اتصال به اینترنت شما ضعیف یا قطع است.

What is the correct way to generate wealth or the direct economic path?

On the anniversary of Imam Khomeini's return to Iran and the beginning of the Fajr decade on the 12th of Bahman, we extend our congratulations to all revolutionary people of Iran.

Finding the right path in any matter is always the most significant concern of any wise person.

Today, as the most pressing concern is economics, we must find this direct path in relation to the economy.

Some mistakenly believe that religion is no longer necessary when it comes to money and worldly matters.

They mistakenly think that religion is only relevant to the afterlife.

They worship a God who is their God of the Hereafter and not the God of this world, however, the Almighty is both the God of this world and the God of the hereafter, providing blessings and rewards in both realms.

We must adhere to a religion that guides us for both our afterlife and our worldly matters, fulfilling our needs and desires in both.

Just as it wants to fulfill our needs in the hereafter, it has certainly done this in this world as well.

The Quran, the book of God, is a guide for humanity in all matters.

God urges us to contemplate about the Quran.

In Arabic, it is referred to as 'dubur.'

Meaning to turn something over.

In Persian, we might say someone has thoroughly examined a matter.

Or he has turned it over.

Now, let's delve into the Quran a bit and explore a few verses about the straight path to economic success or, in other words, the right way to become wealthy, hopefully, these certainties will strengthen your resolve.

Among the chapters of the Quran, only one chapter is named after a tribe.

Other tribes are mentioned in the Quran, but none of them are the names of the Chapters, and none of them are the tribes of the last prophet.

That one Chapter is about the tribe of the Prophet of God, may God's peace be upon him and his family, that is, the Quraish tribe, which is Chapter 106 of the Quran.

And God has mentioned this in his book:


'In the name of the most compassionate and merciful God.

For the covenants [of security and safeguard enjoyed] by the Quraish.

Their covenants [covering] journeys by winter and summer.

Let them adore the Lord of this House.

Who provides them with food against hunger, and with security against fear [of danger].'


Now, I invite you to answer a few questions, and within those answers, find the direct economic path.

I hope that with your knowledge, wisdom, and evidence, you'll contribute to our learning.

1. What was the main occupation of the Quraish tribe?

2. Why did the Quraishis go on winter and summer journeys?

3. What was the most crucial secret to the prosperity and grandeur of the Quraish tribe?

4. What lessons can we, as Aradis, learn from the tribe of Quraish?

Comments (52 Comments)

Rahele Nateqi

Of course the reason of their different trips was trading and that was why they were the most famous tribe at that time.



Marzieh olamaei




Marzieh olamaei

Even the profit Mohammed says that if the wealth is in 10 parts, 9 parts of it is in business



Ali AhadTajari

The Quraish tribe initially engaged in domestic trade, trading in and around Mecca. Later, they expanded their trade by establishing communication with Iraq and Syria and obtaining permission from the authorities there. The fact that they were Quraysh shows that business was a halal and profitable profession for them. With the help of our willing friends and by the grace of God, we too can succeed in this field.



mohsen jabbri

The profession of the people of Mecca was generally a merchant. These people used to get a lot of wealth in this way. As I read, Khadijah, the Prophet's wife, was one of the major merchants before marrying him. The rest of the Quraish women were almost like that, and it was not exclusive to Khadijah. The products they bought and sold were gold, silver, hides, leather, spices, perfume, gum, senna, that is, the products of Yemen, India and Abyssinia, and from Damascus, Egypt and Palestine, linen, silk, weapons, grain, olives, And they brought olive oil and so on. The main merchants of the Quraysh were Abu Sufyan from the Umayyad tribe, Utbah ibn Rabi'ah from the Abdul Dar tribe, Abu Jahl from the Bani Makhzoum tribe, and Abu Lahab from the Bani Hashem tribe, all of whom were considered rich and wealthy.



hadiseh motlagh

it is all about business and trade. It all began with trade and it will be in the future with trade as well. and we are not talking about everyone. we are just talking about the people who want to have a really good income.



Jay mark Palanas

Nevertheless, We have God who created heaven and on earth and thats way we relt on religion instead of trusting the one who created us. Shalom



Roohollah Akbari Salim

Quraish was one of the biggest tribes of its time, gained wealth and prestige through trade. After they became Muslims by the invitation of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Allah increased their honor and prestige. Therefore, they are mentioned in the Holy Quran as an example.



mohammad mousavi

What is better and more important than that we take up the way and work of our ancestors, which is salvation...
anniversary of Imam Khomeini's return to Iran and the beginning congratulated o every Iranian people.



R Rezai

such a good news about us and our company. hope the best happens to us.



Ojo Ronke Omoolorun

Quraishis are very hardworking people.They work in summer and winter.We learn alot of positivity from them.We the help of us and our willing friends,we too will definitely succeed in this business.



Zahra Rezaei

People often mistakenly believe that God is only concerned with the afterlife, while the well-being and collective imagination of the afterlife are crucial for one's well-being in this world. According to this perspective, the prosperity of an individual in this world sets the stage for their well-being in the afterlife, and these two aspects are not contradictory but complementary. It suggests that there is a direct and defined path for achieving worldly peace and prosperity, which needs full commitment, allowing individuals to savor the pleasures of both this life and the afterlife side by side.



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Building strong relationships with your customers is key to generating repeat business and fostering customer loyalty. Implementing a CRM system can help you manage and nurture your customer relationships, track their interactions with your business, and provide personalized experiences to enhance customer satisfaction and long-term profitability.

It's important to note that generating wealth through digital marketing requires a combination of strategic planning, consistent effort, and adaptation to ever-changing trends and algorithms. It's recommended to seek professional guidance or invest in digital marketing services to ensure the best results for your specific goals and industry.



Sharife Nateghi

Hope every potential person knows the way to their own success and start walking on the right path.



Rahele Nateqi

Business is the only way out of poverty. It's been the only way always!



Muhammad Fazeli

Business has been developing during the history and in all over the history and even in all religions business has been advised



Mohamamd moosavi

It all began with trade and it will be in the future with trade as well. and we are not talking about everyone. we are just talking about the people who want to have a really good income.



Zahra Alavi

Quraish tribe were all merchants and traders and this is why they are named this way. They have discovered that this is the only way to gain profit throughout life.



Mohammad Ali Hussain Babla

The Quraish tribe were affluent merchants who dominated commerce between the Indian Ocean and East Africa on one side and the Mediterranean on the other.
The Quraishis went on winter and summer journeys for mining, other enterprises and also for security.
The most crucial secret to the prosperity and grandeur of the Quraish tribe were the commercial interest and security first.
As aradis, we can learn many things from the quraish tribe, such as, how to do business, maintain and administer the business interest across various regions and countries with smart, effective and corresponding policies,to be united for doing business and maintaining security in the all aspects of our life.Because the wises say,"many a little makes a mickle".
Moreover, the religion is important in both business and worldly matter because it orders you to be a man of the highest moral in every aspect of your life like in business, in taking care of your family members,neighbours and family members, showing patriotism to your country,praying on time to obey his commands to get peace,being pity to people, giving charity,being a best person in your personal,social and commercial life.And, as you possesses this morals in you in your worldly life, God presents you paradise in the life hereafter.So, the religion is interconnected in both the worldly life and the life hereafter



Ahmad Abubakar

May Allah make it easier for us all




Is great



Boniphace Maruchu

It is true that, the core principles of knowledge, self-awareness, and exploration are valuable in any wealth-building journey.
--Boniphace - Tanzania, Sales Agent.



Fatemeh hosseinkhani

The job of Quraysh people was trade and they went on business trips twice a year, to Yemen in winter and to Syria in summer, which was part of their economic movement. And it would make them fall in love and bond (keep their promise).
If Aradis keep their promise they can transform the economy.💛



Ahmad Ashkian

I hope that we all can walk the path of business.



Fatima Radmanesh

Those that they are wise, they know the best director is our holy book, Quran.
We have a set of instructions to be blessed in our life.
I hope we are similar to Quraish tribe.
Thank you 🍀



Fatemeh Faraji

The main occupation of Quraishis was trading and they were always traveling on winter and summer for business.



alireza soleimani

This article made me research and study this chapter of the Quran and use it

Thank you very much for this beautiful article



Fatemeh Afrad

Finding the best way is so important for everyone. Of course, there are a lot of people who doesn't know how to decide, how to act, or how to manage because they have doubts so they will become confused in the middle. They should consult with others to understand which way can lead to wealth.



Zahra Rezaei

People often mistakenly believe that God is only concerned with the afterlife, while the well-being and collective imagination of the afterlife are crucial for one's well-being in this world. According to this perspective, the prosperity of an individual in this world sets the stage for their well-being in the afterlife, and these two aspects are not contradictory but complementary. It suggests that there is a direct and defined path for achieving worldly peace and prosperity, which needs full commitment, allowing individuals to savor the pleasures of both this life and the afterlife side by side.



Alireza Sharifi

We agree that money is the most important factor in our lives. The only acceptable and reliable way for making money is trading.



Saba sadeghikia

Quraish tribe was engaged in trading products specially cloth so that they had to travel all the time.



Seyyed Mojtaba

This is the best fact for Muslims all over the globe to start trade



Mohammad Reza Shafaie

To anything, there is always that factor that can make it or break it. And any body of being, from the individual to the greatest collective, is subject to those movements or shifts that leaves nothing in its trace but virtually complete stagnation.



Mariya Salim

Trade had been a common tradition in the period of our prophet Muhammad and it was admired by Quran and our Imams repeatedly since the beginning of Islam.



Zahra Alavi

We as Muslims, can learn a lot from our religious sources as what we are currently doing is a modern way of what our ancestors used to do and practice.
Quraish tribe used to be traders and business people and they were the best in their time which shows that doing trade has been one of the main occupations to grow wealth.



Sepideh Afshar

Hello to all economic activates🌹
1.trade and business also keeping and taking care of Meka's house.
2.They had traveled to different areas such as Yemen for doing business like in winter and summer.
3.Praying and being religious in Islam.
4. Considering business and trade by Arad's assistance.



Muhammad Fazeli

Business has been exsisted in all over the history and the main job of prophets was business.
So the answer of all questions is business



M. Abbas Mohsenian

Generating wealth and achieving economic success can vary greatly depending on individual circumstances, opportunities, and goals. here are some common strategies that can help:
Entrepreneurship: Starting your own business can be a pathway to wealth creation. Identify opportunities, develop a solid business plan, and be prepared to take calculated risks.
Hard Work and Persistence: Success often requires hard work, dedication, and persistence. Be willing to put in the necessary effort, stay focused, and learn from failures along the way.



Javad Gh.


I hope this success remains for us to stay on this economic path and fight to conquer the peaks of world trade. We will definitely arrive one day. And that is the day when our products are in demand in the world.



Sharife Nateghi

If you go back and check out all history, you will see that the occupation of the rich in every era has been and still is business.



Marzieh Olamaei

islam always invites all people to the business world and several times tells us that this is the only way that you can increase your income and make your life better than in the past.



Venus Falahati

I hope we get enough knowledge and wisdom to save my country from economic troubles. Economy is an only field we have to work on seriously because if we ignore it we seriously damage.



Reza Karimi

Hello and greetings
The Quraysh were traders who traveled to the countries of Yemen, Syria and Iran and had famous markets such as Akaz Bazaar and Dhil Majaz Bazaar. Every year, they had two business trips, summer and winter, to other parts of the world, which is also mentioned in the Qur'an.
The Prophet and Bani Hashim were from this tribe and this makes us think that the best people of God were from a tribe whose occupation was business. Man should live well both in this world and in the hereafter.

🌹❤ Lovely family of Arad ❤🌹



Hasan Kaviani

The main profession of Quraish tribe was trade, especially in summers and winters due to it's location. Because of trading, they grew to a large wealthy tribe. Trqding and business is the main reason of growth in every group and generations



Hassan Abdulhameed

The occupation of the Quraish is trading.They travelled during summer and winter on business basis.
The most cruial secret of Quraish prosperity is business.
we learn that we should engage more on business because rhere is blessing in it.



Seyed Mahdi

The Quraysh tribe focused on trade as its main job, with journeys undertaken to make trade easier, earn income, and manage natural resources efficiently. Their success and prominence were largely due to their commercial ties with other tribes and nations, thanks to their strategic location. By actively trading and interacting with other tribes, the Quraysh became one of the largest tribes, showcasing how economic development can improve lives and strengthen communities. The lesson here is the importance of good communication and cooperation to maintain societal security and stability. This historical example can serve as a useful guide for modern society, emphasizing how positive trade and communication can contribute to social and cultural progress.



Azin Fakhr

The main occupation of the Quraysh tribe was mainly trade, and due to their special geographical location, they made many business trips in summer and winter. This issue of trade has been the most important secret of the prosperity of the Quraysh tribe. This tribe played an important role in their economic and social development by being active in business and due to their great wealth, and how beautiful it is that we, the Arad traders, should continue the same way with all our strength and have this role in today's world.



Mark C Wobil

1, The Quraish tribe were basically traders
2, They went on winter and Summer journeys to broaden their trade profession and earn more profit by taking advantage of supply and demand in different regions.
3, Basically, networking; their constant travelling during the winters and summers enabled them to establish business relations with people from other regions.
4, personally,i would say trading in multiple different goods and going by the season is an interesting concept to follow as it allows easier trade across different markets.



Mohammad Sadeqi

The people of the Quraish tribe were traders and engaged in commercial travels to countries such as Yemen, Iran, and the Levant. One of the well-known markets for these people was the markets of Okaz and Dhi'l-Majaz.
Members of this tribe had two commercial journeys every year during the summer and winter seasons, not only to Yemen, Iran, and the Levant but also to other parts of the world, as mentioned in the Quran.



Alireza Sharifi

There are many ways for making money. The only reliable way is having a job. Among jobs, trading is the only acceptable way for having more money.



Roohollah Akbari Salim

Quraysh was one of the largest tribes of its time, which gained wealth and prestige through trade. After they became Muslims by the invitation of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Allah increased their honor and prestige. Therefore, they are mentioned in the Holy Quran.



Natnael Tadele

Putting God in all issues of our lives will help us win in everything at the right time. God will lead us to the right path, and give us the courage and wisdom to execute our issues. Therefore, giving the lead to God is a wise person's strategy.



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