd moosavi

The low intellectual level of the people of that time did not have the ability to analyze the fact that a prophet with these abilities cannot be illiterate. After a few hundred years, we realized what a pure gem the people of that time had lost



Mohammad Sadeqi

Such a great and insightful text that proved all those who believed our prophet was a shepherd, wrong.



Ojo Ronke Omoolorun

Hmmm.... This is great 👍



salwa benhaida

How meaningful this article is. It's really interesting to see the connection between the Prophet's occupation as a trader and his role as a messenger of ALLAH. He is the perfect example to follow (peace be upon him).



Rahele Nateqi

By following our prophet's instructions in business and life, we definitely will be a greater person in both.



jalal rezaei

our prophet Mohammad was first a shepherd and over time he became our guide. think about it.



Amobi Chiamaka

Just getting to know about this brand and the whole thing is sounding interesting. I give it 5 star for now.



Ali AhadTajari

Anyone who reads these past two articles on the site about the Prophet of Islam and still insists on his past misconceptions must have put himself to sleep! Is the argument given from the Holy Quran worthy of discussion?! If it leaves room for discussion, how do you consider yourself a Muslim?
How do you believe that your religion is the most perfect and you call the elders of your religion illiterate? Shame on us for living in ignorance for years



Zahra Rezaei

There is no doubt about the level of knowledge and status of the great Prophet of Islam, as someone who has influenced scholars and embodied divine teachings in their thoughts and actions couldn't have been someone with low literacy and awareness. The Prophet's status and rank undoubtedly intertwined with commerce and wisdom. There is no doubt about these two aspects for any of us believers.



Azin Fakhr

An excellent and strong text that showed with amazing facts that our Prophet was a scholar and his knowledge was derived from divine knowledge. And now we, who believe in this, use these attractive arguments to eliminate this ignorance in any discussion.



Ahmad Abubakar




Roohollah Akbari Salim

The article was excellent. Definitely every job is respectable and useful, the profit which is in business is no like any other jobs..




great reasons and logics are mentioned here and we hope develop it in the best way.



Fatou Senghor

Un texte riche en enseignement sur l" alphabetisation et la profession du Prophete Mohammad (PSL) qui etait un homme honnete et travailleur ce qui Lui avait permis de gagner la confiance de notre mere Khadija.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

It is really difficult for many people to change the two false beliefs that they have believed in for years and invited many people to, because it is a kind of violation of themselves, but it is possible. It is enough that they are on the path.
Thank you to those who help in informing people💛



Alireza Sharifi

Honestly, this article is very new for me. I have thought that the prophet (may peace be upon him) was an illiterate person. But this article proves for many reasons that Holly Prophet of Islam was not an illiterate person.



Sharife Nateghi

With all these valuable and reasonable facts, all the wrong beliefs that may have been established in people minds from the past should alter into correct ones and people should be aware of these truths.



Zahra Alavi

Having a new look at our previous knowledge of our religious figures is what is really interesting about this article.
We have know all these for years but this is different and I think it must be widespread.




We should follow the path of mohamed (peace be upon him) in order to improve our business life.



Hassan Abdulhameed

On the issue of the Prophet (saw) been literate or illiterate.He (saw) cannot read or write and this does not mean that he is an illiterate person.The knowledge he has that make him shun the idol worship and all the jahiliyyah acts.it is enough that he is not an illiterate person.
Moreso,He cannot read and write so that their assumption that he is the one who frame the Glorious Quran by himself.but when he cannot read or write so,it is not possible for him to copy it from somewhere else.



Mohammad Ali Hussain Babla

There is a logic that why God will tell Our prophet,peace be upon him, to read when he knows that he does not know how to read.



Rahele Nateqi

We must learn more about our great leaders in our relgion and life.



Marzieh Olamaei

From the day that i have been working in Arad, my life changed a lot.

Thanks Arad.



Reagan Kamau

In all wisdom, we have learnt the essence of trade and commerce. To refute that the great wise man was lacking in ability to read and write is false for how could he teach if he could not read. Arad to the world



Muhammad Fazeli

Prophet Muhammad had all aspects of a professional businessman such as honesty , punctuality, chic clothes, using perfumes , wealthy and leadership power



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