Everything in a pumpkin is eaten, even the seeds. Discover this wealth of benefits. Roughly roasted pumpkin seed kernels Uphold a healthy lifestyle and maintain you young. The word pumpkin is a general term that can be used for all cultivated species of the genus Cucurbita, in other words pumpkins: pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin, pumpkin... The pumpkin comes from South America and has been around for thousands of years. 'years . cultivated. years. We will have to wait for the return of Christopher Columbus from America to taste them in Europe. They are from October and throughout the winter. All kinds of pumpkins are perfect for cooking in all their forms thanks to their slightly sweet taste: soup, cream, au gratin or even as a dessert.. Pumpkin is one of those vegetables (or better, fruit in botanical terms) that cannot be wasted! The meat can be eaten, of course, but you can also eat the skins of certain species, such as pumpkins (cooked directly with the meat or fried as an appetizer!). For large pumpkins like butternut squashes, the shell can be used as a Halloween decoration, but it can also be used as a soup stock! Finally, don't throw away your seeds! As well as being tasty, they also have many benefits, making them an integral part of the modern diet in parts of North America and Mexico. How to harvest pumpkin seeds? Nothing could be simpler, all you have to do is remove them from the pumpkin, remove the strings, wash and dry overnight and lay flat (only the large pumpkin seeds need to be peeled). The next day, preheat the oven to 160 degrees Celsius, spread the seeds out on a baking sheet and let them cook for about fifteen minutes. Note that it is important not to roast the seeds for more than 20 minutes, after which they lose their nutritional properties. Finally, for those who don't have pumpkin to cook with, there is a solution in my gluten-free basket. You'll find 500g sachets (or in a 75g research pack) of delicious, pre-made organic pumpkin seeds.
You can eat these seeds as is, eat them as a snack, or add them whole or ground to your salad. For those with a sweet tooth, you can fry them in the pan or in the oven. You will gain in flavor, but keep in mind that you will lose in food quality. In short, pumpkin seeds are easily eaten, and it would be a shame to deprive yourself of them, given their health benefits, which I will tell you about. In fact, these little green seeds are considered a true superfood due to their nutritional composition: Depending on the variety, they are made up of 30 to 59% protein rich in lysine (essential amino acid) and 29.8%, mainly linoleic and oleic fatty acids (unsaturated fatty acids). In terms of micronutrients, pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium, potassium, zinc, and selenium. They also contain antioxidants like carotenoids and vitamin E.
It is this nutritional richness that gives these seeds the following 5 superpowers: Power #1: They improve your mood because they are rich in magnesium and tryptophan. Pumpkin is one of the best natural sources of magnesium. The latter is considered a mineral of good character. Calms our nervous system for greater vitality and restful sleep. Pumpkin seeds are also rich in tryptophan, an amino acid that is converted to melatonin (the sleep hormone) in the body. A good mood and quality sleep are the keys to a strong mind! Power #2: They strengthen our immune system. It is its richness in zinc that is so beneficial: 30 grams of pumpkin seeds contain more than 2 milligrams of this beneficial mineral salt. Zinc is especially helpful when temperatures drop to boost immunity and relieve colds.
Nothing better than a handful of pumpkin seeds a day to keep fit in summer and winter! Force number 3: They protect the prostate of these men and increase their fertility. The phytosterols in pumpkin seeds have been shown to have a beneficial effect on benign prostatic hyperplasia. Pumpkin seeds are actually one of the best remedies for prostatitis and urinary problems that improve bladder function and help fight urinary tract infections. On the other hand, zinc has a beneficial effect on testosterone secretion and sperm quality. Anyway, gentlemen, a little recommendation: include 2-3 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds in your daily diet. For better prevention, you can season your food with pumpkin seed oil.
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