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Pure Honey in Qatar; Flowering Plant Nectar Anti inflammatory Antioxidant Antibacterial

Pure honey in Qatar is a sweet, thick and golden liquid that is produced by honey bees.

The bee prepares honey from the nectar of flowering plants.

Pure Honey in Qatar

Honey is a liquid full of sugar that is produced from the nectar-producing glands of plants.

In addition to water (50 to 75 percent) and various sugars (5 to 35 percent), this substance contains small amounts of nitrogen substances, organic acids, vitamins, minerals, natural pigments, and aromatic substances.

The chemical composition of nectar is more complex than a simple sugar composition, and depending on the type of plant species and climate conditions, the type and amount of its compounds are different.

As the plant begins to flower and produce nectar inside the flower, worker bees search for flower nectar sources.

They start working on that flower based on a series of indicators, including the amount of sugar or other absorbing compounds in the nectar.

Pure Honey

Pure Honey Features in Qatar

Honey is a high-carbohydrate food that improves performance and fitness.

Honey is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial.

Long-term consumption of honey can improve the health of the stomach and digestion.

Title Description
Treat  Burns and Wound
Made of Nectar of Flowering Plants
Advantage Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, and Antibacterial
Improve Stomach and Digestion Health

Also, long-term consumption of honey improves the immune response to infections.

Consumption of honey is very effective in the prevention and treatment of stomach ulcers.

The amount of sodium in honey is 40 ppm.

When honey is placed near the wound, its pH increases to 5.5 and the amount of sodium increases to 2000ppm.

With the increase of sodium and pH of honey, the enzyme glucose oxidase is activated in honey and causes the release of oxygenated water, which has a very high germicidal effect.

honey benefits for men

Buy Pure Honey in Qatar

To buy pure honey in Qatar, just consider the following methods.

Buy from the beekeeper.

The best way is to buy your natural honey through a reliable beekeeper.

But it doesn't mean that if you have to buy from the first bee you see, even if he takes honey from the hive and gives it to you!

Especially if you are new and do not have enough knowledge.

Honey test in the laboratory.

You should also do such a test from an accredited laboratory to test your desired product.

In the honey test, the laboratory will provide you with a list of important honey constituent factors, for example, sucrose present, diastase activity, moisture, etc.

This method is mostly used for those who buy the product in very high volume.

Pure honey benefits

Pure Honey Price in Qatar + Buy and Sell

The color of honey has a positive effect on its price, and flower variety is the most important factor in creating a high-quality honey.

Due to the consumer preference for less sweet honey, if the honey is too sweet, it can affect the price of pure honey.

Other factors that play an important role in the price of real honey include the amount of honey production per year, consumer demand, type of imported or domestic honey, type of packaging and aroma.

Based on this, the price of pure honey in Qatar ranges from $33 to $61.

This center provides pure and real honey to customers with guaranteed sales.

By buying in bulk from this collection, in addition to a high-quality purchase, you can get real honey.

To get more information, please contact this collection through communication methods.

pure honey nutrition facts

The Answer to Two Questions About Pure Honey

1: What is Pure Honey good for?

It can treat burns and promote wound healing.

2: What are the advantages of Pure Honey?

Honey is anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial.

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Hamidreza Hasanvandian